Problem Of Ludopathy From Child To Adults
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DownloadProblem of Ludopathy From Child to Adults
Ludopathy is a psychopathological illness to the games of chance that manifests itself with the uncontrollable desire to continue playing uncontrollably, where the player acquires an obsession that interferes in his social, work and family life, according to the psychologist Vanesa Fernández López López (2018). It can be said that they stop importing their objectives and needs, leaving them in the background. That is why they have chronic and progressive disability in resisting impulses to play, this is not typical of a mental weakness or a lack of personality, but is considered a psychological problem.
Day by day we are all aware of the evolution of technology, and with it the early use of different technological devices, since they do not deprive anyone of their use. We are normalizing the dependence on these devices, seeing early children with a tablet in hand, as well as older adults familiar with a latest model, which with excessive use would lead to a case of Ludopathy. However, as teenagers we take into account that, at our age, being immature, we can become very impulsive, losing control easily and therefore, having a tendency to develop this addiction also. According to the aforementioned report of the Information and Education Center for the Prevention of Drug Abuse (2017), the characteristics of a minor with Ludopathy, can begin at 12 years. Of 496 patients from the aforementioned institution, 45% of them are public and adolescents (from 12 to 18 years old).
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It should be noted that 93% is male and 7% female.
With the aforementioned, it is demonstrated that it is not necessary to be an adult to develop this disorder, since there is no certain age, because you can show a characteristic of a ludopath being a child, ado.
Characteristics and behaviors of a ludopath
Ludopaths are dependent on the game, this is their only interest and their mind does not cover anything other than being blinded by the disease. They will tell you many excuses so that you are not the switch in their vice, and even lying becomes a habit. Although they no longer have fun playing, they will continue to do so because it is already a necessity for them. Regardless that the satisfaction that the game provides them is very short, in the end they end up wanting more. Another factor that is related to this is its impulsivity, the lack of patience makes it easily irritated, expressing its aggressiveness verbally or physical, they no longer control their temperament, and their personality can be upset. Some suffer from depression and although they develop anxiety episodes, they seek social isolation, leaving family and friends aside. It is clearly lacking its great disinterest in the workplace and in the absence of money they commit vandalism acts.
The different causes that can lead to a person to be a ludopath can begin by access to games at an early age, that is, their rapid accessibility to them. Also when there is a family history at home, it is likely to be repeated with someone else. Another factor that goes against, is that people with depression can fall into this, because it is their refuge, is their escape from reality. According to Blanco (2016), one of the possible influential factors that originate this disorder are the family history, especially in women, since it establishes that they use the game to escape or evade problems that overwhelm them, in which disorders of the Childhood, background of ludopathic parents and background of parents who have had problems with other addictions.
Due to everything mentioned, the different actions of the ludopaths bring consequences, because the aspects of their life are already affected by the disease. With continuous discussions, the understanding and respect he could have with the people around him is probably scarce. Regarding their economy, debts will grow and with the emotional must be very worrying. After all the decision falls to them, their provision is based on getting ahead or sinking without further ado.
Phases of Ludopathy
It can be said that there is a process through which the player/addict passes, it includes the variety of progressive phases that are lived until this psychological disease or addiction.
In the study of tell yourself (2015, cited in Custer. 1984, p.45) proposes that there are 3 phases: gain phase, loss phase and despair phase.
Ludopathy, being a psychological disorder requires a thorough rehabilitation process, which consists of a procedure that may be different in each institution or center. We think that the most difficult step to carry out is the first of all, which is that the addict realizes or concludes that he is sick, that this disorder negatively affects his life and that he needs eradicate it and overcome it to lead a full life, achieving tranquility not only of him or her but also of his loved ones.
According to the Spanish Federation of Rehabilitated Chance Players (2016), the first step is to be aware that this disease is suffered, and that the patient must take care of it, as well as the consequences that this entails that must be responsible of your own treatment.
Communication is an important factor in the prevention of this disease. If there is not among the family, it is a very big problem, because the members of it can feel alone and so see. In addition, paying attention to the activities carried out by their children, is an important factor. At present, technology is very advanced and vices abound. Parents must establish the time limits to play online games and make sure, how they are raising their children is key, so that in the future there are no problems.
According to Turbi (2019). We must not ignore the concepts of education and vulnerability, thus being able to analyze and identify risk and protection factors that can cause adolescents to develop chronic behavior of addiction
However, if there is a family member who is at risk, the family must always support it. Many associations create prevention programs against ludopathy in different parts of the world, so finding help will not be so difficult.
Presentation of the case
To what extent can the ludopath get into play all areas of your life? World Magazine (2018) published the case of a man named Javier, who has been rehabilitated for 22 months. In the article, Javier tells everything he lived when he was a ludopath and everything he suffered and his relatives due to his addiction.
He tells the times he stole money and other articles to family and friends, as well as the times when he wasted the salary of months of work in a few days playing and betting. He also became an expert in lying and lost the notion of when he told the truth and when he lied. Javier could remain in the game halls from 10 in the morning and leave more than 12 hours later, when they closed and the managers had to ask him to retire. For him, spending money did not mean anything, they were only chips that he gave in exchange for fun. In addition, he was able to practically abandon his family, replacing her with countless hours of play and bets. All these mentioned attitudes give us a clear idea of how this disorder puts at risk the quality of life of the addict and therefore also that of its environment, because it is able to commit criminal acts against their own family and friends, stealing money or money Other belongings, even abandon your home.
He also ensures the little control of the betting and games centers because he being a boy of just 16 years spent hours playing and betting on these establishments and did not ask for DNI or put a certain limit as soon as he could spend. These establishments allowed young minors to contract debts for thousands of euros and never requested the presence of a responsible adult.
Javier went to the Association for Prevention and Help for the Ludopath (APAL) in search of help and ensures that he could only be aware of being a sick person when he entered this institution. His entry to this institution gave a drastic change to his lifestyle and it was a determining factor for him to begin to be rehabilitated, because they helped him realize that he was sick and was an addict. Nowadays he is already rehabilitated, and makes his life as anyone, he can study a higher degree and see matches from different sports without feeling the need to bet a lot of money to entertain them, he values his family and the importance of staying free from this addiction for their well -being and that of their loved ones.
As a result of this investigation, we conclude that there is no specific age for a person to suffer from this disorder, that this pathology affects both the addict and the people who are part of their environment.
In addition, it has been seen that we must be informed on the subject in order to maintain a healthy family environment and to be aware of the activities we carry out in our free time makes the chances of suffering this disease reduce.
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- Diario Peru21 (May 11, 2017). They alert ludopathy in children under 12 to 18 years. Recovered from: https: // peru21.PE/LIMA/ALERTAN-LUDOPATIA-MENORES-12-18-AOS-76030-NOTICE/
- Spanish Federation of Rehabilitated Chance Players (September 2016). Ludopathy card. Recovered from: https: // fejar.Org/WP-Concentnt/Uploads/2016/09/Cardopathy-Fear.PDF
- Fernández, v. (2018). Ludopathy, lose everything for the game. What is Ludopathy. Recovered from: https: // ludopathy
- Turbi, a. (2019) Education and vulnerable contexts. Challenges and resources for the prevention of drug use and other addictions. Recovered from: http: // www.Infad.EU/Magazineinfad/OJS/Index.PHP/IJODAEP/ARTICLE/VIEW/1553
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