Pilking Review The Acoradado Potmkin – 1925
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The "Potmkin Acoracado" is a film from the Soviet Union, from 1925, its original title is "Bronnosts Potyomkin", directed by Sergei Eisenstein;intervened in its realization g. Aleksandrov as direction assistant, Sergei Einstein, Nina Agadzhanova as screenwriters;Edmund Meisel, Nikolai Kryukov, Neil Tennant, Chris Lowe in music;Eduard Tissé, Vladimir Popov (B & W) in the photographs;of the producer Goskino. Movie whose genre is drama;war;Russian Revolution;historical;based on real facts;mute cinema and propaganda. With a cast of: Aleksandre Antonov, Vladimir Barsky, Grigori Aleksandrov, Mikhail Gomorov, Ivan Bobrov, Aleksandr Levshin, Konstantin Feldman;who were not professional actors. Film loaded with honors, covered with glosses, great, emblem of creative assembly and mute cinema in addition, its influence has not ceased to resurface along ninety -four years of cinema. Dutch designer Dolly Rudeman signs the first advertising poster of the film, whose images were a Cosaco soldier and a victim at his feet;Her firm futuristic style is representative of the posters of the 1920s in Europe. The famous Serguéi Eisenstein director rolled "the battleship potmkin" commissioned by the Soviet authorities to commemorate the 20.º Anniversary of the 1905 Revolution. The film premiered on December 21, 1925 at the Bolshói Theater. According to the testimony of Eisenstein himself, the assembly ended moments before the film’s projection.
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Today is one of the most studied in film schools for its particular technique. The result was a film that revolutionized cinema and considered one of the great classics in the history of this art. Ninety years later, Rare is the action movie that should not. According to the testimony of Eisenstein himself, the assembly, (the last vib. The jury of the Brussels International Exhibition granted all the votes to the film. In the I European International Festival a vote between 6.000 filmmakers chose ‘The battleship potmkin’ as the best European film of all time.
The "Potemkin Acoracado" is based on real events that occurred in the port of Odesa of the Russian Empire, during the week of June 26, 1905. It describes how the crew of the Potmkin battleships are fed up with the humiliating and unfair treatment given by the high controls;since they were forced to consume rotten meat, thus triggering a revolutionary situation of rebellion on the ship, Odesa and all Russia. Thus, the mayors Matyushenko and Vakulinchuk supporting the workers call the uprising, the sailors check the meat and the doctor who tells them is suitable for consumption;They use it to prepare the soup, but no sailor consumes it. Commander Golikov gives the order to kill those who have not taken the soup, give the order to shoot, but did not obey, in the meantime that Vakulinchuck decides to act, the fight is formed and finally he dies, they take him to the shore of the dockFrom Odessa, many people come to see it and the revolution is armed in Russia dying many innocent people.
Critical analysis about its narrative structure
The script of the film was about the fight, retaking the revolutionary audacies, both in ideology and writing, of the strike to thoroughly exploit emotionality, feeling;as awarding a necessary commitment. Also try that viewers think and reflect.
The characters possessed positive or negative connotations (being the good or the bad), were given with an intentional lighting, special music and a certain frame;its gestures, movements, reactions;They showed despair, the concern, the haughty of some. In the collective of the sailors and the town, positive aspects predominate. They are the good ones: fraternity and solidarity guide their actions;They always seem willing to sacrifice – with bread and salt when they refuse to drink rotting;The excite. In the collective of the officers and the Cossacks the opposite happens. Encarnan negative values. They are the bad: cold and calculators;Tyrans. The characters are not played by professional actors and took him for a long time to find the "typification" that his protagonists requireAnd it seemed ideal for paper. In the same way, he discovered the "guy" of the priest in the physiognomy of a gardener who had never acted. There was the participation of the population of the city and the red squad: in fact, it was a custom to participate in the population in the historical reconstructions that grouped up to ten thousand people. The characters are exemplary, because they have very specific values systems.
Critical analysis of the technique
The direction of the film by Sergei Eisenstein, who to tell the story used the technique of historical or current reconstructions, that enjoyed the support and credibility of the public and that, in addition, were then very fashionable in all countries;Therefore, it is a production with great documentary realism: it is roll in natural scenarios, a twin ship is used to achieve greater truth and the story is based on a fairly exhaustive documentation work. It is evident that the director is involved in a complete way in the reconstruction of this historical episode. This film revolutionized its structure by way of traditional history in five chapters: 1.º Men and worms;two.º Drama in the Alcazar;3.º Call of death;4.º The Staircase of Odessa;5.º Meeting with the squad. The division into parts served to facilitate the explanation of the process and, therefore, the understanding of the story. The Eisenstein film is a social and historical document of an invaluable value for the environment of its time that is capable of reflecting: the need of the Communist Party to legitimize its sovereign power, both inside and outside the country, and itsEmployment to preach the world revolution.
With the photograph, several scenes and sequences that suggested it were created and recreated. A special style is achieved for the description of certain agitated moods, nerve rhythms and heartbreaking speeds;Not only the shout of rebellion, revolutionary contagion is perfectly reflected: we see the mass of people grow and descend from different paths to present their respects to the martyr, Vakulinchhk. Likewise, the Chamber selects humble people, but people who, for their clothing (veils, hats, umbrellas) also appear, seem to belong to a well -off class, and who participate with the same enthusiasm in the actions to support the mutiny sailors.
In the art direction by not having to count all his premise with words and even with the actions or sound, simply based on illuminative decoration, photographs and practically what was seen on the ship, in the streets and on the dock ofOdessa;Also the costumes and the management of black and white color according to the different nuances, to generate sensations that go according to history, bringing cultures and subcultures with totally different clothes, locations and architectures to demonstrate a credible land.
The sound was consistent with the events, some examples are: when the cook was cutting the meat, the one that refers to the cooking of the meat in the soup. The sound when the sailors gathered and marched, the sound of the roar of the elephants when their statues appear.
In the assembly of the film that adapts the story, with its elements, planning of the staging and the process of selection and assembly of images, such unforgettable scenes were achieved as that of the staircase of Odessa,
Very true special effects were observed, when the sailors imagined that they were hung, also in the explosions, the fire, the wind, the rain, walls that collapse, effects of the bullets. Another of the effects that the people who were killed throughout the film were specifically made up.
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