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Profiles And Jobs: Importance Of Social Networks


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Profiles and jobs: Importance of social networks



At present, the search for a job is one of the biggest concerns of young people, but, they are not aware that, to be selected, various factors influence, including their profiles on the network, in which mostPeople do not take responsibility that their contents can influence future decisions, such as being selected for a job.

Contents development

In this article, we will fundamentally discuss two issues related to two common factors: people and companies, they are social networks and personal maca. Most people do not know the information that is going to be treated, so they read carefully if they want to obtain their dream work and are continually in their social networks profiles and on the Internet network.

Company networks of networks

The little precaution by the majority of the population regarding the use of social networks can affect us in our working life. Due to the ease of accessing profiles and published content, it is not difficult.

The digital profile is tracked by companies as if it were a fundamental aspect of the curriculum. The disseminated content must be addressed, since it affects both personal and professional level.

According to a survey conducted in 2013 by one of the most important employment portals in the United States (Careerbuilder), 39% confess to having accessed the social networks of candidates and 43% admit to having found some data with which to discardto the candidate, for undue photos or derogatory comments towards the company or its components.

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Not everything that social networks can contribute are inconvenient, 19% say they have hired a candidate for information that convinced them or the merits of the same.

It is obvious, but for this it is necessary. This is not something new, since the majority had been using social networks since an average period of three years, being the most used Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn or Twitter, all in relation to the issue of finding employment.


The information not found in people’s curricula is sought on the Internet: in the profiles of people, in the contents related to them … the recruiters, professionals in charge of “tracking” the traces that the candidates have left leaving leavingBy the network, not only of professional profiles, such as LinkedIn, but from public networks such as Twitter or Instagram. Not anyone can devote themselves to it, since they must be specialized in "speaking" that specific language to decipher the codes, so a frequent question would be: is it possible to erase or modify the trail that I have left on the network? The answer is yes, difficult but possible. There are several entities dedicated to eliminating the fingerprint but due to the infinity of content it becomes practically impossible, so it is necessary to be prudent when sharing the contents if it is not desired to damage the image. Having a bad image can even cause the employee’s dismissal once hired by the company.

Depending on the social network, recruiters look at some aspects or other.

  • On Instagram it is obvious that the content you share reaches them, but do they look only at that? The answer is no, go further: after each photo, but above all the selfies, there is a message that shows how you feel. That is not the only thing: also interaction with your followers says a lot about your personality and the way of relating.
  • On Facebook, being a social network based on multimedia content, especially. That is not all, the personal information section defines whether you have common interests with the company or if you could fit the team. If you are looking for work, a review and adaptation would not come as bad.
  • On Twitter interacts with other users and it is something that recruiters are always up to date. Not only your interaction is defined, but also represent your opinions, values … If you follow accounts related to your profession, it translates into interest and seeking to be up to date and learning constantly. Not only the tweets you publish and accounts that you follow reveal information, also the ‘Like’ section, as well as the lists you have created and to which you have signed yourself.




To properly understand this section, we must first know what the personal brand is. This concept comes from English: “Personal branding” and consists of considering oneself as a brand, just like companies launch products from certain brands, you must do something similar: elaborate the brand, transmit it and protect it with the aim of differentiating andachieve as successful success in personal life, but especially in the workplace.

The development of the same consists in identifying the aspects that make you excel from other people, whether from your same area or not.

How to enhance your personal brand

You are not quite aware of it, but have you ever looked for your name on Google? I can assure you that you will appear in more entries than you want, even in some that you had no idea. This can affect your professional field, since you can find data that you never wanted to be public, so I will show a series of tips to improve your personal brand.

  • Start your own professional marketing plan, that is, clarify your ideas, show only what you want to see, click who you are, what you want to teach and where.
  • It is also very important to have quite clear objectives in mind and think a series of strategies. For this it is very important to focus on how you want others to see you and what specific places. Make your goals known and use the appropriate tools for it, taking into account that everything is limited, especially your time, so properly store it and do not waste it.
  • Once clear the above, it is important to focus on what you want to do, so visibility and reputation are two of the essential aspects that you should keep perfect. Make you not be a maze for companies that want to inform yourself about you, get easy, not only in the search for your name, but of the objectives you have achieved and that your experience can be shown. With the passage of time, if you have followed this point well, you will get only positive things from you as a person, but above all as a worker or entrepreneur.
  • The majority of people have social networks, because they take advantage, that is, constantly actually with your new achievements and objectives, do not abandon them or leave them aside, remember that they are one of the sources that companies employ to find new candidates, soYou must be yourself at all times, do not try to appear to be what you are not really.
  • Lun a contents plan, that always helps to have clear ideas.
  • Giving your opinion is fundamental, do not feel self-conscious for giving it, on the contrary, manifest yourself, but always with respect and without radicalizing things.
  • Finally, it is advisable to do a monitoring plan, that is, an analysis. If everything goes well and positively, perfect, move on;If the results are negative, check your steps or start again, it is better to start from scratch than to drag a bad reputation or personal brand.


If you follow these tips you should not have problems, in the case you have them, check the steps you have taken and encourage.


At present, social networks are already part of our day to day and our routine as almost breathing, so you have to take special care with them because, although in many cases they are one of the few placesWhere we can express ourselves freely and without judging us, more and more daily companies are based on them for the search for their perfect candidates, so you have to take care of them and have special interest in keeping them active and with appropriate content.

Another fundamental aspect is the personal brand, another aspect that must be taken even more than the social networks themselves, or rather, our profiles in them, since according to the information that is on the network about us, we will be selected or not forOur ideal work.

References and bibliography

  • WSJ. (2014). Should companies review the social media of their employees?. 2019, from OPA Promotions Europe Facebook Expansion.com Twitter Expansion.com Google+ Editorial Unit Economic Information, S.L Website: https: // www.expansion.com/2014/09/01/companies/1409595872.HTML
  • Julián Marquina. (2017). 7 out of 10 companies are looking for employees through social networks. 2017, by Julián Marquina Website: https: // www.Julianmarquina.It is/7-of-10-business-are-stating-employees-to-trans-from-the-social ones/
  • Maolis Castro. (2015). A "joke" through social networks can cost a dismissal a "joke" through social networks can cost a dismissal – ABC companies track social networks in search of the hidden curriculum. 2015, from ABC Sociedad Website: https: // www.ABC.es/society/20150617/abci-red-social-work-201506162116.HTML
  • Infojobs. (2019). What recruiters look on your social networks will surprise you. 2019, from Adevinta Spain S.L.OR. Website: https: // orientacion-labor.Infojobs.Net/recruiters-maran-tus-rede-social
  • Emili Rodríguez. (2012). What is personal branding?. 2012, from Coaching Technological® – Coaching Tecnològic Website: https: // www.coaching-technological.com/Que-Is-La-Marca-Personal/
  • Lucas García. (n.d). How to enhance your personal brand as experts. N.D, 40defiebre website: https: // www.40 defiebre.com/how-mejore-marca-personal

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