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Proposals To Handle Transphobia


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Proposals to handle transphobia

Until just two years ago, WHO and DSM V (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders) considered transsexuality as a mental illness called gender dysphoria. However, what both ignored, is that transsexuality is a reality that is present in our society, a social reality that is also more than present in our educational system. That is why, as a future teacher that I am, I would like to deepen a little more about this issue since, in addition to the educational and organizational measures to be adopted by the center, among which we can highlight several of them as very important;I think that others should also be added too.

First, I would like to start at the beginning, so my first proposal as a measure is aimed at all educators, who are an example of students and a reference for children. Therefore, I think it is necessary to train and sensitize teachers, providing them with the knowledge and tools necessary to educate respect for sexual diversity. In addition, I think it is necessary another very important measure such as the use of inclusive language, both by both teachers and families and society in general, where reference is made and talk about both male and female, but alsoIn neutral gender.

Regarding students, I would like to carry out a measure in which the educational system is tried to promote as a space where the acceptance of the different expressions of gender identity from respect and tolerance is worked and social stereotypes are allowed to overcome social stereotypes andSexist behaviors.

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Although, in relation to students, I would like to deepen and carry out several more measures. Thus, I would like to lead to the creation of educational spaces and activities without having to depend on gender, dedicated to all and for all schools. And, I would add another measure, which would consist of the free choice of the child in any aspect that would be related or implied by the choice in gender issues, either in activities, materials or facilities.

On the one hand, I would like to dedicate another proposal in which it is a matter of guaranteeing the protection of the image and emotional integrity of each child, providing the necessary aid or support both psychopedagogical and psychosocial by the educational center by the educational center. On the other hand, I would like to highlight a really very important measure, in which equality was guaranteed for their identity or gender expression of all students in the educational field.

As regards families, I would like to strengthen the formation of mothers and fathers, since I consider absolute importance to deal with the complexity of the subject with them through the realization of several sessions or tutorials in which the various knowledge is treated andcarry out both training and adult advice.

Finally, I would like to finish this work by making a small reflection on the social acceptance of this reality that evolves rapid. Today, transsexuality continues to be treated as a somewhat complex matter, difficult to assimilate and even sometimes "invisible" since we are full of prejudices, ideas and stereotypes, which, when someone does not continue or does not accept, either by thereason, we discriminate.


  1. Carvajal Villaplana, A. (January-June, 2018). Transsexuality and transphobia in the Humanities Magazine Educational System, 8 (1), 137-181. DOI: http: // dx.doi. org/10.15517/h.V8i1.31467
  2. Law 4/2018, of April 19 (BOA of September 7, 2018), of identity and expression of gender and social equality and non -discrimination of the Autonomous Community of Aragon.
  3. Resolution of October 20, 2016, of the General Director of Innovation, Equity and Participation, which facilitates orientations for the performance with transsexual students in public and private centers concerted concerted. Recovered from: http: // www.EDUCARAGON.org/files/resolution%2020%20de%20octubre%20de%202016.PDF 

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