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Pirates And Security Threats On The Internet Of Things


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Pirates and security threats on the Internet of Things


Since the beginning of technology and throughout our life, it has revolutionized in an impressive way, having advances in every way, from electronic, computing devices, cellular devices, memories, external discs, tablets, etc., that somehow they have served for all sectors to develop within the industry, at the business level, to shops, education, government, army, navy, small businesses, formal and informal trade and through the Internet, and Personally for every human being who has connection to networks.

All this connection of devices that has communication via the Internet, is known as the Internet of Things, its acronym in English Lot, are: "… a network of devices (" things ") connected to the Internet that can communicate or interact with each other, or with third parties, and can be monitored or controlled remotely, each with a unique ID ”. (Camacho, 2019, P. two).

Within the new era, the so -called "wave" has emerged, which is a latest technology connection that offers several benefits in terms of connectivity with the now Internet of things, where the main purpose is that all sectors are They see beneficiaries, where the future is reflected in the future, the people who connect to the Internet are increasing for the entire population by the expansion in connectivity from any area for the population.

5G technology is the latest in innovation that in addition to benefiting all Internet networks users, it will also be of great importance for the public security sector, because it will allow better control in crimes and cybersecurity.

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[Bookmark: _toc35974140] Why is it important?

The Internet is considered for everything and for all, therefore, Internet technology will generate equality and opportunities for all Mexicans who are going to benefit from a great quality internet, of great coverage, inoperable, among other things.

Although, from our Magna Carta, in its article 6, it indicates the right to ICTs, served as broadcasting, telecommunications, which include broadband and internet, the State has to be guaranteed, and therefore since the plan National Development 2013-2018, is marked as one of the objectives, free access to telecommunication services, where a new generation is established in networks.


Although, the advancement of technology has brought great advances for users who want Exchanges through Internet such as information from various information, educational, government, notices, communications, etc., Make purchases, transactions, diverse payments, etc.

There are also users who seek to take advantage of them through illegal committed through the Internet, to which, these cybercounts have sufficient knowledge in the management of networks, where they can manipulate programs to commit various crimes, among which which which More comment in our country are child pornography, sex tourism, child prostitution, threats, password robberies, identity, fraud, defamations, extortion, all of them through the Internet.

This has caused cybersecurity to users who work on the internet with legituding, are vulnerable to these criminals, since they violate the security systems that exist to protect equipment and programs, however for a criminal violate them.

Cyber ​​police

Therefore, the cyber police in our country, has good to be organized by departments that are dedicated to protecting Internet users, the first police emerged in 2000, and aims to minimize crimes that arise through computers , provide security and protection for users, make patrols through the networks and investigate computational crime in all their aspects, to combat cybercrime, disarticulating criminal gangs through computing or forensic computer science.

The Cyber ​​Police, through the advanced technology it has, captures the profile of a cyber criminal, and designs strategies that have good to dismant Confiscate all the material obtained from the crime, applying custody chain protocols through forensic computer science specialists, who are experts in the treatment of forensic evidence.

Forensic evidence

Forensic computer science is “the process of identifying, preserving, analyzing and presenting digital evidence, so that it is legally acceptable”, (Gómez, S.F. p. 1).

All forensic evidence must fulfill a process to properly conserve all the computer and technological material found in the place of the facts, this process begins with the identification of digital evidence, which must be preserved all the computer material that is Find in the place, then go to analysis by a computer expert to find the material cause of the crime, then the specialist makes an expert opinion with the narration and methods used of the material.

With all this, the computer crime to be pursued and can be prosecuted in these crimes is proven to be proven.


Nowadays access to networks through the Internet is indispensable for every human being that has technology, such as computers, cell phones and tablets, the human being needs to be in constant communication, either to perform in a productive, rapid and effective way In your work, or to carry out various businesses, to make your different payments of services or banking, to make purchases and sales, since the business online has proliferated by leaps and bounds, also to be up to date with the services in education, health and services and as well as government procedures, and finally, to stay communicated with friends, family and bosses or employees of the various works.

Therefore, it is necessary, that the Internet of things be of the latest innovation, that offers all users quality, efficiency, efficiency, speed, speed, wide coverage in broadcasting and telecommunications, so that, as it has been indicated inside From their National Development Plan, the marked objectives are met, and for what year after year are more users who join the networks and obtain all the benefits marked in the plan.

Regarding public security, the cyber police and authorities must take the great responsibility of continuing to modernize, updating and training, in terms of technology, performing plans and strategies that help combat cyberdelite, as well as provide cybersecurity for all users.

Design cybersecurity protocols and constant patrols within the networks to detect cybercriminals and thereby reduces criminal recidivism in terms of computer crimes.

Also as an immediate and urgent action, it is that the government invest in the training and recruitment of more specialized personnel in computer science, and especially in the preservation of the indications found in the places where cybercrime is committed, this to combat crimes computer scientists and provide more security to all networks of networks.

It is necessary and important, that both households and government offices, that is, every user of networks and telecommunications, are up to date on criminal information, apply insurance that protects their digital information, protect passwords, protect your personal information, as of the company and above all of all the confidential information that governments contain and manage.

We must continually promote all users equally, which are the best security systems, that offer them guarantee, quality and transparency, which can occupy and apply to their computer systems for safety and protection against cybercriminals, and agree to your needs, as well as protect your technological equipment, be they computers, cell phones, tablets or any other information generator, both hardware and software.

Apart from protecting against cybercriminals attacks, it is also necessary., According to their needs, using antivirus, firewalls, security patches, anti spies that offer them security and protection, as well as constantly consulting the contingency and risks manuals that computer equipment, software, hardware, cell phones, etc.


Nowadays the Internet of Things arrived to revolutionize society, to make it more dynamic and rapid in terms of communication and broadcasting, to be updated in terms of business, labor, procedure, business, etc., To use it in a tenders, and it is necessary to cooperate with the authorities, specifically the cyber police to combat cybercrime.


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