Prostate Cancer Care
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The man over fifty, faces a common problem: the growth of the prostate and although it is part of the aging, it can be controlled through healthy habits.
The prostate is one of the smallest male glands in the body. It is a fundamental element of the reproductive system. Under normal conditions, the prostate in size and shape resembles the nut and is just under the bladder. The prostate is in charge not only to nurture but also to keep the cellular structure of sperm healthy. Contributing to semen production. The liquid responsible for mobilizing sperm at the time of ejaculation.
This mobilization is made of the testicles to the penis. Hence the importance of a healthy prostate, from the reproductive aspect of man. The prostate covers a portion of the urethra, it is a cylindrical duct that sends the bladder urine to the penis. Precisely when the prostate enlarges, one of its most characteristic symptoms is the difficulty and discomfort to urinate. Since the disproportionate size that the prostate takes.
The prostate is located in front of the rectum, for this reason the urologists to rule. This type of preventive checkups should start over forty -five years. But in addition to age, factors such as infections or tumor formation are triggers for the prostate to become larger. There are three pathologies, associated with the prostate and its size change.
The inflammation of the prostate or prostatitis, the Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (HPB) or Prostate Growth and finally the prostate cancer.
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In general terms these pathologies usually produce these symptoms:
- The imperative need to urinate immediately or to urinate recurrently in one day
- The dream is interrupted at night, due to the need to go to the bathroom to urinate
- The amount of urine is reduced, the patient practically dismisses urine drops between one way and another
- When urinating, it produces ardor sensation
Beninga prostatic hyperplasia (HPB)
It is one of man’s most common prostate disorders. Especially those over forty -five years. It refers to the consistent alteration in the size of the prostate gland. Hyperplasia does not imply prostate cancer, nor condition it. When talking about hyperplasia, it refers to irregular cell growth. As for the benign word, it refers to the fact that it is not evil or carcinogenic. HPB is not a risk factor for prostate cancer.
However, it is important to rule out the pathology in general, since the symptoms of both disorders are very similar.
In HPB, complication occurs, when growth produces a kind of urethra obstruction. The urethra is practically blocked by the abnormal size of the prostate. Producing problems urinating. Man may really feel like urinating, but being incapacitated to do so. In addition, urine flow is reduced. In some cases, impossibility makes man dripping, causing a type of incontinence.
It has the feeling that the bladder is not entirely empty, it also increases the frequency when urinating, practically every hour and a half must go to the bathroom. Also when it starts urinating it presents problems and must make an effort to get the urine out. All these symptoms can cause a total urine obstruction, being necessary to place probe to urinate. In addition to deteriorating the bladder due to effort, which can even become infected. It can also cause infections and renal failure. This disorder has no cure, but there are methods that can alleviate the symptoms it produces.
It is nothing more than the inflammation of the prostate gland. This infectious process does not always have an etiology associated with bacteria. To date there is not enough literature that explains more in details this pathology. That has produced that this type of pathology sometimes, the doctor determines it as a venereal disease. More than for an inflammatory process of the prostate. In addition to the symptoms that man expresses by HPB, when urinating. It also presents others.
Such as general fever and discomfort. In addition to discomfort in the lower area of the back, as well as pain in the area of the genitals, especially when sitting. You can even present minimum blood remains in the urine. In sexual performance, they can hinder due to this type of infections. So man can express a decrease in libido, or not have a good rhythm during relationships. Not to mention that at the time of ejaculating, it feels pain or discomfort.
There are four types of prostatitis: acute bacterial and chronic bacterial. Chronic pelvic pain syndrome and asymptomatic inflammatory prostatitis. Acute bacterial the manifestation of symptoms is sudden. With high fevers and chills. In the case of chronic bacterial prostatitis, they are recurrent infections of the bladder produced by a bacterial agent. There may be a base problem in the prostate that encourages the proliferation of bacteria in the urinary tract.
Chronic or pain prostatitis in pelvis, of the most difficult to determine, although it is one of the most common. Since it can manifest itself in adult men of any age, among risk averages (45 years to more than 70 years). One of the prostatitis that is not generated by a bacterium as such. Causes discomfort to the groin area. The treatment is not based on antibiotics but of pain and anti -inflammatory blockers.
Finally, asymptomatic inflammatory prostatitis. Only detectable when practicing studies to rule out other pathologies such as prostate CA, since it does not produce any symptoms. So it is not indicated treatment but it is followed up.
Prostate cancer
The most delicate of the pathologies of the prostate gland, being more frequent in the elderly than mature men. Scientifically this is explained by the fact that this type of cancer has a rather slow progression in the body. The symptomatology that man can manifest with prostate cancer, are basically the same as he could present before a benign prostatic hyperplasia. In a more advanced stage of cancer produces other stronger symptoms
As inappropriate and weight reduction. It is important that before any of the symptoms described in each of these pathologies, it will be evaluated with the specialist (urologist) to rule out the condition of the prostate and apply treatment. In the case of cancer, in addition to the rectal touch that is done in the consultation, other studies will indicate to discard as the specific antigen of the blood prostate. Or the indication of an ultrasound, with a material taking for pathological anatomy.
The treatment for the disease will depend on the degree of extension that cancer has. If cancer is encapsulated in the prostate gland and has not invaded neighboring organs, the resolution is generally surgical. The technique will be determined by its surgeon. However, there are other cases, where the patient is given options with hormonal treatments. Or radiotherapy is applied. Only in cases where cancer has an extension beyond the prostate could talk about chemotherapy.
Other cases where man is very advanced, in addition to other pathologies, is only followed up to see cancer behavior. Taking advantage of the fact that the disease develops very slowly.
Healthy habits to take care of the prostate
Exercise always provides great health benefits from the entire agency. The prostate is not exempt from these benefits. Excess fat and overweight represent an important risk factor for prostate cancer. The accumulation of fat especially in the abdomen area must be avoided. The exercise regularly allows a reduction in body fat. Especially aerobic exercise, it allows to reduce those kilos and that other fat, allowing a healthy weight.
From walking, to jogging, running, riding, swimming, attending dance therapy. They are all good options to start profile a healthy weight by reducing body fat. In this way he not only avoids prostate cancer, but also various diseases. You must avoid the consumption of alcoholic beverages as well as tobacco. The nicotine present in the cigarette, is a trigger for prostate cancer. In fact, the smoking habit leads to cardiovascular problems in addition to respiratory.
So it does not provide any benefit to the agency in Compendium. Similarly, alcohol, when it is very often ingested and in excessive portions, it can cause inflammation in the prostate gland. It has been determined that small and occasional alcohol doses do not represent direct damage to the prostate. So it is suggested or reduced by your intake or simply leave it. Since although the long -term prostate does not damage can produce liver problems.
A habit currently recommended by specialists as part of preventive care for the prostate, consists of frequently ejaculating. Something that was considered counterproductive in the past, today its effectiveness has been determined. It is not something uncomfortable for man. Since it is a frequent physiological need that manifests and to which it can now take advantage of. Beyond a simple relief from the body before the sexual response.
Very important, urological checks from forty -five years, as necessary as gynecological for women. While rectal touch is uncomfortable, it is the most effective method to evaluate the prostate.
In general, an active life, balanced diet in addition to healthy habits, will guarantee a healthy prostate. However, in addition to alcohol and cigarettes, there are certain types of food that should avoid consumption because they are unhealthy. Processed products, such as sausages, high -fat products or refined sugar, are not convenient. Similarly, red meats, as well as whole dairy should also reduce their consumption to the maximum.
Avoid fried foods, looking to cook more grilled, baked, boiled or steamed. Reduce excess salt when cooking will be healthier for your prostate. In addition, the consumption of very seasoned foods and the spicytes are also reduced above all.
The hydration of the body is also extremely important, even more if exercises or other physical activity are carried out. You must ingest at least two liters of water a day. This will allow regulating the normal urination process of man. With this the bladder will remain healthy preventing bacteria from giving way to infections, affecting it. And will allow the urethra to also regulate its functions. It is also important to promote good habits when urinating.
You must avoid enduring for a long time the desire to urinate. On the contrary, it must urinate if possible, just feel the need to do so. Try not to stay long in low temperatures, where the cold is excessive. Remember that once you reach fifty years, your prostate checkups should be done at least once a year, or with the frequency your doctor indicates. In this way, you can prevent prostate disorders and keep it healthy.
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