View all "Politics" ready papers, essays and assignments
How to maintain power according to the prince of Machiavelli Power has seduced people from times before today;Just by listening to that simple word and imagining having power to go...
How Patriarchy and Gender Violence is embodied in couple relationships Introduction As social beings throughout history we have seen ourselves in the imperative need to relate to o...
Words: 1109
Pages: 4
How is it that music has become a business Music can be defined as the art or transformation of sounds that through a sequence create musical notes, these get to......
Words: 1757
Pages: 6
HISTORY OF THE SPANISH CIVIL WAR - 1936 Spanish Civil War, in 1936, fascism was underway through Europe, a new generation of strong leaders emerged from the economic ravages.....
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History of Islam and its new reality Introduction Currently the world is immersed in a conflicting situation that outstanding international analysts did not foresee, since they vis...
History of Isabel II of Spain Fernando VII had two daughters. According to the Salica Law, women could not access the throne, so the successor of the crown must be......
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Pages: 4
History as a story book Introduction People live in the present. Plan and care about the future. History is the study of some topic in chronological order: track ideas to......
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History and interest in your knowledge Introduction The teaching of history was characterized until just a few years ago, as a school subject whose objective was the transmission o...
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Hellenic civilization, its history Hellenic or Greek civilization has its origin in the Minoan and Micianic cultures Its history begins when for the year 1,200 to. C., A people of....
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Hannah Arendt and his political thinking Hannah Arendt was a philosopher and political theoretical Jew that was born in Hannover in 1906. It was subsequently nationalized in the Un...
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Pages: 5
Hannah Arendt: About violence. The human condition Introduction The concept "violence", in its most literal meaning refers to the "intentional use of strength or phy...
Guano and saltpeter exploitation In the last decades of the 19th century, there are a diversity of historical events such as the war for guano and saltpeter, and the......
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Globalization, Society and Politics in the Information Age Introduction The purpose of the essay below is to analyze the theoretical perspective of Castells manual and other author...
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Globalization and World Capitalist Development Globalization constitutes the current stage of world capitalist development, which economically implies the expansion of the marke...
Words: 881
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Genus evolution in the work The construction of the sex of Thomas Laqueur Introduction The construction of sex is a monograph written by Thomas Laqueur, sexologist and professor at...
Words: 3061
Pages: 11
Genocide, the most serious crime to humanity The work that is presented seeks to consistently analyze some of the most serious crimes that afflict the entire humanity, the genocide...
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Pages: 6
Gender violence in society We must have an equality between men and women and not assault why we would have as a consequence psychological, physical and sexual damage. Gender viole...
Gender violence, a social problem within culture Introduction Address one of the most relevant social problems today. Violence against women as a structural, historical and social ...
Gender performativity analysis Introduction. For Butler, both canonical, hegemonic, as the transgressive, "unintelligible"to a style related to one of the two cultural ge...
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Gender inequality in the world All human beings we are born with our similar organs, it is our reproductive system that makes us direct and mark the existence of what......
Gender inequality in Ecuador Introduction In recent years, different changes in labor reforms have been seen, as well as a change in the production sectors of the Ecuadorian territ...
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Gender and manifestation of violence Introduction Gender violence is one that is exercised, for Beltran about women by their partner, these and due to the inequality that exists be...
Fundamentals of Management for success or organizational failure Summary The opinion that prevails is that managers are responsible for success or organizational failure. This pers...
Words: 848
Pages: 3
From classical antiquity to the Middle Ages Introduction The beginning of literature from Greece was established as the basis of inspiration for Western literature, already generat...
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Pages: 7
Franz Kafka's metamorphosis Metamorphosis is the most recognized literary work of the writer Franz Kafka (1883-1924), author born in Prague, Austrohungal Empire, who grew up in a f...
Francisco I of France and his role in Spanish history Carlos V de Habsburg or Carlos I of Spain was an emperor of the Roman-Germanic Empire. He inherited the kingdoms......
Foreign policy: parliamentary diplomacy Introduction By tradition, diplomacy has been an exclusive space reserved for the government executive branch. However, the growing blurred ...
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Pages: 10
Foreign policy in Mexico Introduction This essay talks about a proposal that is made to the executive power of our country on its foreign policy, since the president has not......
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Feminism in Ecuador del S.XVIII We are located at the time of Colonial of Ecuador in the 18Spanish customs and culture was implementing apoco in Ecuador. We are going to......
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Father of modern politics, Nicolás Machiavelo This work aims to publicize life, contributions and positions on different topics by Nicolás Machiavelli. In the first place with...
Words: 571
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FARC and drug trafficking For more than 50 years, with more than 220.000 dead, the oldest guerrillas in the world declares war to the Colombian State. The Revolutionary Armed Force...
Factors of violence in courtship and violence in marriage Violence in courtship, is a process that begins to be given from the biopsychosocial development of a teenager, taking int...
Words: 1706
Pages: 6
Extension of the different models of macroeconomics Introduction In this essay we will see the different models of macroeconomy The primary objective of this work is to assimilate,...
Words: 2691
Pages: 10
Explaining the origin of the Leviathan The Leviathan, was a work written by Hobbes and was considered as that line of rupture with the Middle Ages, since, its descriptions of......
Words: 1105
Pages: 4
Events after the death of Cleopatra Introduction To what extent did Cleopatra's death influence.C? The objective of the investigation is to know the answer to the question: to what...
Words: 1971
Pages: 7
Eva Duarte and her influence on the female vote SOURCE IDENTIFICATION AND EVALUATION The present work aims to analyze the sources. It is intended to answer the following question: ...
Words: 2317
Pages: 8
Ethics, happiness and virtue by Aristotle This synthesis addresses the relationship between ethics and the concepts of happiness and virtue addressed by the Greek philosopher Arist...
Essay on Vox's electoral advance The electoral advance of a populist radical political party depends on an unusual set of circumstances and therefore the arrival of the moment of t...
Essay on the different burials to pharaohs Introduction In this essay they will analyze the aspects surrounding the ancient Egyptian funeral rituals, about the perception of death,...
Words: 1902
Pages: 7
Essay on the article "Gypsies at school" The article "Gypsies at School" of Miquel a. (2003), presents the context of the social group of gypsies in the field o...
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