Polyomyelitis: Disease, Causes And Vaccination
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Polyomyelitis or colloquially called polio, is a viral disease that affects the nerves and can take the patient to total or partial paralysis.
It consists of a highly contagious disease that affects the children mainly.
It has several transmission routes but, infection between people will mainly occur fecal-oral although also, through water or contaminated foods themselves. It should be noted that it has no cure, but you can always resort to prevention through immunization.
It is caused by a virus called poliovirus which is transmitted by:
- Direct contact between people
- Contact by mucus or phlegm that are infected with a nose or mouth
- Contact through infected stool as we have already highlighted previously.
This virus enters other organisms by mouth and nose, causing it to multiply into the throat, going down the intestinal tract in order to be absorbed and thus spread through the blood and the lymphatic system. From the moment the infection in the poliovirus patient is confirmed until the symptoms of the disease appear, we refer to the incubation period, it can vary between 5 and 35 days (an average of 7 to 14 days). A large percentage of those affected by this viruseThere is a polio outbreak.
It is also important to know that in the last 25 years this disease has been eradicated practically, although it still occurs in some areas of Africa and Asia, due to those who have not received the vaccine today.
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This disease can cause complications in other organs of the body such as;In the lungs, causing aspiration pneumonneParalytic, muscle paralysis, permanent disability or deformity, pulmonary edema (abnormal accumulation of fluid in the lungs), shock and urinary infections.
Finally, we must highlight postpolomielitic syndrome, it is a complication that begins to develop 30 years after its infection with this virus. The muscles begin to weaken more and more and faster, both those who were not weakened and the ones that were already more damaged.
Clinic: Signs and symptoms
Many signs and symptoms can be highlighted, but we will only describe the most frequent and ordered by frequency of appearance in patients: fever appears in most cases which is not very high, it is followed by myalgias that is an indispensable symptom to suspect disease, perspiracies (evaporation of water on the surface of the organism) is a characteristic symptom to confirm polio, less frequent are vomiting and diarrhea and also hinder the diagnosis due to the frequency of digestive disorders, on the other hand more frequent are muscle contractions areThose that cause stiffness of the neck and column accompanying vomiting, we must know how to differentiate meningitis since this affectation is typical of both, therefore lumbar puncture would be performed to differentiate these two types of effects. Paralysis is of a flaccid type accompanied by abolition of reflexes. From the point of view of sensitivity it is preserved, often producing skin hyperesthesia.
There is currently no specific or pharmaceutical treatment to cure children to suffer from this pathology. First, a conservative treatment will be used in which we would find an income in a specialized center along with medical treatment. The treatment will depend on the severity of the pathology and will consist fundamentally in support with the aim of helping to control and combat symptoms to improve and accelerate the prevention of complications and recovery of the child, as well as the quality of life and increase in well -being. All this would include measures such as analgesics to combat pain (such as acetaminophen), bed rest until the reduction or cessation of fever, adequate diet with a great water contribution, perform moderate exercise such as going to physiotherapy in order to prevent theDeformity and loss of muscle function, hot packages or thermal pads (for muscle pain). In which depending on the paralysis of different muscle groups that have been affected, it will be decidedsecretions, nasogastric probe food and tracheotomy.
On the other hand, it will always be accompanied by a physiotherapeutic treatment with the aim of alleviating pain, preventing possible deformities caused by muscle contractures providing soft mobilizations and muscle reeducation. Thus progressing until the possibility of achieving balance by wandering and aligning the limbs with the application of bandages. Finally, with a podological treatment by applying plantar supports, thus increasing the support surface, recovery of normality in the march, preserving and attempted increasing the functionality of the affected member, silicone prostheses, footwear therapy, orthosis, ferulas, ferulas..etc.
As a last option, surgical treatment will be used as long as the child is in the acute phase of pathology with serious muscle involvement. Currently it focuses on a reconstructive surgery of the foot that will combine different methods such as tendons transfer, fusion with ankle or arthrodesis.
Finally, many studies have been carried out regarding possible treatments with various pharmaceutical formulas and only a slight improvement with intravenous immunoglobulin can be observed regarding pain reduction and improve it in quality of life and strength. Although it should be noted that it continues in research. Possible studies on nervous growth factors are estimated.
Nursing care:
At the immediate moment of admission, the patient will be placed between wool or in a hot bath. In a bed with wooden boards placed under the mattplantar surfaces. In the case of younger children, splints will be used, being a doctor’s guideline. Not to immobilize but for comfort. Maintaining a correct position in the bed accompanied by postural changes to stimulate the correct circulation, always adapting them with the symptoms present. An example would be a patient with muscle commitment, we would turn back to dorsal recumbency with pillows thus avoiding the extent of the column and releasing the compromised muscles. Another option would be the use of an oscillating bed, using it in more serious situations.
When the injured nervous system is found, physical and mental rest is vital. Keeping the patient in a quiet, tempered and peaceful environment, thus organizing the visits of health personnel and treatments based on providing complete periods of rest. You can find irritable and anger reactions with people around them and/or treatment.
It will be kept informed and the routine of the treatments to which it will be subjected such as lumbar punctures and hot packaging will be explained to provide relaxation and rest. Implying changes in lifestyle. The support groups can be very useful, which stimulate group participation, self-help and positive action. Accompanied by family or individual advice because by experiencing new symptoms can help remember distressing moment of the disease.
With the objective of relieving pain, constraratures and improving the apartment will administer hot baths or application of hot packaging or compresses. Thus decreasing the irritation of the marrow and the forced position of the muscular system. Observing the patient’s reaction to thermotherapy and controlling heat tolerance. The compresses must be heated and drained before applied covering the entire muscle for its correct effectiveness. An example: is to apply thermotherapy half compresses hot for two hours a day or three times a day for 30 min.
In turn, we will highlight a careful observation, maintaining close surveillance on the pulse, breathing, changes in blood pressure, in the voice (nasal or rum), difficulty in swallowing, disability when speaking, excessive oral secretions and sleeping sleep problems.
Regarding the possible complications that may arise:
- Cerebral edema for spinal complication. Diuretics are administered and later hypertonic serum and.V to compensate for dehydration. Paying attention to food.
- Temporary bladder or intestinal paralysis. Performing a strict water balance observing the entry and elimination of liquids and evacuation enemas.
- Prevention of contractures and deformity: observing and monitoring mobility especially in the joints.Mobilizing the affected parts.
- Transmissible or infectious disease: to be up to date with isolation and disinfection techniques and apply them in the case.
- Pneumonia or steel lung, the administration will be used, use of a respirator.
- Bulbar or cranial complication. Oxygen is administered by nasal glasses.
- Tracheotomy: Care of the tube by aseptic technique will proceed to clean and aspiration of secretions.
It should be noted that nursing care also includes the entertainment, education and recreation of the nurse, especially in the little ones. Even in the case of being the patient at home, he must ensure that he can continue with the necessary care for his health. An example would be, from primary care, inform and help relatives to the use of metal devices used for the correct mobilization of your child such as orthosis. As well as proper nutrition and social and psychological adaptation. (10)
Vaccination: what is used and time when it is put
The way to prevent this pathology is through the vaccine thus providing high protection by giving the receiver a high immunity.
According to the indications of the Spanish Association of Pediatrics (AEP) recommending this vaccine to all children, following the systematic vaccination calendars of each Autonomous Community.
When to vaccinate?
After the child’s vaccination during the first year of life, those who have followed the calendar will have received 3 doses of the polyomyelitis vaccine, included in the different combined vaccines (2 months, 4 months and 6-12 months). At 6 years, they will receive the 4th and last dose. Regarding adults, it is only necessary.
The adverse effects that the vaccine can cause are very slight and very rare. Being included in combined vaccines, other secondary reactions due to other components must also be taken into account. The most frequent are fever or fever and slight swelling (edemas), redness and pruritus in the application zone. Regarding behavior, they can pursue persistent sleeping, drowsiness and crying in the days after the administration of the same. Occasionally neurological alterations such as paraesthesia (sensation of needles in the legs), meningitis (infection of the meninges), weakness in the arms or legs and paralysis (absence of body movement capacity) derived from the combination of the combination of the combination of the combination of the combination of the combination of the combination of the combination of the combination of the combination of theThe various components of other vaccines. Paralysis can lead to permanent disability and death. The postpolio syndrome also highlights that will consist of muscle pain and weakness together with the paralysis already developed above.
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