Project Proposal: Climate Change
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Project Proposal
Project Topic: Viable interventions for Reducing Global Warming and its Impacts on Global Climatic Patterns
Environmental Problem
From the definition, global warming is the steady rise in the average temperature of our planet, a phenomenon that is greatly attributed to atmospheric pollution. The consequence of global warming is the continuous climate change impact. Global warming is induced by the building up of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere which incorporate carbon dioxide, a large quantity of methane, excessive nitrous oxide, the CFCs gases and water vapor and so on. We are currently experiencing drastic changes in global climatic patterns a sign that climate change, a consequence of global warming has taken shape. In this light, there is an increased urgency to formulate counteracting measures geared towards slowing down the process of global warming and climate change.
Point of Policy Focus
The solution of the global warming problem lies on the hands of international entities that compromise and corroborate under the wing of the United Nations. Indeed, a similar approach has been used in the last few years. As a glimpse of hope, meetings, and conferences on global warming have been held on a couple of occasions in the last few years. For instance, in the year 2015, the United Nations conference on limiting climate change that held by the United States, and other 195 nations struck a deal to reduce pollution.
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The main aim was to prevent a more than 1.5oc global temperature rise on average. Consequently, such an approach can prove critical to counteract the problem of global warming.
Annotated Bibliography
Weitzman, Martin L. “Can negotiate a uniform carbon price help to internalize the globalwarming externality?” Journal of the Association of Environmental and ResourceEconomists 1, no. 1/2 (2014): 29-49.
As a way to counteract carbon emission which is the leading contributor to global warming, Weitzman, in 2014, explores the possibility of using uniform carbon taxes of deterring excessive emission of carbon. In short, this proposed initiative provides a feasible solution to solving the global warming problem.
Nordhaus, William D. A question of balance: Weighing the options on global warming policies. Yale University Press, 2014.
The author, William Nordhaus, explores the landscape of global warming policy looking at how well they suit the situation. The author acknowledges that the challenge posed by global warming is huge and emphasizes an interdisciplinary approach to the problem if policymakers are to realize progress.
Knutson, T. Early 20th Century Global Warming.2016
The article examines climate data and paints a pattern of global warming progression in the last century. For instance, this gives us a basis on which to build the argument of what exactly was behind the surges of global warming in the identified periods.
Cook, John, Naomi Oreskes, Peter T. Doran, William RL Anderegg, Bart Verheggen, Ed W. Maibach, J. Stuart Carlton, et al. “Consensus on consensus: a synthesis of consensus estimates on human-caused global warming.” Environmental Research Letters 11, no. 4(2016): 048002.
The authors, in this paper, set out to reinforce the argument that humans are responsible for the current global warming situation. In short, this is a conclusion that is seconded by most authors in this field. Furthermore, since human activities are the main contributors to pollution and hence global warming it means that the solution to the issue lies 100% on refining the nature of our activities.
Trenberth, Kevin E., Aiguo Dai, Gerard Van Der Schrier, Philip D. Jones, Jonathan Barichivich,Keith R. Briffa, and Justin Sheffield. “Global warming and changes in drought.” NatureClimate Change 4, no. 1 (2014): 17.
Here, the authors make an assessment of the conflicting results of how drought patterns are changing because of climate change. They do so by examining climatic data with the variable of interest being precipitation. Additionally, this article is an ideal source to get practical knowledge of how climate changes, a consequence of global warming is impacting the global climatic patterns.
Smith, Nicholas, and Anthony Leiserowitz. “The role of emotion in global warming policysupport and opposition.” Risk Analysis 34, no. 5 (2014): 937-948.
The authors set out to analyze the role of emotional disposition on policies concerning global warming in the United States. They found that distinct emotions played a major role in the nature of global warming policies than negative affect, cultural worldviews, and sociodemographic factors. Finally, this is significant for this project because it lets one know what is at stake when formulating possible solutions, the problem of global warming.
Cook, John, Naomi Oreskes, Peter T. Doran, William RL Anderegg, Bart Verheggen, Ed W.Maibach, J. Stuart Carlton, et al. “Consensus on consensus: a synthesis of consensusestimates on human-caused global warming.” Environmental Research Letters 11, no. 4(2016): 048002.
Knutson, T. Early 20th Century Global Warming.2016.
Nordhaus, William D. A question of balance: Weighing the options on global warming policies.Yale University Press, 2014.
Smith, Nicholas, and Anthony Leiserowitz. “The role of emotion in global warming policysupport and opposition.” Risk Analysis 34, no. 5 (2014): 937-948.
Trenberth, Kevin E., Aiguo Dai, Gerard Van Der Schrier, Philip D. Jones, Jonathan Barichivich,Keith R. Briffa, and Justin Sheffield. “Global warming and changes in drought.” NatureClimate Change 4, no. 1 (2014): 17.
Weitzman, Martin L. “Can Negotiate a Uniform Carbon Price Help to Internalize the GlobalWarming Externality?” Journal of the Association of Environmental and ResourceEconomists 1, no. 1/2 (2014): 29-49.
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