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Psychological, Social And Psychosocial Foundations In The Teaching -Learning Process


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Psychological, social and psychosocial foundations in the teaching -learning process

The changes that bring us the times in which we are living requires us preparation at the level to understand the reality in which the field of current education lives. It is important that the protagonists of education begin to occupy a proactive role and have a willingness to transform the teaching -learning process in a creative way. This merits experts who keep the carrying of critical thinking and take the necessary responsibility of every expert. The presence of motivation, activity and invention in the school environment demands the diligence of methodological events and operations that provide the reason and optimization of the teaching- learning process through the relationship between teacher-student.

The structure of education arose through models and theories used in the teaching – learning process as well as the result of research promoted by pure psychology, appropriate to the argument of education and that we currently know as educational psychology. However, the changes and world educational reality invite education professionals to obtain the skills that allow them to develop new scientific research where new variables or events that arise in the school context are included.

The field of educational psychology was founded by several pioneers of psychology at the end of the 19th century. Among them are ‘William James for offering a series of conferences entitled" Talks for teachers ", John Dewey who in 1984 founded the first educational psychology laboratory at the University of Chicago.

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These investigations established three important postulates which laid the basis for transforming education into that nation. Children are active apprentices, education must be integral in turn must highlight the adaptation of children to their environment and all children deserve adequate education. Finally the approach of E. The Thorndike in the assessment, quantification, and the promotion of the scientific foundations of learning, said one of the most important educational tasks which focuses on developing children’s skills to reason, standing out in the design of rigorous scientific studies of teaching andof learning.

Woolfolk instituted that educational psychology is the method that studies instruction and learning techniques;where methodologies and psychology are used, although it also has its own. This also represents the purpose of psychology that is to achieve and optimize processes. While educational psychologists display knowledge;To cultivate learning and teaching in the context of daily living.

Educational representation teaches us some types of research. Woolfolk highlights graphic, correlational, empirical and micro-genetic studies. Woolfolk points out that this study gathers information about specific events and uses observation techniques, surveys, interviews, or a combination of all.

Ethnographic studies – The focus of this method is community life and seeks to perceive the importance of events for the people who participate in them. These are observed naturally and has the purpose of understanding some case among the study participants. Makes a particular description and interprets the behavior of an ethnic group, it also includes the direct involvement of the participants.

Case study- This refers to a study of the person or situation. In other words, it is a deep analysis of a person, it is described in the book by Woolfolk as a process where a unit is analyzed to respond to the problem approach, test hypotheses and develop some theory.

Correlational studies- Woolfolk explains that this study makes statistical descriptions on two variables. The correlation indicates force such as the direction of a relationship between two events or measurements.

Experimental studies- allows educational psychologists to determine the causes of behavior through an experiment. The experiments comprise at least one independent variable and a dependent.

Micro genetic studies- Detailed observation and analysis of the changes that occur in a cognitive process, as the process develops for a period of several days.

Educational psychologists develop knowledge and methods;To study learning and teaching in daily situations and narrates that the use of inquiry proven in the school contour is significant to know, conceive and optimize the teaching-learning process in everyday situations and describes that the use of scientific research inThe school environment is important to know, understand and improve the teaching – learning process.

Woolfolk (2013) proposes that as a significant element of educational research, the action of being able to discern between common sense, obvious responses and scientific bases of actions, events, events or events that occurred in a school scenario is very important.

In conclusion, the teacher as a researcher can do his own research in the school environment with the purpose of improving his educational practices. Woolfolk 2013 points “To meet the child you have to see it through all its stages and the young man cannot be understood if his childhood, his childhood and his future are not studied. Finally, it is important to say that the theories shown both by Vygotsky and Bronfenbrenner brings us to the educational perspective the social-environmental argument and different systems that students interact and how they practice great authority in the whole process of the progress of human beings. Therefore, information and exploration have to take into account the motivation, learning and teaching taking into account the family, environmental and social context in which students are.

The development of education in our country is a difficult challenge, but at the same time important. The selection of suitable research methods for confrontation of this challenge is absolute. This challenge requires researchers’ commitment to the social reality in which they live and a vision of the research process as a service task.

The advance obtained in the process that involves teaching-learning, we owe it largely to the parents of educational psychology. These played an essential role in achieving learning and teaching. We have gone from a rigid teaching, where learning and teaching was based on memorization. The scientific research and the result of the same placed the educational process on a route where dynamism, critical thinking and the understanding of subjects became the platform that drives students and teachers. Scientific research must play a fundamental role in the quality of education that allows to obtain better results in the professional work of each of the educators. What will allow the education professional to establish new paradigms that allow creatively to transform the reality of education. Contextualize the types of research and how these affect educational piscology suggests us to expose that the purpose or objectives set out in educational psychology is, to a large extent the reflection of the results of the research applied in educational context, in my opinion they are linkedor intertwined. 

That is, both are completed from each other. The advance obtained in the process that involves teaching-learning, we owe it largely to the parents of educational psychology. These played an essential role in achieving learning and teaching. We have gone from a rigid teaching, where learning and teaching was based on memorization. The scientific research and the result of the same placed the educational process on a route where dynamism, critical thinking and the understanding of subjects became the platform that drives students and teachers. Scientific research must play a fundamental role in the quality of education that allows to obtain better results in the professional work of each of the educators. What will allow the education professional to establish new paradigms that allow creatively to transform the reality of education. Contextualize the types of research and how these affect educational piscology suggests us to expose that the purpose or objectives set out in educational psychology is, to a large extent the reflection of the results of the research applied in educational context, in my opinion they are linkedor intertwined. That is, both are completed from each other.

The advancement derived in the process that copes with teaching-learning, we correspond to the parents of educational psychology. These played an essential role in achieving learning and teaching. We have gone from a rigid teaching, where learning and teaching was based on memorization. The scientific research and the result of this placed the educational process on a route where dynamism, critical thinking and the understanding of subjects became the platform that drives students and teachers. Scientific research must play a fundamental role in the quality of education that allows to obtain better results in the professional work of each of the educators. What will allow education professional to establish new paradigms that allow creatively to transform the reality of education. Contextualize the types of research and how these affect educational piscology suggests us to expose that the purpose or objectives set out in educational psychology is, to a large extent the reflection of the results of the research applied in educational context, in my opinion they are linkedor intertwined. That is, both are completed from each other.


  • Woolfolk, a. (2010). Educational Psychology (11 ed.). Mexico: Pearson Education.
  • Woolfolk, a. (2016). EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY (13 ed.). Ohio: Pearson Educational.
  • Woolfolk, a. (2010). Educational Psychology (11 ed.). Mexico: Pearson Education.
  • Woolfolk, a. (2016). EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY (13 ed.). Ohio: Pearson Educational.
  • References:
  • Woolfolk, a. (2011). Educational Psychology (11 ed.). Mexico: Pearson Education.
  • Woolfolk, a. (2016). EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY (13 ed.). Ohio: Pearson Educational.

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