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For a long time, there has been a battle of the sexes. It is unfortunate that the male individuals are considered more superior than their female counterparts. As they dominate a large part of the society, these happenings force women to indulge in domestic and household duties. Focusing specifically on American masculinity, there is a misconception about the concept. Most young men are discouraged from sharing their emotions and feelings simply because it is “unmanly.” To understand the influence of femininity in masculinity, it is important to delve into hyper-sexuality and its tenets.
As males associate themselves with superiority, it is difficult for them to alleviate the status of females. Male chauvinism is often accentuated when feminism is on the rise and verge of eradicating masculinity. As a way of retaliation, male folk objectify women and degrade them in an attempt to validate their being. It is quite sad that the newly elected President of the United States is, in fact, a partisan of these derogatory ideologies toward females. Even before his Presidential campaigns, he influenced Americans wrongly. Regarding the male individual while degrading the female one, fails to bring about equality in society. These happenings have forced women also to retaliate and employ the tenets of feminism in fighting for equality of the sexes. The issue of gender roles has also been explored greatly; depicting the shift in traditional roles of males and females.

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As per traditional roles and beliefs, females are supposed to handle domestic duties and cater to their husbands.
There has been an increase of males carrying out “feminine” responsibilities in today’s generation. Insofar as labor division in important in sustaining a family, it is important for both men and women to adhere to specific roles attached to their sexes. For instance; when a wife expects her husband to frequently handle domestic duties, he loses his masculine nature and begins subscribing to feminine roles. In asmuch as it is essential for couples to share household duties, the man should dwell more on the provision. These gestures will automatically enhance the dominant nature of these males; ensuring that their females submit and delineate vulnerabilities as expected by societal norms. Despite the prevalent changes in societies, children should be offered enlightenment about gender roles. Acquiring this information at an early age will assist them to understand the roles of males and females.
Even if a female classifies themselves as independent, she should not refrain from catering to her husband. He will also continue playing his roles that involve providence, security and protection of the family. Dominance and submission-as portrayed by males and females-respectively is important in sustaining a household and ensuring its longevity. As depicted in the Holy Book, there should be a head and neck in the family. When females over-dramatize the tenets of feminism in an attempt to also become the heads, it beats the purpose of marital relationships and unions. People manage to complement one another when they are allowed to thrive in their strengths. Feminization of masculinity is indeed a derogatory approach because in “validating” women, it destroys the reputation of men, causing them to retaliate and denounce the existence of their female counterparts.
Feminization of masculinity has also interfered with the element of respect between women and men. When the former strives to emasculate the latter, the two groups begin disrespecting one another and inferring unworthiness apropos of the same. In such a scenario, the males may retaliate by using both physical and emotional abuse. It is these unfortunate domestic issues that often lead to domestic violence among couples. When men are reduced to vulnerability and weakness, they over-compensate their feelings by eliciting harsh measures against the exploiters. It is quite unfortunate that children are also victims of the domestic violence instigated by male folk in the society.
As a response to feminization, it is important to understand the scope of hyper-masculinity. In such a case, individuals of the male gender exaggerate their strengths and attributes. Psychological tenets have created a relationship between hyper-masculinity and mental disorders. Unlike feminized males, there are gay men that elicit hyper-masculinity in an attempt to hide their sexual orientation and preferences. The psychological complication is often a response to low esteem, depression and other stress-related disorders in males. Even if they are weak and vulnerable, there are some males that purposefully affiliate themselves with hyper-sexuality so as to prove their “manliness” to the society. It is important to create a balance between male and female genders in the society; so as to avoid these drawbacks that are seen in the feminization of masculinity.
While male individuals uphold the dominant role, it is essential for females to remain in their lane and continue submitting to their husbands. They should understand the differences between independence, submission and vulnerability before using feminism as a way of escape. As a matter of fact, there are numerous females against feminism, due to its disruption of the traditional setup of marriages.
Armengol, Josep M. 2010. Richard Ford and the fiction of masculinities. New York: Peter Lang.
Donnell, Sidney. 2003. Feminizing the enemy: imperial Spain, transvestite drama, and the crisis of masculinity. Lewisburg, Pa: Bucknell Univ. Press.
Gustafsson, Tommy. 2014. Masculinity in the golden age of Swedish cinema: a cultural analysis of 1920s films.
Greig, Christopher J. 2014. Ontario boys: masculinity and the ideas of boyhood in postwar Ontario, 1945 1960.
Kimmel, Michael S. 2005. The history of men: essays in the history of American and British masculinities. New York: State Univ. of New York.
Lo, Kwai-Cheung. 2010. Excess and masculinity in Asian cultural productions. Albany: State University of New York Press.
West, Russell. 2001. Subverting masculinity: hegemonic and alternative versions of masculinity in contemporary culture. Amsterdam: Rodopi.

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