Propaganda: A Method Of Dissemination Of Different Beliefs For Mass Attraction
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DownloadPropaganda: a method of dissemination of different beliefs for mass attraction
Propaganda is defined by the Oxford Dictionary as: “Dissemination or dissemination of information, ideas or opinions of a political, religious, commercial, etc., With the intention that someone acts in a certain way, think according to ideas or acquire a certain product ” (Lexico Dictionary, S.F). Thus, we could affirm that propaganda has played a fundamental role throughout history and that its use has been essential in the transmission of beliefs taught by dominant groups of contemporary societies, so it is necessary to make a description of propagandato explain your continuity in history.
Propaganda and its continuity in different historical facts
Initially, an era permeated by propaganda is the industrial revolution, a period of time in which consumerism has a leading role. Upon industrialization, the creation of products became efficiency and quality, but for such production to maintain a constant rhythm with growth, individuals must buy or acquire the product, this is where propaganda enters as the main mechanism for thepromotion of consumerism. The propaganda was disseminated through posters or posters that had the purpose of advertising the product and making it attractive to the eyes of consumers and potential buyers. However, propaganda was not only used to boost sales, but it was used for manipulation of the working class, that is, try to deter masses with low wages and deplorable working conditions, under a rhetoric of “producing“ producingmore and we will win more ”which without place Diudad did not happen.
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After the industrial revolution, industrialized countries were looking for raw materials and because many did not have them, the period of European imperialism is given, where many (hegemonic) begin campaigns to access other less industrialized territories and take advantage ofof its resources. The propaganda for this moment was based on manipulations to the less industrialized territories since they were made to believe the inhabitants of these countries European countries would be a kind of "help" towards their industrialization which would generate benefits to the country, however what whatIt happened behind the scenes was simple exploitation of resources for their interests.
On the other hand, American interventionism as an important figure in the consolidation of many state structures of South America and other states, made use of propaganda under two logics: economic and political. The United States entered to compete with imperialism to the extent that its propaganda was fixed towards efforts to achieve raw materials but had a characteristic feature and was the eagerness to stop the dissemination of communist or similar ideas because for the government these theseideas were not to his liking.
Due to the essence of propaganda, events such as World War I, the period delivered and World War II had particularities described below. For World War I, propaganda had continuity with a differentiating Pizarroso (1999) differentiating feature.
After World War I, some of the architect experts and protagonists of the large -scale propaganda work reflected on the background of their performance, outlining for the first time what would later be a propaganda theory.
Under this logic we could affirm that there is greater understanding of the influences of the media in society. Propaganda as a war instrument, based on this moment a modern combat weapon that translated its power into embelsar the minds of civilians and soldiers towards the fight against the enemy whose objectives are not worth it. The latter appears as one of the pillars of propaganda at this time: dismiss the enemy and its actions.
Propaganda in this period was disseminated through posters, notices and media such as written press and radio, was maintained by the Government, which intended to prioritize issues such as patriotism, national union and of course the victory in thewar. The initial purposes of the propaganda were around the financing of war, the recruitment of men and indiscriminate support for agriculture and production in the industry, all with the purpose of creating an essential complement in the achievement of the war objectives.
Even when the meaning of propaganda makes sense on both sides, the degrees of uses and themes disseminated change for the period between wars and World War II. Given the imminent loss of Germany, the country is plunged into the defeat and in a feeling of repressed frustration, this climate produces that figures like Hitler come to light and take boom in Germany. Hitler deployed in the period between wars a propaganda of defense against what had been taken away, that is, a mixture between revenge and rebirth of the German people. Due to these new ideas, youth and adults dissatisfied with defeat, they joined the Hitler Cause.
For World War II, propaganda acquires to a greater extent an instrumental character towards indoctrination, states become more aware that propaganda channels beliefs and that a war tool can be made as long as it was aimed;The axis powers and having Germany as the main representative, played their propagandist letters towards the racialization and exaltation of one or another group, which took place in speeches of the totalitarian figures loaded with a lotand thus acquire greater strength), in advertising posters, education and media, the latter had greater and better results since the use of anti -Semitic cartoons or hiding inhuman actions of the regime contributed to the passivity and assertiveness of civil societytowards the ideologies that regime established.
For their part, the allies made use of propaganda in the framewar. The propaganda of the allies appeal to freedom at all times, discourages the actions of the powers of the axis and to this work were united important companies such as Disney, who contributed to the dissemination of these beliefs through animated shorts with characters close to the communityInfant, which carried a clear message from the war.
Finally we can conclude that propaganda has been a tool used through times and different ways, appealing to different beliefs inherent to the events that have taken greater relevance to the extent that beliefs are disseminated by different means. Thus we can affirm that propaganda is and will continue to be a method of mass attraction and of course to the extent that states, companies and others are aware of their power will make more use of it and will be able to alienate more individuals towards theirinterests, which implies a latent danger that civil society must be taken through the discernment of the information received.
- Pizarroso, a. (1999). The history of propaganda: a methodological approach. HISTORY AND SOCIAL COMMUNICATION. (4). P. 145-171. Recovered from https: // magazines.UCM.It is/index.PHP/HICS/ARTICLE/VIEW/HICS9999110145A
- Propaganda. (s.F). Oxford lexicon dictionary. Recovered from https: //
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