Poor And Family Father
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I granted an interview for a newspaper in Singapore, the young reporter was punctual and the interview began, he would talk about motivation and I would talk about secrets of the rich. I had seen some articles she had written for the newspaper and was impressed. You have a great style I answered what prevents you from achieving your dream?, My job does not seem to advance anywhere, but nothing happens, so I keep my work at least pay my accounts, do you have any suggestion? If you lived that you go to training for sales in important corporations, that would allow you to improve your career.
She became rigid, had been offended for some reason. In my desire to help her and she replied: I am a professional, I attended school to receive training from a profession, I hate sellers, all they want is money. At the table there was a copy of a book and I said you see this, I said pointing to her notes she had scored Robert Kiyosaki, author of the best writing books. I went to the Sales School, you have a master’s degree, but the anger appeared in your eyes: I will never lower myself to the end of learning to sell.
The world is made of intelligent, talented, educated and endowed people. The sad truth is that it is not enough to have great talent, what the phrase means is that most people just need to learn to master another skill and their income would shoot. When I publish my first book if you want to be rich and happy, do not go to school, I told the editor with that title I would sell 2 books: for my family and another for my best friend.
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The problem they would ask for free copies.
In school and work site, popular opinion is the idea of specialization. My educated father believed that same dogma. He often admitted that schools reward people to study more and more about less and less. My rich father encouraged me to do the opposite. You want to know a little about much was his suggestion, he knew that I would learn jargon and learn to distinguish between the important and what is important and what is not.
My educated father could simply understand why I decided to give up and join Marines’ body because I wantedXerox Corp company. I joined because I am a shy person and the idea of selling was the most terrifying in the world. Xerox has the best sales training programs in the US. UU.
There is another horrible administration theory that indicates that workers work hardly enough to not be fired, and the owners pay hard enough for workers not to renounce. The net result of most workers does not go ahead, they taught you to get safe job;The majority focuses on working for a salary and the benefits that reward them in the short term, but that is often disastrous in the long term.
If you are not willing to work to learn, make sure that the company for which you work has a union, my educated father, after falling from the grace of the governor, became the leader of the Teacher Union in Hawaii;My rich father, on his part, spends his life all the best of him, preventing him from having unions in his companies. The main administrative skills necessary for success are:
- Cash flow administration
- Systems administration
- Staff administration
My two parents were generous men. Both had the habit of giving first, the teaching was the more they gave, the more you received. My rich father gave a lot of money to others, he donated to his church and charities;He knew that to receive money it is necessary to give money. My educated father said when I have some extra money, donate it. The problem is that there was never extra money.
My rich father understood the phobias about money, his solution for phobia is whether you hate the risk and worry you start early. How can you handle the fear of losing money? My poor father did nothing simply avoided facing the subject;My rich father recommended that I think like a Texas and Texas. The Texans have a saying: you will break break.
The most important reason for the lack of success of people who played too much to the sure. The pain of losing money is much bigger than the joy of being rich. I reminded him that he could always turn a financial loss into a financial gain, failure would only be stronger and more intelligent. That he was a winner and the others were losers. Texans do not bury their failed. They are inspired by them ”;Failure inspires the winners.
If you have little money and want to be rich, in the first place, you must be concentrated not to be balanced;Balanced people do not get anywhere to advance you need to be unbalanced. If the desire to be rich, it must be focused and if your dream is to leave the career of the rat should be asked how reacted to failure? But risk the column and assets demands a lot of attitude, stomach, patience and a great attitude regarding failure.
Overcome cynicism, we all carry a chick inside us;Peter Lynch refers to the warnings that heaven is falling like a noise. Most people are poor when it comes to investing, the world is full of chicks. A friend named Richard who came from Boston to visit us was impressed with what we had done with real estate and actions;After identifying a property they sold it that afternoon, but two weeks later he turned back because a neighbor told him that it was a bad business.
But Richard would have had the opportunity to get out of the career of the rat, it is called buyer remorse, the chick wins and the opportunity to have freedom is lost. As I said before, it is easy from the point of view to leave the career of the rat, the cynics never win, the cyclicals criticize and the winners analyze. My rich father referred to that I do not want to prevent you from getting success, I have found out how to buy more real estate and accelerate my output of the Rat’s career.
In December 1996, with a friend we passed near the Gasolinera station, turned to look and warned that the price of oil was rising;My friend is chick for him, heaven is always falling, he showed me. All statistics that the price of oil was going to rise during the next few years I started looking for and finding a company was excited about new companies and bought 15000 shares at 65 cents each.
Conclusion, I became both parents. A part of me is capitalist who loves to make money, the other party is a teacher with social responsibility worried about the gap between those who have and those who do not. Accuse the Archaic Educational System. Overcome the fear of losing money. We all have how fear, the main difference of a rich person and a poor person who manages fear. We are all heroes and somewhat cowardly;When my friend’s wife when she sees her blood, she rushes to act, but when she mentioned her investments, she flees in terror. When I see blood, I don’t run faint.
My rich father gave me a perspective of chick;Colonel Sanders at the age of 66 lost his business and began living his social security check, toured the country trying to sell his fried chicken recipe rejected 1009 times until someone told him yes and became a billionaire;He was a brave and tenacious man. Do what Colonel Sanders did with his little chick, cooled it.
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