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Psychopathology Suicide


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Psychopathology – Suicide
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Psychopathology – Suicide
Laila Critique
In my view, the belief that ‘only deeply depressed individuals commit suicide is not true. This is because Lester, (2013) asserts that by 2000 fifty to seventy percent of suicides were committed by individuals in a condition of clinical and deep depression while the rest were made up of rational individuals. I also think that an episode of the major depressive disorder occurring over a fortnight is characterized by the other symptoms other than frequent views of death or suicide. These include depressive mood, anhedonia, notable weight shift, lack of sleep or oversleeping, slow movement, tiredness, feeling worthless or guilt, or reduced attention (Nussbaum et al., 2013). This information is contained in the DSM-5 which also reveals frequent thoughts of suicide as a condition in many other disorders.
Amaris Critique
I concur with the suggestion that deeply depressed individuals are not the only group to commit suicide. This is evidenced in the “DSM-5 (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders)” which analyses suicidal behavioral disorder and non-suicidal self-injury. The manual links various disorders to suicide. Such disorders include posttraumatic stress, bipolar, obsessive-compulsive, body dysmorphic, and dissociative disorders, as well as anorexia, bulimia, and mood disorders. The information contained in the DSM-5 manual with other disorders diagnosed through the risk of suicide included such as insistent intricate grief disorder and neurobehavioral disorder linked to alcoholic consumption before birth (In Courtet, 2016).

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In my opinion, this information affirms the evidence that not only deeply depressed individuals commit suicide.
Karen Critique
In my view, suicide is linked to many other factors with deep depression only a portion of the cause. Many suicide cases have been linked to the consumption of alcohol despite the drink hardly causing the death. I think the two ideas to consider when linking alcohol to suicide identified are “the individual’s drinking habits and the potency of the alcohol.” Alcohol affects the result acting as a catalyst to suicide. This can happen through alcohol affecting the individuals’ mental inhibition to commit suicide. I also think Alcohol facilitates the idea to commit suicide when integrated with other drugs. Holmes and Holmes (2005) provide the example of Xanax which alone cannot lead to suicide, but it is easier when intoxicated with alcohol.
Jerica Critique
I concur with Furnham and Tsivirkos (2017) that about 10% of suicide cases are linked to individuals with schizophrenia or substance abuse. I also support Lester’s assertion that rational individuals commit suicide stating that these make up five to ten percent of suicide cases (2013). I think individuals whose decision to commit suicide is still unexplained, do so after critically thinking towards a life-changing moment (Furnham, & Tsivrikos, 2017). An example is a diagnosis of a fatal illness.
Rocio Critique
I support Heok’s views that comorbidity of physical impairments with psychiatric disorders is linked to rising risk of suicide among elderly patients (2012). I also think that depression may not be the dominant factor in depression-related suicide but needs to be treated to reduce the risk of suicide through comorbidity of disorders. In my view, individuals diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) may be at risk of suicide because of the interpersonal hardships, social seclusion, trouble solving issues, and strained perception. These symptoms when unchecked develop into adulthood leading to increased risk of the behavior among adults with ASD (Gelbar, 2017).

Furnham, A., & Tsivrikos, D. (2017). All in the mind: Psychology for the curious. P 37.
Gelbar, N. W. (2017). Adolescents with autism spectrum disorder: A clinical handbook. Oxford University Press.
Heok, K. E. (2012). International Handbook of Suicide Prevention: Research, Policy, and Practice. P 314.
Holmes, R. M., & Holmes, S. T. (2005). Suicide: Theory, practice, and investigation. Sage Publications. P 134.
In Courtet, P. (2016). Understanding Suicide: From Diagnosis to Personalized Treatment. P 7.
Lester, D. (2013). Suicide prevention: Resources for the millennium. Routledge. P 173.
Nussbaum, A. M., & American Psychiatric Association. (2013). The pocket guide to the DSM-5 diagnostic exam. Washington: American Psychiatric Publishing. P 42.

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