Prosocial Behavior In Young People
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The work presented here arose from great interest in pro -social behavior and the relationship that exists with some other concepts, such as help behavior, empathy, morality and sociability.
Sundell and Stone (2000) mention that behavior is a replacement of verbal or non -verbal observable activity, with which the subject can respond to any issue of daily life
Taking this to a more rigorous analysis of the concept of pro social behavior, Urquiza and Casullo (2006) mention that it is a set of behaviors in favor of other people, who may or may not restore benefits for the person who is carrying out thisType of behavior. Returning to the previous definition, it can be considered that pro social behavior is the voluntary behavior of helping other people. As for the aid relationship Bermejo and Martínez (1999) mention that it is a way of coupling attitudes and skills related to accompaniment in social integration processes.
Another concept related to pro -social behavior is empathy, since it is considered a precursor for such behavior, based on some studies that reveal it, Bermejo and Martínez (1999) refer to empathy as the degree of disposition that is had to arrive to arriveto the understanding of the difficulty or problem of a person. Urquiza and Casullo (2006) point out that:
"Current theories distinguish between disposition or trait empathy as a characteristic of personality that manifests itself in a relatively stable tendency of the person to perceive and experience vicarily the affections of others" (P.
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With this it can be said that empathy is the ability a person has to understand the difficult situations of others, in order to have a broader panorama about the feelings and emotions that third parties experience.
Regarding moral development Urquiza and Casullo (2006) mention that it is a process that is divided into three levels: preconventional, where the person acts prosocially because adults ask for it and does not want to take the opposite;conventional where the subject follows social norms and laws, to be recognized and taken into account;The post -conventional where the person understands that coexistence with others requires norms.
Eisenberg (cited in Urquiza and Casullo 2006) refers that moral judgment and empathy are closely linked because they are essential for the achievement of mature and solidarity social behaviors.
Escarti, Pascual and Gutiérrez (2011) mention that:
Responsibility as a position or moral obligation with respect to oneself and others, presents five levels of responsibility that adolescents and young people must learn to become adapted and efficient people in their social environment: 1) respect for the rights and feelings of theothers, includes empathy and self-control, 2) participation and effort, 3) autonomy, 4) helps others and 5) transfer applying responsibility behaviors (P. 14).
With the above, it can be determined that both the judgment and moral obligation are of vital importance for the development of prosocial behaviors because they help marking the basis of good socializing development.
So for the purpose of this work, the concept of prosocial behavior is defined as the behavior that develops a coexistence of quality where empathy, help behavior and moral development play an important role for the best socialization.
A factor that cannot be set aside is the family scope in which young people develop, which are directly influenced by the form of coexistence they have since childhood with their parents and other close relatives. Garaigordobil (2014) mentions that the coexistence of parents (prosocial or altruistic) and children, provides basic confidence and security to the children, which helps them to an opening of healthy sociability that are reinforcing throughout their lives with the experiences thatThey have.
Rodríguez (cited in Correa 2017) mentions that in the family it is where the bases of the child’s personality develops, because that is where parenting occurs, the development of cognitive, behavioral and social skills. For example, respect is instilled, Solano, Pick and Vargas (2008) mention that respecting is accepting a series of things of others, such as their decisions, not to mess with their personal things, listen to the other person, worry about well -beingof people, being cuts and friendly, with all of the above well developed and instilled in the family helps a good development of a social behavior.
Another important aspect is the development of leadership in young people because it is of great help for the development of prosocial behavior in themselves and in the people around them, Cardona (2006) points out that a leader helps each of the people whoHe surrounds him to increase his self-confidence and self – esteem, because he pushes others to raise the concept of their own identity and to reflect on the actions they carry out in their lives, creating a positive state of consciousness in itself and in others.
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