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I think that poetry is a useful element of literature. I think that poetry is useful to understand how the system of language and symbols operate. Poetry is useful in symbolism in the way that it educates people in various ways. Communicating in symbolism is the best way of addressing matters in the society, (Thompson, 112). Issus such as politics and morality in the society can be addressed using poetry. We normally say that literature mirrors the society. People can always view the status quo of their society in the literary works being produced. Poetry is very appealing in the way that it addresses various matters in a symbolic way. For example, one cannot comment directly about political matters, as it is dangerous. However, using literary techniques such as poetry it is possible to comment safely and drive a piece of message home.
I agree that poetry is an example of “less is more.” Poetry uses very few words to drum a point in the most subtle of techniques. I agree with the uses of poetry in the way that it benefits the community at large, (Thompson, 112). I think this week’s poem is important in the aspects that I have discussed. The poem by Denise Levertov is a subtle approach to explaining “blessed solitude.” The title of the poem is an explanation of a woman who is in solitude. There is a loner woman has just had a divorce and now lives in a paradoxical manner. In the poem, the author explains issues that happen in a family such as love, and divorce.
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The author hence, exposes how individuals feel after a separation. For example, the character in the poem remembers good moments of her past and paradoxically feeling happy that she is now alone.
Work cited
Thompson, Denys. Distant Voices: Poetry of the Preliterate. London: Heinemann, 1978. Print.
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