Procedural Writing
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Recruitment Procedure
For many people securing a good job is a fundamental goal in life. Therefore, after schooling, many usually prepare their resume in readiness for job application and interviews. Therefore, it is important to understand the process of recruitment from an organization’s perspective. When people understand the recruitment procedure, they will certainly position themselves better for selection and appointment. For this process, the core skills required include interviewing and analytical skills.
The first step in the recruitment process is to identify the need for a job position and draft the job description and specification (Yakubovich, & Lup, 2006). This step helps an organization in drafting the key responsibilities of the position based on their needs. The second step is advertising the position using a media that will reach the targeted audience. The job advert may be on social media, company’s website, newspaper, or even poster. The aim is to get the right people to apply for the job. The third step is a selection of suitable candidates from the applications. After placing the advert, many people apply for the job by sending their resumes. However, the organization will only select a few from the list. The fourth step is to invite the shortlisted candidates for an interview and select the based candidate based on the performance of each. Since all the short-listed candidates are qualified, the interview will help get the individual with the appropriate personality and competency (Piotrowski, & Armstrong, 2006).
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The last step is hiring the best candidate that involves the signing of employment contract and induction training.
An organization will determine the success of the recruitment process during the probation period. During this time, the new employee is evaluated in terms of performance and adaptability to the working environment.
Piotrowski, C., & Armstrong, T. (2006). Current recruitment and selection practices: A national survey of Fortune 1000 firms. North American Journal of Psychology, 8(3), 489-496.
Yakubovich, V., & Lup, D. (2006). Stages of the recruitment process and the referrer’s performance effect. Organization Science, 17(6), 710-723.
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