Proposal to Restore Habitats for Birds
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1.0 Project Summary
Birds are some of the most important species in our planet. Their continued existence is increasingly becoming under threat because of climate change issues, disturbance of their breeding areas, forest fires, invasive species, and other means of habitat clearance or fragmentation. Notably, this particular project is set to be undertaken in San Antonio, Texas, Bexar County Area. Its main aim is to restore the habitats that are under threat from human encroachments to create a favorable environment for birds to thrive. There is no doubt that this will improve the economy of Texas State and the nation at large. The intention is to seek funds that shall be used towards this noble call to help save Mother Nature and at the same time improve the environment around Bexar County.
2.0 Justification
Bexar County is America’s seventeenth most populous county as well as the fourth most populated in Texas State. Unfortunately, this means is that it is a place that has more human influence. Additionally, it is prone to environmental challenges ranging pollution to substantial threats to wildlife and birds. According to Fitzpatrick (2014), birds are some of the most endangered species not just in America but in many parts of the globe. In a report released in the year 2014, the results showed that passenger pigeons are no longer a common species because of bad human practices. To this extent, it is essential to initiate timely conservation for species that have already reached alarmingly low numbers (Fitzpatrick, 2014).
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Indeed, this calls for a swing to action before things get out hand in Bexar County. As such, this project shall restore bird habitats within the county and enhance their breeding so that the pride of bird viewing, boardwalks, and photography can return to the great State of Texas.
3.0 Methodology and Outcomes
First, we will seek a collaboration with the county to acquire the prerequisite licenses to redesign the intended “Bird Lovers Park” and plant new tree species and flowers that will attract more birds. Furthermore, this will be done in collaboration with various stakeholders as well as county residents who will be willingly involved in decision-making forums and on-ground activities aimed at restoring the birds’ habitat. There will be membership registration fees and a fundraiser towards this great program. Notably, to ensure sustainability of the project, access will be restricted to the area to persons deemed to be carrying dangerous weapons that can harm the birds. Also, there will be rules and regulation governing the place as to the kind of behavior that is expected of park visitors. For example, it will be an offense to shake trees or shout at the birds while inside the part. Notably, this will ensure that breeding birds do not feel threatened and migrate to other places. This way, the benefits that will accompany the project are bound to last for a long time.
4.0 Project Evaluation
Before and upon commencement of the project, we propose to conduct a routine evaluation that will help in monitoring whether the successes envisioned are being realized. To underscore this procedure, we plan to carry out data collection, characteristics of the plant species remaining, and determine the outcome of the program we intend to roll out. After having the required information about the park area, we will commence work on how to rehabilitate it and make it a suitable space for the survival of bird species.
5.0 Implementation Plan and Budget
We are estimating to collect around $5000 from membership fees and sponsorship grants. Nonetheless, our proposed additional budget for the project is $15,000 so that we can meet the $20,000 threshold that we believe will be enough in financing the project. The project will run for one year.
Fitzpatrick, J. W. (2014, Aug 29). Saving Our Birds. The New York Times. Retrieved from on 22 Apr 2018.
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