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Psychology Of The Mexican At The Work Of The Authors Estrada And Ramírez


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Psychology of the Mexican at the work of the authors Estrada and Ramírez

I would like to express in this essay in which I have focused on some chapters of the Mexican’s Psychology Book at the work of the authors Mauro Rodríguez Estrada and Patricia Ramírez of some articles, and I think there is nothing more important than the constant preparation than the constant preparationof entrepreneurs, administrative and students to be able to face the great challenges and problems that are coming in our country.

I think we must analyze the other societies and understand why they are in a more productive aspect than us. I would like to exemplify the Japanese who have the work in an almost religious sense. They know that only work is the way to triumph. The Japanese do not take to meet all their needs on which I have based on the Pyramid of Maslow and through work, since it has a great sense of duty and fight for and for the group. I personally feel that part of the Mexican people have always had the idea that as in the seventeenth century the public positions have been sold mayors, delegates, senators, among others, because it is logical that for these positions to be obtained only people withgreat purchasing power, always seeing for the greatest enrichment and their relatives;monopolizing these positions and without the least of the intentions of serving the people who initially the end of occupying said position. What gives us an idea of the Mexican in our time: the high -class man does not work, but he lives on his income, he sends, legisla;While manual work is for less privileged class.

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In the same way, reading this book, especially some chapters reflects me the Mexican’s attitude always seeking to conquer the power of the very influence towards powerful men degrading at a lower level. This as a result reflects a low self – esteem of the worker, since they distinguish work as only one source to survive and they only feel alive when they are in the company of friends celebrating together with this is alcoholism. One hundred that the low self – esteem also leads to the non -existent teamwork, the frequent absences by not perceiving useful and valuable for the company.

This self-contempt becomes rejection of others. For my point of view I think there are needs which should be the engine to its satisfaction, but what demotivates it is the disproportion it feels and fears, between the effort made and the achievements to be obtained.

But what really happens is the few expectations towards achievements and recognitions that have what is reflected in the few desire to satisfy their needs with respect to the Maslow Pyramid. The Mexican although with a lack of company has been considered hermit and looking for it in others, it always shows us an attitude of distrust, insecurity and dependence which prevents teamwork, perhaps these attitudes is the reflection of deceptions and manipulations throughweather. And to mention the treatment of women with respect to work, which has always lived in inequality in the workplace, but that has taken more strength in recent times, without neglecting the work towards the woman offered, always towards apath and responsibility which helps towards others.

I think that a society like ours and being Mexican can be invited or stimulated towards leadership but usually there is fears, for fear of failing, since it will not be accepted, or feel that it is not prepared to assume so muchresponsibility that this entails, and that he ends up doing all the work while his subordinates will do nothing due to the rejection of him.

I would like to speak briefly of some chapters which were recommended from the book of the Psychology of the work of the aforementioned authors I would likeHe tells us that in general, the Mexican politic. But each town has the government and the rulers that it deserves, it reflects and admits. It also tells us that Mexicans are still clinging to inhibitory belief since we believe that we are unable to solve our problems, that others take care of them. Nor do the paradoxes move us one of the institutions such as the CNC was not created by the peasants at the initiative of the peasants, but by a President of the Republic. I would like to say that these reflections and the comparison of the concepts that Mexicans and Americans have about the word ‘respect’: for the Mexican respect it implies in obeying, loving, feeling affection and similar things.

In summary of this topic I would like to focus on the most important points which allowed myself to describe them in this way starting:

a) General picture, b) The phenomenon of paternalism c) A manipulated people.

  • We have a government: servilism against powerful, exaggerated centralism.
  • From the divine to the natural over: Dogmatic doctrine, which freezes minds.
  • In the family: families, clan where children marry and stay in the shadow of parents to continue depending on them.
  • Environment: it is docile, resigned and conformist.
  • Traditions: lay rituals abound.
  • Nature: they are confident in the resources not created by their effort and work.
  • Of the neighbors: the Spanish, Malinchismo, the Mexican is not responsible for anything.

We remain a manipulated and always dependent on someone.

Continuing I would like to mention another of the issues that caught the recommended attention to reading on which it focuses on the Mexican self-assessment in which psychological study shows us that Mexicans are very senses are very easily offended, you have to measure and thinkWell the words that are used with them so that they are not going to bother. The jokes in which the Mexican character does everything wrong, so that it is useless, and jokes in which a Mexican intervenes and in them the king is the king of the situation leaving the other mocked, it is also necessary to demonstrate that corruptionIt has to do with self-evaluation. Not only has it to do with her, but it is her most subtle expression.

In the same way I would like to mention some points described in the aforementioned book in a brief way finding the following points important:

a) symptomatology, b) corruption as self-evaluation, c) the dissimulation

  • I think that the Mexican values everything foreign, and relies on influences because he feels not to assert himself, among other fanfarea characteristics, it is unpunctual, a prelude lover, we want to be important, insubordination, anarchy, fear, envy, waste. Criticism and listen to others, abuse diminutives in a thing and people, it is highly susceptible and practices many forms of corruption that ceases to be a moral problem to become cultural.
  • The dissimulation.
  • The Mexican is a two -sided society: on the one hand the democracy that is actually a deocracy since the official rector designates the positions by dedazo.
  • Politicians in their speeches show interest in the countryside and peasants, and in real life they are the ones who forget and thus most Mexicans give them to appear to be powerful when they are not.

Continuing with my reading I find another interesting topic in which it refers to the current Mexican society in which Luis Leñero Otero, president of the IMES, mentions that in traditionalist families the woman are protected, dependent, and accepted goodDegree their minority, but some women began to fight and for making their way to egalitarianism, and that these families began to suffer various kinds of connatural mismatches to change. Unlike what happens in Anglo -Saxon cultures, the Mexican woman is more mother than a wife, she defines himself more as a protector of children than as a man’s partner.

And being like that, I would like to mention the points where we see this issue in a more simplified way in which the woman by much carries a great weight which I have been in charge of important issues which I would like to simplify being an interesting topic andthat there is still currently the reason I mention these following points which made me important to mention:

a) The family, b) the woman, c) the young, d) social classes and castes, e) individualism

  • I think we are two nations in a. The modern nation, privileged minority that monopolizes science, wealth and power. And most oppressed and marginalized.
  • The family: where the father is a kind of boss and frustrated by servility experiences arrives and mangoneted house on his wife and children.
  • The woman: two very constant stereotypes coexist. The sweet, faithful, loving, selfless, dependent. And the ambitious, manipulator, traitor, prostitute, accomplice.
  • Young people: who want to own the world and transform it where they believe that the only thing that is worth is the personal value and ultimately the ability to impose itself.
  • Social classes and castes: they are divided into three classes. Short. They are marginalized, humiliated have a resignation of impotence and defeat. Half. They are usually dynamic showing spirit of competence tend to self-deception appears and presume powerful. It is the one that exercises control over the peasant, science and shows.
  • Individualism: the Mexican prefers to work alone: he does not believe in the team.

Continuing with our reading, I would like another of the chapters, which is called the Mexican worker in which I find that in the seventeenth century, the crown sold many public positions, logical is that they had access to them only the rich that concentrated and monopolized thecan;In this way, the concept of public office was established as an instrument for obtaining benefits, wealth and personal heritage and not as a public duty and community service. Unlike what the United States is today, Mexico did not emerge as an immigrants who came to work, fight and compete more or less in equal plan. He also mentions that the socio -political and religious structure was pyramidal and stratified and was a privileged society, and not of merits. We have much to the Mexicans of the 21st century the prejudice that manual work is servile and that the high -class man does not work but lives on his income, if not that legisla, sends and warrior. With this background, together with the low concept that we Mexicans have of ours, it is difficult for patterns, businessmen or managers to value those who dedicate their efforts to achieve the objectives of the company and usually come out with this type of phrases ”For that they are paid, ‘they say, reinforcing the belief that the only thing a person can get for his work is money.

I think there are wrong ideas in which to get people to work well, you have to manipulate them, make them believe in false promises, such as the muleteer who uses a rod with a carrot at one end and that places it in front of the animal to walk. I think there are important points of this topic which I would like to mention and give a slight explanation starting with:

a) their attitudes, b) their labor motivations, c) geographical differences, d) the woman at work, e) the counterpart: the managers.

  • Their attitudes: on the one hand many Mexicans at work is only a means to survive ‘oppressed class’ what their attitudes are very conformist and on the other hand the privileged class believe that the greater its command is more power and respect more power and respect.
  • Labor motivations: they are the behavior engines that move the individual to seek their satisfaction. Your physiological, security, social, self – esteem, self-realization needs.
  • Geographical differences: differences arise due to weather, in cold people are more active to generate, heat, warm climates are more wasteful inclining the amusements.
  • The woman at work: she has more opportunity to work, study, have a social life. More active but is more worried about your family than for your work.
  • The counter part, the managers: the leadership that is exercised is of an authoritarian or paternalistic type, which keeps the staff in an attitude of dependence and inferiority and belittles their contributions or skills.

I would like to end this work showing in a critical way of seeing Mexico in general, but mainly it is directed to why in our country organizations cannot work effectively, responding to this is said that an important factor is the relationship in the fieldLabor and psychology that the Mexican carries with himself since time ago, due to historical facts, transformation and adaptation of cultures, since a person is defined according to the environment in which he develops.

I think that the Mexican was created under different cultures and formation, eliminating our essence as Mexicans, causing an identity crisis, which prevents us from finding ourselves, but even worse depending on external or minimal factors, limiting our abilities that although although although althoughThey are excellent we hide them or use them for non -productive purposes, in addition to the self-devaluation of the above, where we belittle and give more power to foreigners, inequality between society for economic, gender reasons and the superiority of peoplereflected in the power that is granted to them. In addition to the individualism that has been created by the lack of self – esteem and that is rewarded by this, discarding teamwork that is vital in an organization.

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