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Porfirio Díaz Government Since 1884; Political Control; Contribution To Discontent


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Porfirio Díaz government since 1884; Political control; Contribution to discontent


The Mexican Revolution was an armed conflict, initiated in Mexico by Francisco Ignacio Madero at the end of 1910, with the purpose of a political change. It is worth mentioning that it is considered one of the largest and most important social revolutions of the twentieth century in Latin America, since several extremely significant events occurred that changed the lives of an entire country, such as: internal surveys, political and financial crisis and foreign interventions. The circumstances of this great conflict were thanks to the actions of the dictator and oppressor Porfirio Díaz, who at that time was the president of Mexico.


José de la Cruz Porfirio Díaz Mori, known as Porfirio Díaz, was born on September 15, 1830, in Oaxaca, Mexico and died on July 2, 1915, in France-Paris. José Faustino Díaz, of Spanish offspring and Petrona Mori, of offspring of India Mixteca, were his parents. He studied Oaxaca to follow the ecclesiastical career, but then decided to study laws at the Institute of Sciences and Arts, where it should be emphasized that he was a student and disciple of the future President Benito Juárez. Subsequently, he entered the army of his country becoming an outstanding military, since he participated in several battles such as the second French intervention in Mexico; Giving victory to the Government of Benito Juárez, the War of Reform, the Battle of Puebla, the Battle of Miahuatlán and in the Battle of La Carbonera.

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On October 15, 1863 he was appointed General of the Division by President Benito Juárez.

He was a presidency candidate in 1867 and 1871, but was defeated by Benito Juárez, he also overthrow the government twice; The first time was with the Noria Plan (political-military movement to avoid a re-election, directed by Porfirio Díaz) against the Benito Juárez government and the second time was with the Tuxtepec plan (with the objective of a dismissal) against the government of Sebastián Lerdo de Tejada. He won the elections and exercised power in the country from 1876 to 1911; He deployed the position of president of Mexico for seven times, this stage was known as "Porfiriato". The Porfiriato began with the victory of Porfirio Diaz and ends with him detono of the Mexican Revolution. The pillars of this government were based on positivism (French political theory), peace and order. The motto of this government was "little politics and much administration".

The economic policy of the previous government was bankrupt, it was going through a critical and delicate situation, because it had a high internal and external debt, it did not have funds, so Porfirio Díaz decreased public spending, created new taxes, restructured The external debt, used the public force, and above all was based on foreign investment, since the other countries were interested in exploiting the natural resources of Mexico. The order and peace that was attributed to this government allowed the progress of culture, science, painting, literature, sculpture and music.

Telegraph networks and mail spread throughout a large part of the country; Improving communication between the ports, the Finance of the Government was established and organized, bank institutions were founded, the tax charges were moderated and thus the debts could be paid. In addition, what influenced the Mexican economy of Porfiriato were the economic advances in mining; Exports to other metal and fuel countries were increased, the discovery of oil reserves in Veracruz, prosperity in agriculture and livestock; With extensive cotton, henequen and sugar cane productions, the construction of several ports, the construction of the railroads that at the beginning had the route of Mexico City to Veracruz, then approximately 20.000km of railways and thus traced the most important ports; Since this helped foreign trade with the Caribbean, Europe and the United States. After this, electricity came to Mexico thanks to German corporations, it was created through turbines and thus be able to build hydroelectric plants that favored the increase in production.

It is worth mentioning that great efforts were made to expand public education, especially the peoples that were in the field, which facilitated more children and young people and thus began to form a country full of public and professional employees, that at that time they became part of the middle class.

In a nutshell or material advance. In this period, Mexico significantly grew the industry and agriculture focused on export as never seen before.

Economic policy favored the progress of the country, both commercial, industrial, among others; The increase in work and demand was noted, but over the years it was noticed that several of the business and natural resources of Mexico were staying in the hands of European and American companies. The benefits that were distributed favored few people; The upper class, the most powerful landowners and the most important politicians. They increased their properties through the remuneration of communal lands that belonged to the natives. The natives, in addition to losing their land, had to stay as pawns and work for the estates. One of the methods they used to obtain free labor was to originate debts in the pawns and thus had the obligation to work without receiving a salary in return.

The workers were stripped of their lands to live in misery, in the worst conditions, being exploited by making long and exhausted working hours to win a miserable salary to survive.

Thanks to the Porfiriato, social classes such as the upper class had been established; formed by aristocracy, politicians, businessmen, intellectuals, among others. Middle class; professionals and merchants. Subsequently, there is the lower class; indigenous, peasants and workers. It can be noted that, despite the growth of the country in every sense and scope, stability and even improved GDP per person, it resulted in the increase in social inequalities and injustices.

In the year of 1910 he was reelected once again, after having sent Francisco I Madero to prison for the authorities and rebellion, then he was released by a lawyer and began the Mexican Revolution. After all these events Porfirio Díaz is forced to present his resignation, he withdrew with his family to an exile in Paris-France. It was there that he began to have hallucinations, lost the reason and notion of time, his health worsened and within a few months he died at the age of 84 years of age.


Diaz’s political system endured a crisis due to the decline of the president and the group of his closest allies called "scientists", this group was formed by the aristocracy, businessmen, political, intellectuals and the most notable people and the most notable people and Powerful of that time, that is why it was possible to stay in power for so long because I achieve the growth of the economy and ally with the most powerful of the time.


  • Becerra, p. A. (s.F.). Mexican Revolution. Retrieved on October 19, 2020, from the Autonomous University of the State of Hidalgo Preparatory School number four: https: // www.UAEH.Edu.mx/teaching/p_lectura/prepa4/2014/1/trial%20-%20revolution%20mexicana.PDF
  • Cabia, d. L. (s.F.). Mexican Revolution. Retrieved on October 20, 2020, from Economipedia: https: // economipedia.com/history/revolution-mexican.HTML
  • Torres, i. (December 2005). Aspects of the Mexican Revolution (1910 –1917). Retrieved on October 19, 2020, from the University of Chile, Faculty of Philosophy and Humanities, Department of Historical Sciences: http: // repository.Uchile.CL/BITSTREAM/HANDLE/2250/110257/ASPECTS-DE-LA-REVOLUTION-MEXICAN-1910-1917-LA-REVOLUTION-SURIAN.PDF?sequence = 4  

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