Propaganda anays is and reflection
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Persuasive Essay: Propaganda
Propaganda is the dissemination of false rumors, exaggeration of facts or using literary techniques that alter the public opinions for or against a particular idea (Charlie 47). It still exists in the society more so in mass media advertising, politics, and literature. The effect of the propaganda is meant to align the community to a uniform opinion hence defying the role of democracy. It incapacitates critical thinking among the members of the society due to its impressive power as it offers an alternative to the available options. In this paper, the writer asserts that in dealing with propaganda, critical thinking can be the only viable solution that can free the society from such chains that do not support democracy. These will offer the community a chance to make their preferred choices without being persuaded by any mean. It is, therefore, paramount for critical thinking to be encouraged so that the effect of propaganda can be reduced in the society.
The effectiveness of propaganda can be felt by majority especially when under pressure (Baines & O’Shaughnessy 23). Regarding this, it offers the concerned a choice that gives light to the people. However, it may be misleading. For instance, US dropped propaganda leaflets in Iraq which emphasized that Saddam Hussein is responsible for their problems. Some of the affected persons in that country believed the information was correct. However, up to date, the Iraq has conflicts even in the absence of Saddam.
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These illustrated the potential effect of propaganda in misleading the society to take a directed course about an idea. If the critical thinking were applied in this case, the alignment of the opinions on the probable cause of problems in Iraq would not have taken the propaganda cause.
Manipulation of cognition abilities of people has a significant effect on the choices they make. Without critical thinking and making informed choices can be helpful in managing the effects of propaganda (Wolrath, Bohlin & Anders 115). In William Golding’s Lords of Flies he introduces the concept of the beast and uses it as propaganda to manipulate the cognition abilities of young boys to join the totalitarian government for protection. He further uses the character Jack to show that security can be guaranteed when one follows the tyrannical rules. It, therefore, remains vital to note that instilling fear can achieve persuasion through propaganda. These deny the society a chance to have democratic choices through critical thinking.
Visual effects have a significant force in altering the way of thinking of an individual (Baines & O’Shaughnessy 35). Through such means, the image of what is desired is decorated by the information accompanying it and the displays. In advertising, propaganda is mainly used to lure more customers to the premises to purchase the products. Using famous celebrities in advertising different products convinces the audience on the effectiveness of the goods being advertised. In the real sense, some of those advertising do not use the same products. However, their fame and the content they present to the audience lure most of them to purchasing the items even without having second thoughts. Critical thinking in such a case is impaired, and as a result, the taste and preference of an individual can be altered. Even so, the propaganda can only be solved through allowing the consumers have their choices after a critical thought about the issue at hand.
Recognizing the difference between propaganda and the real information is essential in decision making. For a well-informed decision to be made, individual needs relevant information and a chance to have a democratic choice of his/her own (Charlie 56). To achieve this, critical thinking is a vital ingredient as it gives one a chance to evaluate all the available choice that can be made. It is, therefore, essential to allow the society to have a free thinking without interference from any misleading information.
Works Cited
Charlie S. Propaganda. Tucson, AZ: Brown Bear Books, 2011. Print.
Baines P., O’Shaughnessy J.N. Propaganda. , 2013. Print.
Wolrath S.M, Bohlin H. & Anders U. “Critical Thinking for a Pluralistic Univerity.” Šolsko Polje. (2007): 111-118. Print.
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