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Psychology Coursework


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Sport Psychology – Discussion 4
Sport Psychology – Discussion 4
Topic 1
The athletes who are involved in High Risk and elite sport must have particular personality variables for them to be successful. The said personality variables include emotional stability, conscientiousness, openness, energy, and acceptability (Kajtna, Bari&cacute, & Burnik, 2004). These personality traits are essential among these groups of athletes, but visible characteristics like those in average athletes should support them too. Developing these personality traits help the athletes cope with the risk involved in the game. For instance, emotional stability allows the athletes to control their emotions so that it remains calm and balanced. This emotional stability is necessary because the potential risks are substantial to cause severe effect and any response by athlete might result in something vital. The elite sports require orderliness, accuracy, reliance, working habits, persistence and toughness which is gotten through the conscientiousness of an athlete (Kajtna, Bari&cacute, & Burnik, 2004). Participating in elite and high risk sports and win requires one to do something different by being original, intelligent and curious which then requires that will make one open. Also, due to the high risks involved, being energetic is fundamental in this category of games. It is also vital that one commits himself and submits to being part of the sports through self-acceptability.

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Topic 2
Unlike before when only athletes used to do exercises especially during the tournament or when the intercollegiate sports competition were approaching, today it has become a diet for all individual. The area is booming in the United States, and often you will find a person doing either of the two or both exercise and recreation. However, very few get the best out of exercising or recreation due to lack of knowledge on how best to do it. It is therefore important that for people to get the best out of exercise and relaxation, they get some education in sports psychology. Here, one gets knowledge about the relationship between the psychological factors and the performance of a person (Harris, & Harris, 1984). It also informs the person on how the exercise and recreation will influence the mental and physical factors. It means that a person with such knowledge will first plan on what one wants to get out of the whole process rather than acting in blind. This will allow you to make the best choice if he/she participates in intense exercise, primary or recreation. You will then generate the right psychological factors hence getting the right performance. While equipped with the proper techniques, it is easier to understand a population of those exercising and get them the best level of exercise that will help them reap the best out depending on the situation and the intention.
Topic 3
I like how you defend your position on the sports psychology especially the benefits you accord the entire exercise and recreation aspect. Indeed, I agree with you that for one to be a great mentor or trainer, then everything possible need to be done to ensure that the clients are satisfied. Besides, those who had been injured and were unable to perform better could now perform better. Everyone else would like to succeed and majority among them are athletes who like associating with successful people. They often admire see one who has achieved and in a better position to perform well. As you put it, all these fitness and wellness is supported by sports psychology. If the person can achieve this, he or will automatically attract the clients who are potential athletes (LeUnes, & Nation, 2008). It is true as you put it, injured athletes are sometimes the most neglected group, and any ray of hope will bring them up again. These are the people who are undergoing their lowest moments and would need knowledge of sports psychology to manage their situation.References
Harris, D. V., & Harris, B. L. (1984). The athlete’s guide to sports psychology: Mental skills for physical people. Champaign, IL: Leisure Press.
Kajtna, T., Tu&scaronak, M., Bari&cacute, R., & Burnik, S. (2004). Personality in high-risk sports athletes. Kinesiology, 36(1).LeUnes, A., & Nation, J. R. (2008). Sport Psychology (4 o ed.).

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