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Depression is a psychological disorder also referred as mental disorder involves a pattern of behavior that does impact many areas of the part of life creating a distress for one experiencing the symptoms. As a result, a syndrome does cause a clinical disturbance to an individual’s emotional regulation, cognitive, or a behavior reflecting dysfunction of the developmental, biological or psychological process underlying mental function. (Mayer, 88). This tells us that a mental disorder is usually linked with the significant distress of the social, occupational or other existing activities. Taking into account that behaviors which are considered outside the social norms as disorders only if they result in a dysfunction.
For one to fit in with those having disorder you should be able to diagnose both for the mental health client and mental health providers. The purpose for these is to get an effective treatment plan. This one is able to discover possible solutions, treatments and accessing information that that possibly relates to the actual problem. Then possibly employ Various psychotherapeutic treatments which are used to counter depression. These include the cognitive-behavioral, humanistic, psychodynamic, and interpersonal approaches. Evidence shows that many types of psychotherapeutic treatments have moderate t0 a side effect. (Barth, 5 – 17)
Problems faced by individuals looking after the ones’ who have the problems include financial constraints like budgeting, planning, coping with unforeseen financial and payment of bills in the house might become difficult.
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Lack of social support where inferiority complex now prevails, negative body image intense feeling of hating oneself, disgust or extreme hunger and uselessness that might change to depression. Others include disruption of family functioning, discrimination, the stigma, and patients’ disruptive behavior.
Conclusion.With the above information have come to realize that depression is a real illness, and it affects people in many different ways. When diagnose is known to be treatable and that individuals with depression should always remember they aren’t alone. Scientist till now believes that maintaining a version of cognitive therapy for a depressed patient will play a role for those from acute episodes thus improvements. (Morgan, 123).Work cited
Morgan, D. “Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy for depression: A new approach to preventing relapse.” (2003): 123-125.
Mayer, Charles David. “Recovering from Depression: A Companion Guide for Christians.” Anglican Theological Review 100.1 (2018).Barth, Jürgen, et al. “Comparative efficacy of seven psychotherapeutic interventions for patients with depression: a network meta-analysis.” Focus 14.2 (2016).
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