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Psychosocial Characterization Of Substance Abuse


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Psychosocial characterization of substance abuse


At present, the indices that lead the list of factors that measure the development of a country are health and education. Not only nations from their sovereignty try to improve these indices, but also international control agencies such as the OAS, the UN (and its different interdependencies), NATO, etc., They contribute to the development and improvement of these indices through the constant observations, records, and contributions that seek to provide information nations and relevant mechanisms.

 A topic that involves both factors, both the area of health and the educational area is the consumption of psychoactive substances. In this regard, world efforts to reduce, prevent and solve this situation are not despicable;On the contrary, the actions aimed at combating it from all spheres are increasingly frequent and notorious.

General objective

Psychosocially characterize the risk factors for the consumption of psychoactive substances (SPA) different from alcohol and tobacco in university adolescents in Bucaramanga.

Specific objectives

  • Identify the psychosocial characteristics of the consumption of psychoactive substances in university adolescents in Bucaramanga.
  • Describe the psychosocial risk factors for the consumption of psychoactive substances in the population studied.
  • Generate an intervention proposal to minimize the risk factors evidenced in the population studied.

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For decades, numerous analysts resolved that, more effective than solving the consequences, it was to attack the causes in order to avoid the emergence or consolidation of the drug phenomenon, which is why numerous campaigns and organizations responsible for generating consciousness and socializing and socializingThe harmful and destructive effects of these substances.

 From the beginning, such campaigns have been successful in the dissemination of content that promotes the reflection of populations around the danger of consuming psychoactive substances;However, it gives the impression that the globalization and effects of the new generational trends brought with the media, in addition to the different economic, political, and social situation of the countries have stressed that this matter, instead of decreasing, it is strengthened.

Fortunately, academic efforts have represented great advance, and literature made up of the numerous studies in this area constitute a corpus that constantly grows and updating. Thus, to date the influence of these investigations on the sociocultural impact and academic consolidation that allows to act on the paradigm of the consumption of psychoactive substances, to the point that the stigma and marginalization indices – in the political area and authorities ofHealth- have decreased to a minimum, becoming the consumption of psychoactive substances as a world public health problem, in the face of considerations of decades ago that considered it a simple inclination of the individual, which could be mitigated if the consumer was punished.

Precisely thanks to these studies, the concept of risk factors was created in the context of the consumption of psychoactive substances, which consists of those circumstances or personal or environmental characteristics that, combined with each other, could be predisposing or facilitators for the beginning or maintenance of the maintenance of the maintenance of theDrug use and abuse.

 Likewise, it has been found that adolescence is the stage in which individuals are more vulnerable to these factors, so they make up the potential population where investigations direct their ideas so that the various organizations in charge believe the respective onesMeasures and programs to, beyond fighting retailers, dealing with the growing demand for psychoactive substances.

Taking into account these precedents, the present work places as the main theme the risk factors that predict the consumption of psychoactive substances in the adolescent population in the university stage. The specific object of study is taken since these are the potential consumers in whom you can verify the various risk factors that influenced their experimental and prevalent use, and also because they are the ones who are in constant exposure to the consumption of psychoactive substancesThanks to the ease of acquisition offered in the context in which they are immersed, as well as the individual freedoms they enjoy. 

Problem Statement

According to the World Drug Report 2018 made by the United Nations Drug and Crime Organization, it is estimated that, by 2016, in the world there were around 275 million people between 15 and 64 years who consumed drugsAt least once, a figure that equals approximately 5.6% of the world population. Likewise, according to the data offered by the WHO, in 2015 approximately 450 died.000 people as a result of drug use, of which 167.750 obeyed direct factors such as psychological disorders and overdose. 

The rest were caused indirectly, such as the acquisition of HIV and hepatitis C viruses due to the use of infected needles as a psychotropic injection mechanism. Before such alarming figure, international control agencies have intensified their efforts to act on the potentially vulnerable population thanks to risk factors. However, the panorama becomes quite imprecise since the characterization of the population does not obey any specific pattern such as socioeconomic status, since “drug use is not exclusivity of a certain socioeconomic class, distributing regularly by all of them.

Now, the problem of production, traffic, sale and consumption of narcotics in the Colombian case is much more serious than simple world social stigma. In fact, such stigma does not exist for free, given that most of the cocaine of the world comes from Colombia, where in 2016 the manufacture was increased to about 866 tons, which meant an increase of more than a third with respect to 2015;Also, almost 69% of the 213.000 hectares that in 2016 were dedicated to the cultivation of coca worldwide were in Colombia. 

The discouraging Panorama is a contrast of what was evidenced from 2000 to 2013, period in which the crops of this illegalState political situation that hindered compensation to the peasants for the replacement of cocaleros crops with other types of sown, and also reduced the eradication of such crops.

Centered now on domestic consumption, the ease of achieving and acquiring narcotics in the national territory is evident. This ease is due to the high offer of psychoactive substances-which in turn is the product of intense demand-, which consequently makes prices accessible to consumers.

 In this regard, we have that the substance market is increasingly broad and diverse. It is estimated that around three million people have ever consumed illicit drugs in the country.;Precisely, referring to the diversity of psychotropics, in 2016 the early alert system of the Colombian Drug Observatory had reported the detection of 28 new psychoactive substances in the country. 

To deal with this situation and obeying the world pattern against the consumption of psychoactive substances, different national regulations, among which the National Development Plan, the National Policy for the Reduction of Drug Consumption and its Impact, the Plan, the PlanNational Health Promotion and Prevention and Care of Psychoactive Substances, undertook measures aimed at the identification and attenuation of risk factors, which are focused on the “design of plans and programs at the territorial level that respond to the diverse needsof the family, the community and the individuals in terms of prevention, mitigation and overcoming the risks and damages associated with these substances.

However, if we take a look at the numerous programs for the prevention and mitigation of drug use in Colombia, such as Yomi Life "," Retake "," spoiled "," healthy "," Leones educating ", to cite some examples,The majority are focused on children and pre-adolescent population, which, although it is understandable that it is the focus of interest because it is from that stage that prevention can be initiated, also eclipses the adolescent population that is truly what is trulyIt is immersed in the consumption of psychoactive substances or, at least, it is potentially exposed to this.


Due to all of the above, and based on the fact that according to the data offered by a study on drug use in university students made in 2016 which determine that 38.7% of the students surveyed have ever consumed illicit drugs inLife and 22.4% in the last year. The investigative interests of the present project take as an object of study the university adolescent population with ages from 16 to 19 years, with the aim of characterizing the risk factors of psychoactive substances consumption.

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