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Reflection Paper
In the previous chapter we looked into four main ideas as follows; stratification by gender, family and intimate relationship, education and religion and government and economy. According to my understanding of the topics, they are about closely related issues. That is how humanity is divided; some are about topics that are interrelated they lead humanity into a certain direction. These are factors that human beings face in their daily lives.
Stratification by gender is the first point; stratification is a term used to divide, group or in other words to classify. Gender stratification, therefore, is the division of human race by gender. Gender is divided into male and female. There are roles are belonging to men and others for women are based on biological, family and societal roles. They have tried to change over time, but some have remained permanent.
There are two types of relationships, family, and intimate relationship. A relationship involves love, and the love between family members is different from the love between those in an intimate relationship. The kind of relationship between lovers is called Eros. Philia or affectionate love is that between family members. It is essential to put in mind that a family is not only composed of people who are related in blood or marriage but can include people who have got the affection for one another due to living together for quite some time. (Lewis 2017)
The third topic is on education and religion; they are two aspects that change human life in a particular way.
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Education is obtaining information from some source and gives new knowledge while religion is the belief in some supernatural being that is above all another thing. Faith is passed on, and like education, they bring positive influence and bring meaning to life.
Lastly is on the government and the economy. The government is a body elected by the people to rule over it. Although in some scenarios a government is not chosen by the people. An example is a dictatorial leadership, and others include democratic and aristocratic. The economy is the effort by man to harness resources and use them most economically. This is the flow of money in the four economic sectors, and these sectors include; the government sector, household sector, the firms and the international sector. (Finley, 1973)
Works Cited
Lewis C.S. The Four Loves HarperCollins (2017) Print
Finley I. Moses The Ancient Economy University of California Press (1973) Print
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