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Psychology Work On Youth Crime


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Psychology work on youth crime


We want to start the description of our essay with a small phrase that has a lotVery simple but for us it contains many questions and makes us analyze through an ethical and moral reflection within our society, the same that must carry us out a construction of a healthy and fair society, in this way we are adequately fulfilling ourFormative Education, since we have good young people in our society as we also have young people who are losing themselves in social scourges.


Values are acts that begin at home, parents are responsible to enforce their duties and knowledge of their rights. In this sense, we have ever asked ourselves, do our young people live happy? .Faced with this question, we think, it is perhaps that our young people who are the future of the country are living one of their stages with a lot of exciteIn order to the future fruits of the country for a better walk, for a formation full of virtues and where there is no interruption for them in their development, we actually want these people to be examples in the future, however, we are truly giving themThe appropriate training for them to move forward, this is such a cruel reality for all of us since we start thinking about the youth that they would drink forward and get to be a country developed and full of people doingWonders with technology and even be able to improve the quality of life in our citizens who live in some places where they need help.

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Very few are the people who have put ourselves to think about this issue that we will carry out our writing.

That is why, to begin this extraordinary essay about such a worrying issue, we will make some premises that it is youth crime.

For Ucha is the general denomination that those crimes that are perpetrated exclusively by individuals who have not reached age, generally established in the 18 years, receive exclusively. For example, the young man who does not reach 18 years and who is dedicated to executing various illegal actions will be called as a youth criminal.

In this sense we can say that a young man or a lady of 18 would already be at an age where they both reached sufficient matures to know howThe age in which they have the way they have to act, in reality according to the career that a young man is studying at age 18, he is not yet suitable for acting in a mature way at the cognitive level.

For Denis, youth crime is growing in the country. There are young hitmen and even children who are in charge of murders. While the laws do not accompany the initiatives to stop crime in the country, which causes anguish and fear in the streets, it is in us to be the first agents of change.

In other words, parents would be those who are not fulfilling their role as bosses and a show of respect at home, if they are responsible for the values that should be instilled to be citizens of good in their formation, we have thought to think becauseIt is that youth crime is staining us in a very strong way, making this little reflection realthe family..

In this way, not complying with the parents with the roles that parents have our young people are more likely to suffer some addition since, the drug phenomenon is closely linked to new forms of youth crime.

This is a very certain statement since, the drug is a famous friend who is silently introduced to the person when he is truly going through a very bad situation and feels that only consuming can be calm and calm. There are so many young people who to steal are purely drugged. It is a big problem and this phenomenon is one of the reasons why youth crime is also given.

In that sense, it tells us: an alarming increase in internal consumption of drugs considered lawful such as alcohol and tobacco, as well as illegal drugs, whose production, possession, commercialization and consumption are sanctioned by law are observed.

In this way we can think and analyze, realizing that it is true since alcohol and tobacco are drugs that largely attack the life of the human being and the most alarming thing is that they are clearly accepted drugs in society and thisHe takes it as normal, without realizing that these are equally mortal as the drugs that are sanctioned by law. We can also say that society with its way of thinking and accepting some situations and taking them as normal also contribute to crime continuing to have more power.

There are different types of youth crime in our country as noted, we have sociological crime (which focuses a lot on the family and possible family disintegrations at an early age), there is also the characteristic crime (this is when there is some rejection ofParents at an early age), and finally neurotic crime (it is the one that is generally expressed in the need to be recognized and admired). Now, then if we reflect the only ones responsible for this great evil are the parents, it will be vital that they do a good job with their children.

Actually, youth crime depends a lot on parenting. The love and security that parents provide and if these were not instilled in a good way young people may be more likely to suffer any type of addiction. Thus, in Peru, statistics indicate that 80% of families physically punishes and humiliate their children. Means that 80% of Peruvian homes live in situations of violence. So, he will begin to look at violence as normal. 

Therefore, the love that parents provide in the different stages through which young people pass, sometimes in the eagerness to want their children to have good behavior, they are unintentionally and come to hurt them in such a wayThat children or adolescents think that their parents do not really want them and the blows in the future become something normal for them and that only the environment by which they can express their disagreement or agreement in different situations, so we would havethat invoking all people the appropriate way of being able to form in an appropriate way and truly showing love to their children. We must know that the blows are the best drivers to upbath the children, the blows only deafen who receives it but does not help him correct his mistake.

That is why we can think and so to question, what is the work that the psychologist fulfills in this type of situations, which role dies;It is usually thought that psychologists are only seen to treat emotions and feelings;But this is a totally false statement, of course psychologists are also immersed to dealThere are all different areas in which a psychologist can perform, for example, a clinical psychologist will have more knowledge in everything related to that area. 

Although all psychologists must be prepared before any, it is improved by the one who feels best for us, whether a clinician, an educational, a social, etc. In this case, the intervention of a psychologist is very important. For them we have believed to mention where it tells us that crime is immersed by many factors in which the economy, the family system (large families, violence within the family, etc. School absenteeism (such as school abandonment which implies abandoning the educational process and starting to frequent other environments such as gangs), the relational field (the child begins to have a very restricted environment) and psychosocial characteristics (the subjective components of the consolidation processof marginalization). 

But it is also important to clarify that there are causes that are equally important and we cannot let them be immersed, they are: abandoned childhood, psychological problems, destroyed households, the influence of the environment, drug fans and the situation of misery. It is in that sense that the psychologist serves as great help, because it will be the one to determine the reason for the situation and evaluate in a very thorough way every aspect of the person.

In itself, the support of a psychologist is very important to get out of each problem or difficult situation that we perceive, in this case the assistance of a social psychologist will be very vital for help and intervention to get the person to get the person for whomA bad circumstance is going on;The psychologist will also have a structured or semi -structured intervention plan, where he can perform different techniques and therapies for the improvement of said subject. He will be the best to bring such a case since he is immersed to social situations.

For the recovery of the patient and who is going through this situation, the family will also be of great importance inthus being able to reach a solution and face such a painful situation. However, it is not very common. This is where, as a psychologists, we realize that our first challenge begins, in which we would have to think about how to calm this situation, and try to find an adequate plan in which all members do not feel differences. Therefore, there is no doubt that as psychologists our function is very significant and you could say a lot of help, offered opportunities to the one who is going through such a problem.

In other words, the function of the psychologist is to create an environment where assistance is perceived and at some point protection, promoting in the person and the other participants a climate of trust, trying to regulate the negative situations that they are going through at some point.

Due to all the above we conclude by stating that youth crime has as a way of being born in the family nucleus, and that it will depend a lot on parents and the great work that awaits them for parenting and that it has to fulfill it very well and goodway, trying to properly reach children and/or adolescents.

It is also pleasant to say that the way in how children and adolescents form will depend a lot or in all parents, since they will be the ones who have in their hands the lives of their own children, since these will determine the life for whichis destined to pass the young man (a).

Likewise, we must think that the education we taught at home will be for the lifetime of the person since it will take into account the way in which he was educated and the attitudes that he had towards him, with this, once again we doemphasis that education is also one of the forces that helps counteract this type of evil, and thus not fall into some type of vice.

It is called society to change the erroneous ideas that it has about alcoholic beverages since the integral health of each living and special being of young people is seriously related since it creates a great dependence, if this is happeningFor some difficult stage, as a society we will not collaborate any more the purchase of alcoholic beverages and less to tobacco, let’s not let these drugs that are accepted with total naturalness and with total self-confidence end the life of those who can be the future of our country, let’s finishWith that useless way of thinking about things, and on the contrary, we help young people get in front of a good way.


Finally, we realize that the psychologist is of vital importance in this type of case, his participation and collaboration will be very significant, and help it to give us well delimited so that we can feel calm and with a flat confidence to be able to treat eachCase with great care and caution. Remember that psychological intervention at disastrous moments can help a lot, especially if you are a teenager who wants to get ahead. As psychologists you must be prepared to accept any type of cases in which you must act immediately if it is of great consideration since we could avoid many disastrous situations.    

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