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Power And Greed In The Prince


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Power and greed in the Prince


This work of Machiavello tells us how to be a prince, classes of Prince, such as staying in the Principality and that is required to make prince and power and the way to acquire and keep them. It also talks about the mistakes made by the princes or rulers and what were the consequences of these mistakes and what their end was.

Additionally, we tell us that we must have virtues such as goodness, honesty, temperance, this would be much better if it had everything together, since for a prince it is difficult for him to have those virtues, because nature does not allow them to resideIn a single ruler. Machiavelli tells us about the different classes of principalities that can exist as hereditary princes, mixed princes, ecclesiastical princes, among others.


It seems to me that it is easier to keep a hereditary state, accustomed to a dynasty, than a new one, since it is enough not to alter the order established by the previous princes, and contemplate after the changes that may occur. In such a way that, if the prince is of regular knowledge, he will always remain in his state, unless an overwhelming force throws him from him;And even if it happened, he would only have to wait, to reconquer him, for the predator to suffer the first stumble.

We also see that a prince must be a leader capable of being able to defend himself and know how. A person who is in command should not be docile because if it is in this way he will not have the same authority and be sure of himself so that the people who follow him do the same.

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There must be some authority to bring a good command of a government. Of course examples of leaders have Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King, Mahatma Gandhi and more, who did not give up and fought until the end.

An authority must always defend themselves from their enemies, since when you are in charge, many of your supposed friends are revealed and conquer more people to be able to reach success through triumph. The success of an authority or prince lies in taking the pulse of situations, assessing them and harmonizing their behavior with the dynamics inherent in them. For example, when a person is going well, there are many who want to see him badly, defeated and may be your own friend, you have to be careful, so it is always good to know what kind of people you relate or you are relating.

We must also emphasize that an authority must be loved by their people, and above all, that this authority wins the love, because we see cases when they go to protest and ask for support to the people and they are there, but when the people need that of thatauthority often hide or do not give reason, so you have to be reciprocal.

Above all, this authority must be aware of everything that happens to the people, because if it is not as they can give solutions if they do not know what happens, that is why the people must choose well who is going to represent us asExample we see the brigadiers at school, when a student feels bad or perhaps something has happened, he has to know and be ready to solve the matter, either taking him to nursing, calling his parents, among other solutions.

There are two ways to govern a principality according to political circumstances: holding absolute power or administering it together with a group of barons of own nobility not acquired by the grace of the prince. Analyzing the two ways I opt for the first because it holds absolute power, on the other hand, in the second the Prince will show less authority and must frequently suffocate extreme rebellions.

As mentioned in the introduction there are many types of principalities and then I will talk about two of them: the civil principality, which is obtained with the favor of the citizens of the powerful people, is required above all political cunning, mainly to keep the peoplenext to the prince. The ecclesiastical, meanwhile, is quite difficult to acquire at first, but then it is very easy to maintain, since the laws of religion are supported.

The ways of acting and behaving of the prince are many such as what makes a prince praise or censored, this wants to say that the prince must continue depending on the circumstances and consequences, in this regard to always be guided by reality by realityinstead of pursuing an unreal imagination, since for the conservation of the State, morality is not important, but to maintain power. 

Generosity and greed, performs considerations about which is most convenient, generosity is a value that must be given in the prince, but it cannot because then it is harmful to him and can stain his honor, on the other hand, greed can help takegood decisions, doing business with companies and especially winning wars, so this would be a point in their favor so that the people want it. 

The cruelty and the way in which it must be applied means that a prince should not worry because they accuse him of cruelThat those who, due to excessive clemency, allow to multiply the disorders, causes of killings and looting that harm a whole population, while the extreme measures adopted by the prince only go against one. 

An issue arises from this: if it is more loved than feared, or feared than loveloved because I think it’s safer. Because from the generality of men you can say that they are ungrateful, volatile, simulators, cowards in the face of danger, while you do good, they are completely yours, you could say, bone that they are for you and no need you have of it, but whenThe need is presented rebel. 

On the importance of virtues in the exercise of power, the most important thing is to possess them, in fact that not all virtue is good for power and that, in any case, most people only judge by appearances and the results ofThere is attributed to Machiavelli the end justifies the media. This phrase is very subjective, because while for one it is acceptable, for others they are not so much.

The fact that it does not matter the way or things you have to do in order to reach your goal and or goal with bad or good acts is for many the best option, since in the end the desired will be achieved regardless of the price you haveto pay or regardless of those who have to trample, kill, destroy, and everything to get our goal. 

This if we see it from the sentimental or personal point of view, it is obvious that it sounds too cruel and we probably do not choose to achieve with the phrase the end justifies the media, but if we see it you want the business point of view where we have to think coldlyAnd selfishly thinking only of our well -being without worrying about others, in case or not they have been affected by our actions whether good or bad to be able to reach our goal. 

Be hated and belittled, the only defects that must be avoided, since they can lead to the people, the nobles or the soldiers to go against their own prince. About the way of conducting to be loved is the proper management of internal policy and make awards or punishments that serve as an example for their subjects. On the criteria that the Prince must follow when choosing his secretaries or ministers, who will be the body of closest assistants and counselors and that, therefore, they must be the most faithful, those who put over theirPrince’s personal interest and the State. Flee from flatterers, because they don’t tell the truth. 


For example, celebrities have their manager who represents them either for a contract among other things, so that person must be of their totality confidence, but there are also managers who only want to take advantage of their fame, therefore, they should avoid those typesof people. The power of the fortune of human things and the media to oppose this I mean that as fortune varies and men stubborn to proceed in the same way, they will be happy while they agree with luck and unhappy when they disagreewith her. 

However, I consider that it is preferable to be impetuous and non -cautious, because fortune is a woman and becomes precise, if you want to have it submissive, hit her and zaeride. And it is seen that it is allowed to dominate by these before those who act with lukewarm.  And, as a woman, she is a friend of young people, because they are less prudent and more fiery and impose themselves with more boldness. To preserve political power, the ideological purposes that agree to the community and the effective means to achieve from real situations must be used. 

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