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Pseudosciences Are Belief Sets


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Pseudosciences are belief sets


Pseudosciences are sets of beliefs, practices or statements that present themselves as if it were something scientific without being. Why does this say? Well, it is assumed that every time we want to know, know or understand something we perform a series of steps that begin with doubt and observation, then we propose a hypothesis of what we have observed and doubted, finally we make this an experiment the experiment which will affirm if our hypothesis raised is true or false and a report is made of the result obtained.



Why do people keep believing in this?

Because their interesting explanations manage to confuse people and offer them the false hope that all our problems have an easy, fast and accessible solution. They are a false consolation that people grab in situations of need. Such as alleged medicines that promise to cure anything with dilutions or expensive and balance the QI flow.

Today for this reason, pseudosciences are the engines of multimillion -dollar industries full of charlatan people who are somehow taking advantage for example of depression or emotional mood disorders to somehow make a kind of business deceiving the people.


  • It is occultist.
  • It does not accept review.
  • It is dogmatic.
  • Does not pursue general laws.
  • It is immutable.
  • It is inconsistent.
  • It has no official legitimation.

    Wait! Pseudosciences Are Belief Sets paper is just an example!

  • Copy scientific terminology.


Examples of pseudosciences.

  1. Reiki: aims to cure physical and psychological evils through the imposition of hands.
  2. Astrology: The belief that the position of the stars at the time of birth of a child has a marked influence in his character, his destiny and his relationships with others.
  3. Acupuncture: intends to cure evils through treatments with fine needles to stimulate certain areas of the body.
  4. Magnetotherapy: a practice that involves diseases as imbalances in the magnetic and electrical field of the human body, and that aspires to cure them by applying magnets and metals on the skin.
  5. Chiropractic: It consists of a good placement of our vertebra (strong massages) where according to this practice they heal ailments such as migraine, dizziness among others.
  6. Cryptozoology: the study of unknown animals for contemporary zoology, based on testimonies and vestiges (hairs, footprints, remains, etc.), as happened with the Lake Ness monster, with the Yeti, among others.
  7. NUMEROLOGY: It is based on belief in a relationship between certain numbers and people or events. It is often associated with the paranormal, along with similar astrology and arts.
  8. Biocommunication: This pseudoscience is based on paranormal emotion and perception in plants. In this biocommunication, plants are sensitive and respond to humans communication. Marcel Vogel was the one who began the investigation after discovering that plants also have feelings.


Types of pseudosciences.

  • Conspiratory: reveal a truth that has been denied.
  • Historicists: They demonstrate their postulates through reinterpretations of true historical events in the light of their doctrine.
  • Metaphysics: Those who try to give a usually magical, mystical or paracientific explanation.



  • Estela, m. (2019, January 16) pseudosciences.
  • Iglesias, j. (2017, September 25) Science and pseudosciences.

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