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Psychosocial Consequences Of Pregnancies In Adolescence


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Psychosocial consequences of pregnancies in adolescence

Among the psychological problems in the mother are post-participation depression, low self-esteem, largely due to the truncation of her vital plans and the rejection of the couple or social. Usually the father is also a young teenager who does not assume the paternal responsibility of him, causing a situation of emotional, economic and social abandonment in the mother and child.

We can also talk about another series of social disadvantages: low educational achievements, school abandonment, unemployment, more frequency of child abuse and abandonment. Many times the teenager has a very low level of schooling, so it is complicated to access decent work that allows her to meet her basic needs.

Due to all these risks that pregnancy in adolescence entails, many health and protection organizations in the world have as its objective that their incidence is reduced, thanks to training programs in which young people and their families.

Pregnancy not planned in a teenager can cause serious biological and psychological disorders, especially if he is under 15 years. In addition, to have an impact on its social sphere, the educational project is interrupted and the need to enter prematurely to a job, usually poorly paid for a work, arises. Sometimes, hurried marriages occur that commonly do not last with the subsequent social, economic, personal and health repercussions of children.

The impact of pregnancy on adolescence is psychosocial and translates into school dropout, greater number of children, unemployment, failure in the relationship with the couple, lack of maturity to adequately attend to the child, impossibility of providing a safe, stable home , emotionally and economically.

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For your attention, an integral approach is needed by an interdisciplinary team trained in the care of adolescents and, specifically, of responsible maternity-parenthood.

Within the third course of prevention and attention of teenagers, organized by said hospital, he stressed that many times adolescents see their life diminished by early motherhood and sometimes by an unplanned marriage. He stressed that these circumstances limit the opportunities for education and employment; These adolescents have age ranges ranging from 10 to 19 years, predominantly the group from 17 to 19 years. He commented that pregnancy in adolescence implies a high risk for her mother and son, reporting the complications related to pregnancy between the main causes of maternal-perinatal death in the country.

Psychosocial consequences for pregnant teenager

  1. Fear of being socially rejected: one of the consequences of adolescence and pregnancy is that the young woman feels criticized by her environment and tends to isolate himself from the group.
  2. Rejection of the baby: they are girls and do not want to assume the responsibility, time and obligations that mean being. However, this also makes them feel guilty, sad and their self – esteem is reduced.
  3. Problems with the family and their social environment: communicating pregnancy in the family is often a source of conflict and even rejection by their own environment. In social strata of medium or high purchasing power, pregnant adolescent is usually discriminated against by her membership group.
  4. Frequent abandonment of studies: when pregnancy is confirmed or at the time of raising the child, which reduces their future opportunities to achieve good jobs and their possibilities of personal fulfillment by not taking careers of their choice. It will also be very difficult to achieve permanent jobs with social benefits.
  5. Frequent pregnancies: adolescents who are mothers tend to have a greater number of children with shorter intergenic intervals, eternalizing the circle of poverty.

Consequences for teenage mothers babies

  1. They have a higher risk of sudden infant death ’.
  2. They have a greater risk of physical abuse, negligence in their care, malnutrition and delay of physical and emotional development.
  3. Very few access social benefits, especially for the care of their health, for their status as ‘extramarital or because their parents do not have work that has them.

Consequences for the teenage father

  1. School dropout is frequent to absorb the maintenance of your family. – It is also common that they have worse jobs and less remuneration than their parents, subject to stress inappropriate to their age.
  2. In general, all conditions emotional disorders that hinder the exercise of happy paternity in the future.
  3. Teenic couples are characterized by being of shorter and shorter duration and more unstable, which is usually magnified by the presence of the child, since many are forced to formalize by that situation.

WHO recommends to avoid pregnancy in adolescence: limit or avoid marriage before the age.

In any case, the best prevention is that young people have a good sex education from the same family. It is important to inform about the risks and complications of pregnancy in adolescence and all the changes that will occur from the moment the adolescent becomes pregnant.

Although the State cannot solve everything, health institutions, as well as those of a social and cultural type, must be more involved in the investigation of these components. Education is required to exercise responsible sexuality and approach with the family, which is the main link for socialization and to have mechanisms for affection, social support and communication. Sex education is not exclusive to school and health centers, it must start in the family environment. The family must protect its members, transmit the culture of knowledge and, above all, socialization. That is where we are failing.

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