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Process for writing the essay Coursework Example


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English 126 Editing Sheet: Make sure you have submitted the following to the designated droboxes:

Final version of the essay_______
Works cited including all sources, including those handed out in class______
Thesis worksheet: ______
Essay 1 introductions______
Essay 1 half-draft______
Essay 1 draft______
Peer editing by you ___
Support worksheet______
Warrant worksheet______
Claims worksheet____
This final editing sheet, checked off____
Note on essay 1 (see explanation below)_____
If you used sources other than the ones handed out in class, a labeled copy of a page from each outside source (scan or take a picture)______
Note on Essay 1: In regards to your final essay #1, please write a "Note to Jeannie" that describes your process for writing the essay: What worked well for you? What didn't work so well? What would you do differently if you could? Please mention some specifics about your essay–your introduction, for example, or a sentence you liked in one of your paragraphs, or something you think is still choppy or messy from your conclusion and why (one paragraph double-spaced). Please submit to the designated dropbox. (due 3/4)
1. Are the titles of books underlined or italicized? Are the titles of articles, essays, or chapters placed in quotation marks? Proofread your titles and check off here: the titles of the book are italicized. In the essay, there are quotation marks in intext citations
Is the bibliography in the following format? (see FCTA 260)
46990142875Works Cited

Wait! Process for writing the essay Coursework Example paper is just an example!

Lawrence, Charles R. III. “The Debate Over Placing Limits on Racist Speech
Must Not Ignore the Damage It Does to Its Victims.” Texts and Contexts. 6th ed.
Ed. William Robinson and Stephanie Tucker. Boston: Thomson, 2006. 374-8. Print.

Works Cited

Lawrence, Charles R. III. “The Debate Over Placing Limits on Racist Speech
Must Not Ignore the Damage It Does to Its Victims.” Texts and Contexts. 6th ed.
Ed. William Robinson and Stephanie Tucker. Boston: Thomson, 2006. 374-8. Print.

If needed, correct your works cited.

3. Include a copy of a page that you used from each outside source, if applicable (no outside sources required). No outside source used.

Have you incorporated quotes from an article from the handout? Are your quotes connected to your sentences?
Yes. I have incorporated quotes to connect my sentences the quotes are also connected to my sentences.
-67310128270When Young Goodman Brown calls his wife’s name, he feels as if the forest is mocking his spiritual confusion: “the echoes of the forest mocked him crying, ‘Faith! Faith!’ as if bewildered wretches were seeking her all through the wilderness” (Hawthorne 531).

When Young Goodman Brown calls his wife’s name, he feels as if the forest is mocking his spiritual confusion: “the echoes of the forest mocked him crying, ‘Faith! Faith!’ as if bewildered wretches were seeking her all through the wilderness” (Hawthorne 531).

Make sure in your essay that all quotes are attached to your sentences: _____
Avoid comma splices (two independent clauses joined by a comma only, not a coordinating conjunction or semi-colon)
16129051435Example: Barber has the right to express his political views, the school should not have punished him for wearing a political t-shirt.
Corrected: Barber has the right to express his political views; the school should not have punished him for wearing a political t-shirt.

Example: Barber has the right to express his political views, the school should not have punished him for wearing a political t-shirt.
Corrected: Barber has the right to express his political views; the school should not have punished him for wearing a political t-shirt.

Write in the following box a comma splice in your paper and how you corrected it.

Go back and correct other comma splices in your paper, if applicable.

Have you quoted all exact phrases from the text?
Yes, I have quoted the exact text.

27559029210Ex.: Efficiency is not nearly as valuable as the feeling you get when you look out the window at the red wheelbarrow, glazed with rainwater.

Corrected: Efficiency is not nearly as valuable as the feeling you get when you look out the window at the red wheelbarrow, “glazed with rain/water,” (Williams 2).

Ex.: Efficiency is not nearly as valuable as the feeling you get when you look out the window at the red wheelbarrow, glazed with rainwater.

Corrected: Efficiency is not nearly as valuable as the feeling you get when you look out the window at the red wheelbarrow, “glazed with rain/water,” (Williams 2).

Go back and correct other phrases in your paper that should be quoted.

7. Do your pages have page numbers at the bottom or top? Number your pages at the bottom or top of the page and check off here: my pages are numbered at the top.
8. To check for possible spelling errors, proofread backwards, from the end of a line to the beginning, and check off here. Read with a sheet of paper uncovering one line at a time, and read aloud to yourself. Make corrections: ____
9. What is your thesis statement? Is it arguable and specific? -67310262890In times of war, we need to be vigilant especially in guarding the right to express dissenting opinions, especially if those ideas can give us a fuller sense of the whole situation than a narrow focus on unquestioning loyalty.

In times of war, we need to be vigilant especially in guarding the right to express dissenting opinions, especially if those ideas can give us a fuller sense of the whole situation than a narrow focus on unquestioning loyalty.

Please underline your thesis and the topic sentence of each paragraph (the sentence which states your argument and ties back to the thesis. This may often be the first sentence of each paragraph). You may make revisions of your thesis or topic sentences if you like.

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