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Polyomyelitis, Causes And Consequences In Children Under 10 Years


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Polyomyelitis, causes and consequences in children under 10 years

At present, polyomyelitis is a practically forgotten disease in time, over the last forty years, cases of polyomyelitis in Europe are practically null, but the information provided by WHO shows that there are still rebel strains in countries in countriesunderdeveloped that continue to affect the population. At present in Spain the roof that caused the polio virus continues to manifest itself in the form of symptoms in the survivors who suffered the disease in the fifties.

The investigation was based on describing the impact caused by polyomyelitis in Spain and the affectation that came to have at the neurological and muscular level. In addition, the biomechanical modifications caused in patients who suffered from polyomyelitis and the effectiveness of applied treatments were analyzed. Likewise, the symptomatology manifested in the form of post-political syndrome years after suffering the disease was collected.

In the review of the publications there were multiple coincidences which show that polyomyelitis is still among us manifesting in the form of symptoms and that it was only a sleeping disease. Polyomyelitis is a disease that was taken as a threat from the twentieth century since it occurred with more frequencies, this disease is usually present in summer times, in warm countries this disease or disorder can affect throughoutAll year, one of the objectives for which they often present.

This disease is based on counteracting defenses in order to affect the areas of the spine, therefore the symptoms are concentrated in this are.

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This disorder is leading its evolution in three phases that lead to the loss of proteins in the spine,

Approximately 95% of polio cases, people do not present any symptoms, so they are known as asymptomatic cases. The rest of the cases of polio can be divided into three types: abortive polio, non -paralytic polio and paralitic polio.

Abortive polio: In these cases, polio is a mild disease with viral symptoms, such as fever, fatigue, headache, throat pain, nausea and diarrhea.

Non -paralytic polio: In general, these cases include the symptoms of the abortive polio and additional neurological symptoms, such as light sensitivity and neck stiffness.

Pararalitic polio: Usually, after an initial period of viral symptoms, the first signs of the paralytic polio begin with the loss of superficial reflexes and pains or muscle spasms;They are followed by a paralysis that is usually asymmetric, less than 1 to 2% of people who get sick of polio are paralyzed. In most cases of paralitic polio, the patient recovers completely. However, for a certain number of people, paralysis or muscle weakness is for life.

At present, polyomyelitis is a practically forgotten disease in time, over the last forty years, cases of polyomyelitis in Europe are practically null, but the information provided by WHO shows that there are still rebel strains in countries in countriesunderdeveloped that continue to affect the population. At present in Spain the roof that caused the polio virus continues to manifest itself in the form of symptoms in the survivors who suffered the disease in the fifties.

The investigation was based on describing the impact caused by polyomyelitis in Spain and the affectation that came to have at the neurological and muscular level. In addition, the biomechanical modifications caused in patients suffering from polyomyelitis and the effectiveness of applied treatments were analyzed. Likewise, the symptomatology manifested in the form of post-political syndrome years after suffering the disease was collected.

In the review of the publications there were multiple coincidences which show that polyomyelitis is still among us manifesting in the form of symptoms and that it was only a sleeping disease

The homeostatic mechanisms of the organism initiate a second stage. The neurons that were intact begin to emit new axons towards the denervated muscles to recover as much as possible the functionality and physical integrity of the individual. The body creates large motor units compensatory to losses suffered, that is, neuronal cells are restored, if destruction occurs, the remaining motor neurons can unnerve four times the normal amount of the fiber of the muscle, but unfortunately theRecovery In most cases it is never complete, over the years, there is a failure in the force of impulse. It is at this stage where you can see sequels of the postpolio and its deformities, scoliosis, dysmetries, muscle atrophy and deformity in lower and superior extremities lasting this period for several years and in which patients are forced to undergo complicated surgical interventions forMaintain the maximum degree of functionality.

Polyomyelitis affects the lower limb distally. The most committed muscles in order of decreasing frequency are: anterior tibial, peroneous, posterior tibial, common extender of fingers, quadriceps, suural triceps, buttocks and imbalance of abducers. This muscular affectation causes deformations in the limb to be triggered, more commonly produced: equine foot supinator, equine foot, foot pronado, talo calcaneus, genu flexus, genu recurvatum, flexor muscles of weak hip.

The affected limb has paralyzed and comparatively normal muscles. The objective is to exercise those muscles that present paralysis or hypotonicity. It is important that the exercises are carried out on a regular and localized way, that is, if not, the patient will use the most powerful muscles instead of the weak and in this way a muscular imbalance could be caused.

With the appearance of paralysis and hypersensitivity, deformities occur since the spastic muscles are excessively disturbed. The patient usually has external rotation of the lower limb with equinism. Bone atrophy can be produced as a late secondary phenomenon due to the lack of use of the member.

As we have mentioned before, it is necessary to use splints to maintain a position as neutrally as possible in which it refers to dorsal flexion, Eversion and investment of the foot.4 It is very important to make the patient understand that the use of splints is crucial to avoid deformities and muscular atrophy. You should try to take all joints to the limit of its mobility during the day, always within the limits tolerated by pain. Initiation is recommended early from stretching, but without producing pain

In conclusion to this essay, it can be said that this disease, or better called epidemicFrom problems to the central nervous system, causing paralysis, muscular atrophy, and in the worst case death, but despite these damages, this disease is incurable, however there were people who exceeded these symptoms, but they were left with repercussions, repercussions,Because some were disabled for life, which became a painful example for society, seeing how young people lost their lives due to this disease. Although this disease does not have a cure, it can be treated, with certain medicines and palliative treatment to the sick, this so that the life of the injured person is postponed or somehow to be able to cure these symptoms.

Taking these criteria into account, this epidemic, which is transmitted through contact between people, also by oral nasal secretions, also due to infected stool contact. When the virus polio entered through the human mouth, it multiplied as it reached the digestive system, where it multiplied even more, spreading throughout the body too. This disease attacked a system as sensitive as the central nervous system, resulted in many difficulties in the societies of the twentieth century, but with the necessary care and precautions, it could be prevented, or if in the case the disease already suffers,to be able to treat it and at best, be able to cure it. 

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