Protection Of Oil In The Persian Gulf
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The threat that was presented to the flow of oil exports to the West was so worrying that I cause powers such as the United States to be involved. Such is the case of the Marina Uss Stark ship in charge of making a mission in the Persian Gulf to protect the oil traffic from non -belligerent nations in March 1987 when the Iran – Iraq war was increasingly strongly-1 of the Iraqi state confuses the Stark of E.AND.OR.OR. and shoots two missiles of great power exocet am 39 at a considerable distance to destroy the ship and cause the death of 37 American crew members.
The Iraqi admit their mistake and their non -intention to have caused such damage, then the United States of America accepts the error or confusion of the allied country, Iraq and this in turn had to compensate the damage caused both human and material. Iraq Sadam Hussein dictator mentioned this accident and said: You may be sure that the sorrow you feel for the loss of your children is also our regret. We feel great sadness at a time like this. Because we have lost many loved ones in a war that has hit us for seven years.
But the Iranian government still persists in rejecting our calls and those of the international community for the establishment of a fair and lasting peace. On the other hand, Kuwait who received air attacks in his own territory from Iran.AND.OR.OR., This was possible to do, since Kuwait was an ally of E.
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AND.OR.OR., But in the event that it was not ally, using badges from another State is not possible, since it prohibits article 39.
Signs of nationality, of the additional protocol and 1977 of the Geneva Convention. On the other hand, the British, France, the Soviet Union were the ones who provided the armament to Iraq and the logistics support of the aforementioned Saudi Arabia, and.AND.OR.OR. and Kuwait. The war was still growing and in the late 1986. However, in 1988 the USS Vincennes ship demolished an Iran civilians’ plane causing.
The death of 290 innocent people, again another situation of "mistake" by Iraq, which I suspect that it was an Iranian military aircraft. The armament that was used in this war by Iraq, was chemical weapons that caused the death of both civilians and Iranian military, thus violating the Geneva Convention and Convention on Chemical Weapons, which in its article 1, flatly prohibits itsUse, production and storage. Finally, after eight years of wars, where a number of norms established by international instrument were violated.
The Security Council decides to put letters on the matter after analyzing and observing that many protocols were being violated, such as the use of chemical weapons, civil deaths, etc. Decides to establish a resolution number 598 to avoid more damage against humanity, more violations of the United Nations Charter and terminate the war. Both countries, Iran and Iraq sign the peace treaty, generating thus turning to the status quo, practically to a principle where Iran possessed the territories that Iraq wanted to invade and this meant a triumph for Iran. Iraq on the other hand stayed in a brutal economic crisis for the debt generated in the war.
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