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Production Modes On Different Economic Site


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Production modes on different economic site


In this issue we will know through a comparative table what are the means of production that are the way in which men organized to produce, distribute and consume the goods that meet their needs, according to Carlos Max, throughout the history ofHumanity has happened these modes of production:

  1.  Primitive community
  2.  Asian production mode
  3.  Slavery
  4.  Feudalism
  5.  Capitalism
  6.  Socialism


Primitive community

  •  The goods produced belong to the community.
  •  The means of production and the work instruments belong to the community.


Asian production mode

  •  There is the exploitation of man by man.
  •  There is a ruling class (therefore there will be dominated classes).
  •  It is linked to more developed forms of production: agriculture and livestock etc ..
  •  A community collectively exploits another community.



  •  Its fundamental characteristic lies in the type of private property, since people appear are work instruments, through their productive capacity.
  •  The social classes division arises, the exploited class and exploiting class.



  •  There were no goods (goods to exchange) in feudalism, so trade almost developed at this time. Commerce and the use of money are important again in the time of transition from feudalism to capitalism
  •  The cities arise when the Burgos develop on the banks of the feuds, representing shopping centers and artisanal centers.

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  •  The artisanal production of the Burgos is carried out in the artisanal workshops, which are organized hierarchically in teachers, officers and apprentices.
  •  The trades are organized in guilds represented by a patron saint. Commerce is organized in Gildas.
  •  The feudal system lasts approximately what the Middle Ages lasts, from the 5th to 15th century of our era.



  •  There is private property about the means of production (as well as slavery and feudalism)
  •  There are two fundamental and antagonistic social classes: the bourgeoisie and the proletariat, the first is the owner of the means of production and the second has to sell her workforce to the first to be able to subsist.
  •  From the relationship of both classes, the capital that the capitalists or bourgeois.
  •  Social relations of production are exploitation based on private property of the means of production.
  •  The form of exploitation is the surplus value extracted from the works of the workers and from which the capitalist appropriates for being the owner of the means of production.
  •  There is generalized production of goods, and therefore, the development of trade, market and monetary economy.
  •  The end of the capitalist is to obtain profits and not the satisfaction of social needs.
  •  There is anarchy of production why each capitalist decides that, as, how much, where and for whom to produce.
  •  Anarchy itself creates periodic crises.
  •  Inflation and unemployment are inherent in the functioning of the capitalist system.
  •  Economic development of the city and the countryside is unequal.
  •  The main contradiction of capitalism is due to social character is the production and private appropriation of profits.



  •  There is social property on the means of production. It can be state property, cooperative or assume another form;But it will no longer be private although personal property still exists, which gives the use and enjoyment of personal objects.
  •  There are still differences between social classes, although these will no longer be antagonistic. Social classes tend to disappear.
  •  Social relations of production are cooperation and mutual aid, based on social property of the means of production and a great development of productive forces.
  •  The exploitation of man by man disappears, although the economic surplus that is distributed to society as a whole or increases social investment is still developed.
  •  In socialism, satisfactors occur (goods produced to meet human needs). Merchandise ceases to occur.
  •  The end of socialist production is the satisfaction of social needs and not obtaining profits.
  •  There is central planning of production, disappearing the anarchy that deprived in the capitalist system. Planning makes possible the production of those goods and services that need to meet social needs.
  •  In socialism there is no economic crisis, precisely because it is planned according to what is needed.
  •  The planning itself allows the disappearance of unemployment and inflation, although it is if it exists. But to a lesser extent than in capitalist countries. Inflation occurs precisely due to exchange relations between socialist and capitalist countries.
  •  The development of the city and the countryside and the different areas and geoeconomic regions tends to harmony thanks to planning.
  •  The capitalist contradiction of social production and private appropriation disappears, because here there is social production and social appropriation of what is produced.



In this issue we understand that the means of production have given rise to the different social classes that have existed in the history of the community due to the relations of production. These have been the way in which people organized to produce, distribute and consume the goods and services that meet their needs.

The company has managed over time to find solutions to their economic inconveniences and this is how they arise to the means of production.

The mode of production that emerged first was the primitive, in this way man was in a fighting question to survive in the nature and main tools of it were sticks and stones, little by little these tools were made for hunting andFishing.


  • Retrieved on September 24, 2019, from File: /// e:/Modos%20de%20Producion%201.PDF
  • Retrieved on September 24, 2019, from File: /// e:/Modos%20de%20produccion.PDF
  • Retrieved on September 26, 2019, from http: // www.Facmed.UNAM.MX/DEPTOS/FAMILY/COMPENDIUM/THIRD/III_SM_238.PDF