Psychological Processes In Relation To Social Cognition
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Next we will establish a relationship between language and social cognition, understanding that the relationship that can be found or establish between these two is very strong since these allow man to develop in society, having more stable interpersonal relationships and deciding on himself andThat you want to do in the environment, I understand that thanks to language and communication children learn basic things and seeing language from a symbolic communication perspective and structure systems either signs or through languages on the other hand we have cognitionsocial as the ability to build representations of relationships between oneself and others, and to use such representations flexible to guide social behavior.
Higher psychological processes: language in relation to social cognition
The language study is one of the oldest investigation branches, it is a rather new discipline, language is a capacity that enriches wisdom and human being, is something similar between communication that we find with insects and years of evolutionary distance, language and the means of free expression is what differentiates us from any machine and animal, since we can stimulate imagination and our thinking. Imagination is what allows us to differentiate ourselves from the biological world since as human beings have the ability to differentiate them.
Thanks to language and communication, children learn basic things like a prayer has 3 or 4 words, but never four and a half words, but this occurs when there is already a previous knowledge of the units of measure and the order of words, we can also say that it is a biological inheritance or something that is predetermined with us to communicate with the environment.
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Galileo was impressed by realizing that we can express our subjectivity through 24 symbols that would become the letters that make up the alphabet that leads us to tell our most intimate thoughts to another person and that this person can understand them if it is insideof his cognitive repertoire.
Language is essential for us as was any anatomical system and also as other organs which are genetically determined, it develops from interaction with the other creating or sowing knowledge in both subjects, whether I express and the otherUnderstand or that the other express and I understand, as we mentioned above that must be within our cognitive repertoire or if not, we cannot understand what the other means.
Language is a very studied research method since we can see that all species communicate and that it is very "easy" to access this, the example that puts us in the text is that if we want to see how bees communicate because we studyTheir behavior and we abe this knowledge, as well as human beings we can study them from biology, from a social, cultural context or investigating history from the beginning.
When you are a child, the subject learns and fills with more knowledge through observation, the acquisition of language is like an organ that develops, it is something that comes with the child and not that the child causes;Although the atmosphere plays an important role it is also vital that the child has a natural development. We can imagine language as a circuit network that has switches, the network are the principles of language while the switches are the parameters that it manages, the conditions under which the acquisition of language occurs in parameters that is available to the childIn any case, the theory of language, what you want to explain is that if you want to satisfy something through communication, you can do it in different ways, whether explanatory, descriptive or with a relevant adaptation.
The expressions of language allow us to use certain instructions to know how to handle our thinking and our actions, we can see how language has sounds and meanings.
An expression that we generate through language has to have phonetic representation for our engine sensory systems, but also the monitoring of readings, of symbols such as, for example, it does not necessarily have to be sounds but symbols that we have already internalized to communicate with our environment,We can also understand that many of the expressions of the language we have can be empirical or adopted so that we can communicate in a correct way in the middle in this case we must differences between these two options.
The displacement of human language is expressed through grammatical transformations, the study of language can be considered with semantic meanings, for example when we go to a library with a partner and we choose a book that is called the intention of peace and my partner gives my partnerOne and my other, I will not know if my partner has the same book of mine or another book with the same name, it is still a fact that the two books will have similar content but is expressed differently.
Now we will continue with the definition of language acquisition we can say that it is a degree of expression of different languages because all languages differentiate us, we understand that Martian language for example is different from human language as well as the philosophy of language that makes usask the meaning or various answers that a word can have.
Language does not have its own logical name but is a set that allows people to express themselves intersubjectively, on the other hand we will talk about the ordinary use of language since the ordinary use of language is limited and can also be finite, since it is notdetermined by the internal state but if we can acquire it through the interpretations we see in other people and we can also do so evoking their own thoughts or without wanting to communicate what the other person wanted to say, as we said previously the study of language isvery similar to the other organs since at more development time better or worse will be its functionality.
It is impressive as the study of language has covered the center of intellectual and traditional concern, the problems that can now face the language are difficult and challenging but we should not distress ourselves since we are clear that our means of communication differentiates us from many othersspecies and allow us to have history, culture and to understand our communication between humans and in a way that of minor beings such as animals. (Noam Chomsky, 1996)
According to Piaget, the language serves the individual as a tool to establish relationships with others since it is something that is socially structured and is not built by the subject to meet his own needs. The child when their cognitive structures grow are developing and this allows to complex the language, refers to egocentric language which divides it into 3 categories whose characteristic are that the child talks about himself regardless of whether someone listens to or lends himAttention, it is his children’s conversations, the word of the other is not important, he uses or tends to repeat syllables or words and finally the child speaks or expresses everything always aloud only for himself.
Apart from egocentric there is socialized language where the child wants to influence or acquire a response from the other, therefore creates relevant conversations where they express their thoughts to get answers. Children do not have the ability to retain their thoughts as adults, therefore they tend to speak more and not look at those who direct their words. "As cited in thought and language: Piaget and Vigotsky" (by Claudia Zagarra and Jahir García, 2010)
According to Vigotsky, language allows us to socialize with others and acquire it to the extent that we interact with the people of our environment, evolution has allowed us to acquire and manage language as an instrument of adaptability in our environment and mold our behavior of agreementTo the socially established, they ask us that the child interacts and sharing with someone with more knowledge that can use tools that help this to solve the problems that are presented to his daily life, when they have control over these and learnTo handle them on their own, the tools are changing to solve problems that require much more cognitive flexibility.
We can conclude that Vygotsky expresses that the child develops in a social context, in interaction with the other, that we influence our growth. "As cited in thought and language: Piaget and Vygotsky" (by Claudia Zagarra and Jahir García, 2010)
Language is a means by which the child learns to communicate in various contexts of his daily life, such as family, neighborhood, school medium. It is not specifically what the child is taught in the preschool but the interaction he has in the middle, it is not a text of sociology or history that the child puts to read to know his culture but the way in which he interacts symbolically withHis closest individuals, it is not so true that the child learns everything from language simply at school but in a more empirical way that allows El Niño to interact with his family, his friends and his environment, which makes us understand thatThe individual is a social man, without leaving behind the entire development of a functional neuromic neuromic system that allows us neuronal functioning, to express ourselves, understand and have different modes of symbolic communication. That makes us think of an inter-organism model.
First we look at how the individual unfolds in a social context and as a second part, we see the functioning of their structures which makes it interact with others and being a subject in society. The individual’s communication is not simply an abstract language that he has with his mother but the set of knowledge that the subject acquired to communicate depending on his environment, that knowledge learns them depending on the social context through which he goes through throughout his life.
We can say that the language remains the determining factor since it makes the individual as a person and allows it to interact in a predetermined context or in a society;but he achieves all this thanks to the language and the media that uses. We understand that human beings are born biologically default to have a language, basically they are like a set of knowledge, structures or patterns that we hear around us and allows us to interact and manage the language or speech in a coherent and understandable way for others.
A child who manages the mother tongue learns to mean and builds a potential of meaning regarding the functions it gives to his social environment, social interaction is a linguistic form called text, it is the product of an infinite amount of meanings. Language is called as social semiotics since it is in context to culture, it allows uswhich we can understand with our social environment, for this reason the term potential of meaning is used to characterize the language in this way. (Holliday, 1979)
Another topic of interest is the miracle of learning a very important task that this is to learn to speak the mother tongue, we should not confuse with the innate facet or with what we bring genetically from the language, we can then see that the mastery of languageNot only is it something that is acquired or that comes with us;It is something that is also acquired through exercise and experimentation. By nature we are subtle beings not only because we measure our abilities or our level of ethics or morality, but sometimes it is a way to obey what is being ordered, the example that the author exposes us is when someone asks us orSay would you be so kind to reach salt?, While it seems an order to measure our level of kindness, it is not, but it is a means of expression for when we need something.
One of the ways that the author exposes us when we talk about the mother tongue, the game and thought is that for a human being it will be easier to learn the mother tongue through a playful situation or a natural situation, for example theContext that surrounds us as a family, school, neighborhood, I entered others to learn it in a forced way.
The author exposes us that to learn more complex immense idiomatic expressions, the activity of the game appears, the clearest example is when a child tells the other that exchanges a toy for another, it passes a long time after we use this language soGenerally complicated what we understand is that it is in recreational or ordinary situations where we learn to handle this type of languages.
We understand that the most complex expressions are learned when we have control of our own error, because during childChild the ability to control it, one of the questions is that mothers to talk to their babies handle the babbling, which is convenient but leads to the question posed by the text “How can the baby acquire maternal language from thisprimitive language?"But this question has a very significant and paradoxical answer since this combination of instruments leads us to reflect on thought and action, these extremes of combinability can be seen in the moments when the child enters a dark room and beginsTo speak alone.
What allows the child. One of the ways in which children learned and learned easier is that when they are made a game, it is not only done with the intention of distracting it or simply having fun, but is done with a specific purpose, this specific purpose isthat these activities lead the child to strengthen activities and construction without instruction of an adult or older child. The author concludes and makes us understand that the game is the means by which adults and children can relate language and thought, more specifically in children it is an opportunity for them to dare to think and leave their comfort zone andeven be themselves. (Jerome Bruner, 1983)
Next we will talk about social cognition in relation to language
It can be recognized, manipulated with respect to socially relevant information that processes the perception of social signals that connect to perception with adaptive motivation and behavior. The evolution and development of social cognition shows us that many species live in multi -and diverse societies shaping the evolution of social behavior, on the one hand in the group it can favor as a survival security and on the other hand the groups motivateI will overcome more and more among individuals.
In generating brains, it is important to remember how evolution in the human being has brought to shine that individuals before had smaller social groups, humans were hunters, collectors and of course they did not have advanced technological or media to be in contact.
However, we can see how these individuals at the beginning of history communicated through symbolisms and even the mother’s language they had adapted, it is also possible to highlight how the relationships between beings and different species have changed throughout history,We must also consider the developments of social networks that are hereditable and cultural, where we bring to shine the issue of interest that is possible by making possible communication from the beginning and we can also see how this language and communication has evolved allowing beings to have beingsMore cognitive skills that are closely related to emotion and very important communication of the infant with his mother.
In addition to all these features that the infant has with his mother they remain stable throughout life, the role of the amygdala, at some point in birth what allows attachment regardless of behavior. It is also demonstrated that various genes that come with us are involved in social cognition, for us it is very shocking as we can demonstrate communication between a newborn with its environment imitating various facial gestures that begin to differentiate it from the beginning culturally.
In most mammals they use olfaction and touch as a means of social communication within the same species, we can see how different types of animals are recognized through smell, allowing them and facilitating communication.
We also have the auditory communication that develops in different environments and in different species such as the sound of whales and the song of the birds that precedes the behavior that it will have for those of its same species, we have the vision that weIt allows how we encode information on stimuli that are specific, it also occurs to guide us with our body and to see how other people will be oriented.
Functional Image Studies have found answers to faces that are specifically static in the fusiform turn, there are systems that allow us to process different social stimuli such as those we have just mentioned. The perception in social cognition guides automatic and planned behavior at multiple levels of organization, the amygdala also shows us that it plays a very important role since it allows us to precede the detection of threats and the behavior that we are going to have in front of this. Reading shows us that some monkeys with the severely deteriorated tonsil have a different social behavior or wantof the same race.
We can also see that thanks to sensory hematical cortes you can see subjects that can be related to other people’s beliefs and states.
Genetic contributions and related to social cognition are also being explored, at least notable differences in social cognition between men and females are genetic, they show us that a percentage of people who perform the task of theory of the mind do so but in a hereditary waysimilar to the heritability of personalities.
Finally we understand that communication and emotion within social cognition are significant processes for survival of any species, specifically when we have a behavioral repertoire that allows us to predict the behaviors that people will have before carrying out some action;It also looks with animals.(Ralph Adolths, 2001)
In the first instance, language allows usor express.
In social cognition we can also find the regulation of social interaction within these we find moral judgments, cooperation with others, trust and distrust of others, social assistance, social rejection, attachment and regulation of emotional tiesthat relate us to other people, we can do all this through language and relevant communications since they are cultural features that we learn throughout life, for example when a person approaches us and speaks to us and we feelStarting with such a person even though we communicate a greeting, our tone and communication will be found altered by the discomfort that causes us.
- Language is a means of communication that is established since we are born even from the first years of life and in evolution understanding language as a means of symbolic communication that allows us to establish relationships with the people around us, relating it to the social cognition that isAn ability to represent relationships with oursYou can say that we ordinarily learn it through our family friends since we are taking attitudes similar to them since it is what we see, then what we learn, of course, to have certain behaviors they must be stored in our cognitive repertoire.
- Language allows us to express and communicate to others what we think and feel about something, whether we agree or not and why, it allows to show and account for our subjectivity. We are acquiring this process throughout our life, as time goes by we will develop the ability to make it more complex for communication in more specific environments, all depending on our context.
- Language and social cognition is very important for the life of each human being since from a very young age to have a language we must relate to other people and thus learn from society, from experiences, etc. If this did not happen since we were born we would be very simple beings which would not have communication and this is not so good since through language and contact with other people we survive, these contacts are means of survival.
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- Adolphs, Ralph. The neurobiology of social cognition. Current opinion in Neurobiology, 2001, Vol. 11, No 2, P. 231-239.
- León Diego, to. Introduction to social cognition and cognitive social neuroscience. Context in Psychology, 2013, Vol. 9, No 1, P. 12.
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