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Public Policies For A Non -Sexist Society


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Public policies for a non -sexist society

This essay tries to frame, know and formulate a brief criticism about what public policies are directed towards the fundamental rights of people, putting greater emphasis on the issue of sexuality and gender roles, since understanding the conception of these Themes can help to understand even more why current and constant social movements that emphasize a concern for equity and equality of gender roles, as well as the severity of deaths as a result of bad strategies and education that ends up becoming To society in one: non -inclusive sexist society.

Throughout history, societies have been found in a process of constant change, either for the passing of the years, or because it is made up of people belonging to a society, country, ethnicity, ideologies, customs, language, etc., which allows them to be unique and conform to a region and territoriality. Mexico as a sovereign country has various characteristics that distinguish it as a people and as a society; Society immersed certain laws and regulations, such as the Political Constitution, Carta Magna that governs the actions and rights of the people of Mexico

To talk about public policies, in the first instance it must Statutes or laws that constitute it as an independent nation; These laws also known as the Political Constitution of the United Mexican States, and that their compliances governs, protects and ensures of welfare each of the people members of the State.

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Without good, the previous text refers that the Mexican State, through its laws printed in the Political Constitution: protects and watches over the well -being of people belonging to the Nation, it is necessary to mention that these laws during the passing of the years have had many modifications and/or reforms, due to impartiality and non -inclusion with which they were established; so not quite watch over the integrity of people. A brief comparison between the articles of the law will be carried out below which refer to education and equality between genres and sexes, said comparison will be with respect to article 3 originally written and with current reforms printed in the Constitution: “Teaching is free; But it will be secular to be given in official education establishments, as well as primary, elementary and superior education that is taught in private establishments, ”based on the previous appointment, it is necessary to underline that there is no paragraph in any paragraph reference to Equality in gender, sexuality and equity roles, so it can be argued that in the time it was written, there was no mention of these issues; The same article of individual guarantees is announced below, but with the new reforms to the law established in August 2019 that in its third paragraph says: “Education will be based on unrestricted respect for the dignity of people, with a Human rights and substantive equality approach ”and in its eighth paragraph announces:

The study plans and programs will have a gender perspective and an integral orientation, so that knowledge of science and humanities will be included: the teaching of mathematics, reading-writing, literacy, history, geography, civism , philosophy, technology, innovation, indigenous languages ​​of our country, foreign languages, physical education, sports, arts, especially music, promotion of healthy lifestyles, sexual and reproductive education and reproductive education and care for the environment, among others.

With the above, it can be plotted that the Mexican State in the last dates has considered the issues of gender and sexuality roles in its fundamental laws, which is expected to meet the demands of today’s society.

On the other hand, it is necessary to emphasize that Mexican society has suffered attacks such as discrimination, crimes, impunity, corruption, sexism, etc. for many years because of not having implemented a gender perspective within its legislative framework, which is why International organizations such as the United Nations Organization (UN) and the World Health Organization (WHO) have launched, treaties that contribute and promote gender equality, right to sexuality, sexual education, etc. It is necessary to emphasize that Mexico is a member of these international organizations, which within its work agenda establish the development and equality of each of the members belonging, such as the 2030 Agenda through 17 objectives of sustainable development (SDGs) Slab which have as main objective: "put an end to poverty, fight against inequality and injustice, and deal And they serve problems towards their member states.

Of the 17 ODs, objective 5, gender equality refers: "Achieving equality between genres and empowering all women and girls", once again is announced and the importance among member countries equality between genders to decrease is recognized discrimination and other attacks towards this theme.

In accordance with the above, once again the importance of the theme of sexuality and gender roles, as a social and health problem is recognized, that is why WHO as an international organism defines basic concepts so that from These, Member States carry out public policies that help eradicate inequality, inequality and thus achieve healthy coexistence, better relationships, health, among the subjects belonging to societies, so the following are announced below: “Gender; It refers to the roles, the characteristics and opportunities defined by the society that are considered appropriate for men, women, boys, girls and people with non -binary identities ”, once again society is implicit in the construction of Concepts according to their own characteristics as a society, however these societies belonging to these international organizations cannot neglect the these concepts of the opposite would be stigmatizing, discriminating, excluding people, hence for the construction of their own strategies and Public policies must consider these concepts and thus help in health, inclusion, equality between their peoples, etc., it should be stressed that WHO uses the word gender to refer to relationships between people and for a categorization between them but does not necessarily refer To biological sex, properly not to create sexist societies.

Human rights are part of another important aspect, since they are also taken into account in the creation of public policies and thus create more egalitarian societies, with gender equity and inclusion, however the UN through an assembly recognized the declaration Universal of Human Rights, for all members of the human family of which it is necessary to emphasize those who contemplate sexual and reproductive rights.

Sexual and reproductive rights are not described in a contextual way in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, however WHO defines them as sexual health and reproductive health as follows:

Sexual health is a state of physical, mental and social well -being in relation to sexuality. It requires a respectful approach to sexuality and sexual relations, as well as the possibility of having pleasant and safe sexual experiences, free of all coercion, discrimination and violence.

Reproductive health is a state of physical, mental and social well -being, and does not mere absence of diseases or ailments, in all aspects related to the reproductive system, its functions and processes.

From a particular point of view the previous concepts are limited to a state in which a person may or may not remain according to their being in a specific physical context and not to be that it could be more inclined to a right human.

In previous paragraphs it has been using the term sexism which Morgade announces.

Sexism is a form of discrimination that uses sex as a criterion for the attribution of capacities, valuations and meanings created in social life. That is, based on a social and cultural construction, society orders reality in two drawers that respectively point out "this is the feminine" "this is the masculine" and like other forms of discrimination, it tends to cure the people In imposed parameters.

In Mexico, the same goes practically despite the fact that the State belongs to various international organizations and that have established criteria to eradicate discrimination and encourage inclusion, aspects such as culture and social construction prevent them from being carried out because society itself It has its origins in culture, a macho, hierarchical culture where in most cases women are seen as lower beings for their attributions and abilities established by the same society.

While the title of this essay speaks of public policies for a non -sexist society, it was necessary , norms or mandates, in order to generate an egalitarian and inclusive society, however these have had negative results, since in the same way in advance it was announced that the Mexican State is rich in culture, traditions and customs in which the machismo, inequality, accusations, discrimination and that in its case does not allow the development of fundamental rights in this society. Therefore it can be concluded that the public policies that the State has launched in accordance with international organizations (UN, WHO, CNDH) have not given good results due to culture, traditional traditions and customs in each individual of each individual in each individual of Mexican society and therefore will continue to be used as sexism as a way to differentiate people.


  • Carlos, l. C. (2017). Sexual and reproductive rights: a human rights issue (first ed.). Mexico: National Human Rights Commission.
  • General Directorate of Libraries of the Chamber of Deputies, H Congress of the Union. (1917). Political Constitution of the United Mexican States. Mexico: Official Gazette of the Federation.
  • General Directorate of Libraries of the Chamber of Deputies. H Union Congress. (2019). Political Constitution of the United States of 1917 (last reform DOF 08-09-2019 ed.). Mexico: Official Gazette of the Federation.
  • United Nations Mexico. (September 2, 2019). United Nations Mexico. Retrieved on September 2, 2019, from the United Nations Mexico: http: // www.UN.org.MX/AGENDA-2030/OBJECTIVES-Del-Development-Sustainable/
  • World Health Organization. (August 23, 2018). World Health Organization, World Website. Retrieved on September 3, 2019, from https: // www.quien.int/en/news-work/fact-goets/detail/gender#
  • Sandra, a. OR. (2004). Towards a non -sexist education. Network of scientific journals of Latin America and the Caribbean, Spain and Portugal, 13.

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