Punishes As A Form Of Education
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Within education is the so -called logical nomo network, which is a framework of logical criteria or norms, which govern the uses of the terms included in the same semantic field distinguishing them by distinguishing them. This network is formed by training, instruction, manipulation and teaching. All of them are part of education, but in this essay I am going to focus on manipulation. And in particular one of the factors that she entails as they are, the punishments.
First, manipulation has a clear intention that the polite reaches the response that interests the educator and not any other. Based on this objective, to carry it out there is conditioning and indoctrination. Focusing on conditioning two arise, the operant and the classic. As for operating conditioning there are two ways for a child to act in a certain way as it is reinforcement or punishment.
The punishments have always been present in the education of any boy or girl. First of all it is necessary to take into account that there are different types of punishments such as the positive one that is about applying an unpleasant stimulus and the negative punishment that is based on the withdrawal of a pleasant stimulus, both in order to reduce undesirable behavior. After informing myself about the characteristics of punishments and their use focusing on the concept of education, I wonder if punishment is an educational action, since I have also mentioned before is one of the factors of manipulation.
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Punishes partly condition children. However, punishments that are not psychological and not physical are effective to reduce behavior, provided that certain characteristics are carried out, such as specifying the rules before the situation occurs, not threatening or preventing, but carrying out the consequence On the first occasion and every time undesirable behavior occurs, it must be applied immediately after undesirable behavior and the consequence must be aggressive enough for the person to abandon undesirable behavior before receiving it.
Therefore, I am in favor of using punishments within the educational environment, but the limits should not be exceeded. These limits are exceeded, in many occasions in schools and homes when great aggressiveness is reached, it is evident that punishment becomes physical. This occurs when levels of abuse are reached which are associated years later to the high risk of presenting violent behaviors and psychopathology.
Therefore, physical punishments cannot be reached, it is not an option, since it produces problematic collateral effects such as, the non -teaching of new behaviors, who is punished tends to avoid relating to who punished it, negative emotional complications can occurAnd aggressive behaviors and who punishes he feels temporarily reinforced in derailing his anger, but that gratification can prevent the impact that punishment has on the punished child.
However, punishments are currently beneficial to withdraw bad behaviors and on many occasions they are the best option for the consequences to know and bad action is not repeated. Thus, the punishment has several pros for children such as the teaching that certain behaviors are not accepted and have consequences in the discipline both inside the home and within the classrooms
On the other hand, since childhood, with these punishments that seem insignificant, they are helped to socialize to develop in a society that if you do something outside the norms in this case I speak of the law because you have consequences, since as in schoolsIf there were no minimum standards, everything would be crazy.
The punishments also delimit roles within the family and schools as the figure of parents or teachers. It is not bad for children to contemplate an authority figure that in this case is the one that imposes the consequences. It is not intended to be afraid of this authority figure, but this favors them to be aware of their actions knowing that there is a person at their side that will condition them, but to be better people and have more behaviorsfavorable for them;For example, the responsibility of studying or doing homework.
Finally, in the classrooms there is also an observational learning through punishments. An example, within a class a child is punished for getting up from his seat at the inappropriate time children will obtain an observational learning because they observe that if they get up from the chair they will have a punishment as a consequence for example, a negative or not go out to recess.
Thus, in the punishment method an aversive consequence is administered to the appearance of behavior. It is a way for the person to learn what he does not have to do, instead of what he has to do. The punishment is sometimes favorable whenever it is carried out in the correct way.
Finally, in my opinion, if punishment is used in any situation, this can never cause any psychological or physical damage. In addition, they should not abuse them and before carrying out a punishment, it is tried to resort to reinforcement. However, in this case I have wanted to dealBoys and girls.
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