Primary Source Analsis
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Primary Source Analysis: Columbus reports on his first voyage, 1493
The author of the primary source is Christopher Columbus. He was the participant in the events documented as he narrates his encounter with early American people. He, therefore, experienced and witnessed the events as they happened during his voyage. Hence, Columbus wrote the source moments after arriving back in Spain. As a white man in Native American society, Columbus differed from the subjects he met in Caribbean region in some ways. For example, these communities were poor, illiterate and primitive in the way they settled, dresses, and protected their communities. As the author and the witness in the eventful Caribbean journey, Columbus remains the credible informant.
The purpose of this document was to announce his discoveries to both King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella in Europe who financed his exploration journeys and provided other sets including ships and men (“Columbus Reports On His First Voyage, 1493” 2). For this reason, it serves as a letter to the royal leaders that contained day-to-day events Columbus experienced during the journey. Apart from the King and Queen of Spain who the document was written for, other intended audiences are the students, scholars, researchers, and historians
There is a wide range of things that can be learned from the document. One is the cultural, social and economic conditions prevailing before the landing of a white man in America.
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For example, Christopher wrote that “The inhabitants of both sexes always go naked” and “neither have they weapons” (Columbus 3) Second, one can understand how the European colonialists, especially Spain, began their sphere of influence in America leading to the establishment of colonies and later the revolutionary wars. Finally, people can learn the intentions of early European voyages in America and the methods such as the use of religion and war thy explorers used to acquire territories.
One unspoken assumption is that Columbus was the first to land in Native Americans. However, several historical accounts reveal that Vikings had landed in the Caribbean long before the days of Columbus (Desai 188). Columbus also assumed that the natives had no objections with Christopher taking their land and that Columbus was entitled to every land, minerals, and people he chooses for the King and Queen. Also, Columbus assumed that his naming of the places he acquired was good and would please his masters in Spain. Another assumption is that Christopher was a friend to the natives. However, many sources reveal of his violent attack on some communities who showed rivalry (Desai 193). Even though he has documented how they had inferior weapons and friendly most became to him, controversial accounts reveal that he took everything from the Indians including women. The assumptions were bad as they lead to alienation of land from natives, replacement of their indigenous names, and massive suffering of the people.
These assumptions and biases significantly affect the primary source as it can be analytically declared invalid at some points and therefore, not a credible source for history. The source also leaves some accounts that could have been significant in learning. The historians can overcome these biases and limitations by considering the interests of Columbus in convincing the king and queen to own the territories. Consequently, historians can understand some hidden motivation of writing a letter that would encourage his masters in Spain to further fund his journeys and award him many titles. Historians also need to research further the conditions prevailing at the time of voyages and use any other historical material for more information. In doing this, historians must consider the interest of native communities and ways they could have responded to Columbus and his men upon arrival in their territories.
Works Cited
“Columbus Reports On His First Voyage, 1493.” Gilderlehrman.Org, 2018,
Columbus, Christopher, et al. Select Letters of Christopher Columbus: With Other Original Documents Relating to This Four Voyages to the New World. Second Edition. Routledge, 2010. Works Issued by the Hakluyt Society. EBSCOhost,
Desai, Christina. “The Columbus Myth: Power and Ideology in Picturebooks about Christopher Columbus.” Children’s Literature in Education, vol. 45, no. 3, Sept. 2014, pp. 179-196. EBSCOhost, doi:10.1007/s10583-014-9216-0.
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