Plato, The Theory Of Ideas And Knowledge
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The theory of ideas aims to be an answer to this whole political and historical issue, and in all this the central protagonist is Socrates who through Mayéutica is dialoguing with the different interlocutors until much of his theory comes to the truthIt is explained. The Republic The most important work of Plato and we will see what his thinking consists of as the theory of ideas is essentially a metaphysical theory that tells us about reality tells us how man and his soul are and also constitutes the foundation ofHis ethics and his policy, Plato theory divides reality into two.Plato is the great disciple of Socrates a center of Universal, Plato affirmed that there are material elements that have their place in an intangible world known as reason was to start from Socrates, according to Plato the sensitive and real world that will also be analyzed. Plato’s policy is the key to Platonic thought that Plato intends is to end a democratic political system that is based on the idea that all men are the same is not true, it is not true that all men are equal there are people who are people who areprepared to govern and people who are not prepared to govern the vision in Plato is an elitist vision in which what Plato does is consider that a democracy in which he governs we are all badly governed.
Plato is a descendant of one of the last kings of Athens, so he is part of the political class, of the economically powerful class of Athens that considers that the people should not have access to the government, so it tries to create a political systemaristocratic where those who are more prepared govern but there is a historical event that also justifies this vision, is that.
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Shortly before the birth of Plato Athens, he has been defeated in the war with Sparta The democracy of Athens has lost against the aristocratic Esparta. Plato sees in the defeat of Athens not only as a defeat of the city, but as a defeat of a political system, democracy, so this is like Plato sees democracy as a chaos without prepared rulers. Where only those who had knowledge could govern since they would have the power and make a good government.
The sensitive world is also mentioned, which we know every day and will tell us that it is the apparent reality and the intelligible world represents the truth, in the sensitive world there are things is located in space in time and is affected by change andMovement for this reason are alterable and temporary physical. In the intelligible world instead there are no things. There are ideas, it is world without time or space and is not altered by change, this is why ideas are invariable and material and eternal, with this description it is evident that ideas are superior to things but goes further, it will tell us thatThings are copies of ideas that is to say that things exist because there are ideas of things, for example the particular tables of the sensitive world exist because there is a table idea, this means that things depend on ideas and things maintain arelationship of participation or imitation of ideas, it is clear that ideas are superior to things but not all ideas are equal.
- The lowest place is in the ideas of things, such as table idea
- Then come mathematical ideas such as Pythagoras theorem,
- The highest ideas are the ideas of values such as the idea of justice
- And above all of them we find the most important idea of all the idea of good that would become the mother of other ideas with this characterization we can see that ideas are so perfect that they escape our perception.
It is ended up understanding that the shadows are only projections of that and when this happens, it will have already promoted to a higher level of knowledge, now this symbolizes the sensitive world to know the truth we would have to go outside where there is a whole whole world andLighter that represents the intelligible world, little by little you can also observe natural objects, trees, plants, flowers and soThere are in the outside world depends on the light and heat of the sun that symbolizes the idea of good and when you understand everything. This will have achieved the highest degree of knowledge is with all this explanation we are clear about what reality is and we understand that to know it we have to ascend by the different levels of knowledge. Also with all the explanation we have to talk about his vision of man, where he is composed of body and soul and this is an antinatural union. Why? Because the soul actually belongs to the world of ideas and also has a divine nature, however, the soul is not an idea is different ideas are objects of knowledge while the soul is subject to knowledge the question is that if the soulIt belongs to the intelligible world because it is in a body in the world.
As we can see for Plato, knowledge is in essence and this is related to the socratic technique of extracting it truth within the dialogues Mayeutics what part of the base that we already have the truth is only to remember it but to do so we have to extend byThe different levels of knowledge only will we remember to recognize the truth ideas as we have commented before the theory of ideas constitutes the foundation of Platonic ethics and politics.
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