Pillars In The Welfare Of The State
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The welfare state is based on 4 fundamental pillars. These pillars allude to public and private services or subsidized by the State to which citizens have access and that value an important way, so citizens are so attached to the welfare state and their protests are evident when trying to curtail ordecrease those public services. These pillars are related to fundamental branches of the needs of individuals who become health, education, social services, pensions or insurance in general are state supply factors.
Citizens can access for free or so that their cost is moderate and therefore do not produce the marginalization of a part of the population for economic reasons. The first pillar of the welfare state is education. With respect to education system we find free and mandatory parts. In the same educational system we also find parts that are not mandatory for students, but that are free. Then on the other hand we find a third that are deeply subsidized by the State.
In such a way that citizens can access them or take their children at no great cost for their economies and without producing economic marginalization. The objective of education is the formation of citizens, that is, citizens who have sufficient training to participate in their society, in their cultural, social and political life. In addition, also as a goal they will have citizens to have information about what is happening in the rest of the world and in their society.
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They also seek that their citizens have scientific knowledge to contribute to competitiveness in their companies.
Which will lead to greater wealth and in turn a higher standard of living. A second pillar of the welfare state is health which required by citizens in a priority way. Health is the pillar that accumulates the most budgets due to its high costs and demand. The access of this service will be universal and free as far as possible. It should be noted that in the Spanish case the Spanish health system is one of the best in the world and also has free access. As we can see in this graphic, Spain spends about 4.251 million euros (1.15%) of total budget spending.
Regarding previous years (2012) onwards it has been increasing considerably. A third pillar would be broad social security. A very important part and that channels large budgets are pensions. Of these pensions, most are contributory, that is, workers have been quoting during a period of their lives and then being able to collect that retirement, that is, that retirement is a right depending on those people who have made a series ofquotes. There are also non -contributory pensions that correspond to people.
Since due to circumstances of their life they could not join the productive system did not have the appropriate contributions, but that, depending on their economic needs, they are permanently provided with a not very high pension, but to be able to live decently despitethat they have not quoted. Regardless of pensions, we also find insurance, of which we can highlight that of old age, disease, disability, widowhood or orphanhood, that is, a series of insurance that covers a series of citizens’ needs.
In this graph we can observe how pension spending has been growing every year in a remarkable way. It should also be noted that the highest expense contemplated in the General State Budgets was that of contributory pensions, with 144.834 million euros for the payment of pensions. To this expenditure item in the PGE, the Social Security Reserve Fund is added, also known as "La Hucha de las Pensions". With this fund, the ‘extra’ payments of pensions in the months of July and December have been paid in recent years.
With this, currently, the ‘hucha’ has 2.150 million euros. Contrast with the 66.815 million euros that came to have. We observe that the budget spending on pensions has been increasing over the years. However, this increase does not imply an improvement, due to two main facts from our point of view. First, the population is aged, which means that every year a greater number of people is receiving a pension. And the other fact would be that inflation increases more than pensions.
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