Psychological Abuse as a Risk Factor for Borderline Personality Disorder
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Psychological abuse can be termed as the infliction of mental anguish that often involves action that causes deprivation or isolation, a cause of fear as well as feelings of powerlessness, indignity, and shame (Follingstad, & Dehart, 2000). Example if psychological abuse includes verbal intimidation threat of isolation among others. Just like physical abuse psychological abuse can also be devastating and thus can affect individuals’ inner feelings and thoughts and to some extent exert control of people’s lives. People suffering from psychological abuse may feel uncertain of the world around them thus having a high likelihood of destroying intimate relationships as well as the relationship with oneself. When children are affected by psychological abuse their development to adulthood may be impaired. Psychological abuse is a predisposing factor to personality disorders such as Borderline Personality Disorder. This type of personality disorder is associated different types of childhood maltreatment such as physical and emotional abuse as well as neglect.
Psychological abuse may manifest through different signs and symptoms. These signs and symptoms may start small and gradually build up. Some signs and symptoms of physiological abuse are as follows;
Loss of interest in environment or self
Ambivalence toward caregiver or family member
Sleep deprivation/ insomnia
Paranoid behavior
Lack of eye contact with the caregiver
Psychological abuse has generated thousands of distinct intervention in health, social services as well as in law enforcement.
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However, preventing psychological abuse is a collective duty that should involve private sectors, government, institutions and the general public. People should be enlightened through public policies. This is because psychological abuse is a serious threat to both adult and children health. Robert Wuthnow, a sociologist, noted that “both that the good society we envision is possible and that the very act of helping each other gives us strength and a common destiny” (Wuthnow, 2012). When the challenge of psychological abuse is collectively owned by all people prevention will evolve drastically toward betterment and few people will remain at risk of psychological abuse.
Follingstad, D. R., & Dehart, D. D. (2000). Defining psychological abuse of husbands toward wives: Contexts, behaviors, and typologies. Journal of interpersonal violence, 15(9), 891-920.Wuthnow, R. (2012). Acts of compassion: Caring for others and helping ourselves. Princeton University Press.
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