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Topics discussed in Alicia in Wonderland The themes addressed in the Alicia text in the Wonderland are very varied, they range from the routine that we take adults occupied with......

Tokyo: The headquarters of the Olympic Games Introduction Less and less is missing for the most important appointment of international sport. The Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games will be t...

Threats and terrorism in Nigeria Introduction Nigeria is a country with more than 188 million inhabitants, it is a state in which tensions between ethnic and religious groups have ...

Thomas Kuhn and the Scientific Revolution Introduction: A scientific revolution occurs when, according to Kuhn, scientists find anomalies that cannot be explained by the universall...

Thomas Hobbes: The 'Leviatán' government Thomas Hobbes was an English philosopher born in 1588 the most important of his time before Hegel. He studied Magdalen Hall by Oxford. For...

The writing of texts at another time In the following essay, the question will be answered if the text had been written at another time. What would have been different?......

THE WORLD AND HUMAN HISTORY Introduction. History is all that the human race has lived, thought and created in the time and space in which we have existed, the concept......

The work Oedipus Rey Introduction In the case of the work "Oedipus King" by Sophocles I can appreciate how the playwright uses issues which, according to the time they we...

The use of mobile phones in young people Introduction The use of mobile phones is every time we have been related to the culture and customs that surround us. More......

The story of the Celestial Fairies Introduction In a very far past there was a palace in which two heavenly fairies called Nilan and Yalei lived, the fairies spent the......

The spatial adventure of man The space adventure of man began with the Russian Yuri Gagarin, which on April 12, 1961 became the first person to travel to space. Gagarin......

THE SPANISH LANGUAGE AS A ACADEMIC SUBJECT The Spanish language is an academic subject whose objective is to teach students to communicate correctly, orally and written, in the Spa...

The short origin of the social network 'Facebook' Facebook is a website that belongs to the social networks group that began in operation on February 4, 2004, was created by......

The sculpture and its two -dimensional or three -dimensional representation The sculpture is a representation of art that occurs in two -dimensional or three -dimensional form that...

The scientific revolution, effects on society If today we asked a child if he is able to imagine a world without technological means such as computers or cell phones, we......

The Sarim are considered part of Los Angeles Cantores Introduction In Hebrew, the 550 rulers that King Solomon put on his work are called Sarim, translated as rulers, prince and......

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The role of women in war Introduction  "If women who work in the war industry had stopped for 20 minutes, the war would be lost to the allies" (Josep Joffre).......

The role of the customer satisfied in the company The client generates income and we depend on them. Important person to have a well -organized and constituted company with quality...

The rise of women's football and its popularity Male football is the sport with more followers worldwide and, fortunately, in recent years women football is also winning in popular...

THE RIGHT TO LIVE AND DIE Introduction We have the right to live, but what is life?, What is living? I understand how our own existence, at first it is......

The richness of the Panama Channel Site The richness of the Panama Canal is that it has many benefits for the property of a person is that it works for......

The richest man in Babylon, reflexive work   This book begins with a first chapter which tries to Bansir the carriage builder of Babylon and this one has a little......

The restructuring of the Russian Intelligence Community At present, intelligence communities are subjected to a constitution of both structures and procedures, this is no exception...

The rescue after Haiti's earthquake Introduction The world has gone through many disasters, but on January 12, 2010, a huge 7.0 earthquake hit Haiti about 10 miles southwest of the...

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The representation of diplomacy in World War In the following summary, an analysis of the perfect representation of what diplomacy is and that it consists; The video shows us the.....

The Renaissance and the evolution of being Introduction John Stuart Mill. Goodness or evil is no longer personal but collective even if it harms people because it is intended to......

The recycling in society and governments of the world In recent years, society and part of the governments in the world, have become aware about the environmental problem caused by...

The reason for migration between Mexico and the United States   According to paragraph 2 of article 13 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, "every person has the rig...

The positioning of supply chains Introduction It was founded in Mexico on December 2 of the year of 1945, today of his bouquet both in Mexico and in most Latin......

THE ORIGIN OF MAN: Ancient cultures In ancient Greece there were different currents philosophies, scientific and religious, where the Greeks were based on superstitions, spirituali...

Theories of doubt Introduction Descartes, on his way to the encounter with certainty, already raises the methodical doubt: he rejects as absolutely false everything in which he cou...

The odious debt of world crises Since last decades the world has been suffering different crises, both financial and economic, of course, the financial crisis known as the great de...

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The New Deal and Black Thursday Introduction On October 24, 1924, a date known as “Black Thursday” there was a catastrophic fall of the New York Stock Exchange that would......

The movie workshop The name of the Rose The film goes back at the time of the Middle Ages more specifically in the events that occurred before the fourteenth century.......

The most famous animation film Introduction These are some data that you did not know about the most famous toy movie. 25 ago, Disney was at its peak, The Lion......

The most experimental drama, Hamlet A acting impression would be for the public to be related to some of the characters and situations presented in a work. For Shakespeare the......

The most common injuries in the world of football Soccer is the majority sport in many countries of the world, including Spain and several South American countries. Therefore, know...

The migration and life of migrants in the world Migration is understood as the movement of people that consists in leaving the place of residence to establish themselves in another...

The media and power Currently the media are widely used in society, they arose due to the need to communicate among people in a faster and more easy way, precisely......

The meaning of the truth The truth is a term that is spoken very frequently in almost all aspects of everyday life, because there are many perceptions about what this......

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