Punishment And Society Coursework Example
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According to criminal law and justice, every crime and criminal that breaks the law has to be punished in one way or another. The punishment given to an offender depends mostly on the crime committed, and the action of punitive measures is taken. A criminal penalty occurs to both adults and young children who are below the age of eighteen years. Following the laws implemented in the criminal justice field, it is safe to say that one has to fully comprehend what power and part the society plays when it comes to implementing punishment measures to law offenders (Maier, 254). Law officers define punishment as a way of correcting an individual and the punitive measure taken by officers of the law to instil discipline have benefited many.
Today, the criminal justice system has evolved and improved in very many different ways regarding how punishment measures are taken against law offenders. The society has been involved in the justice system to help in giving punishments to all types of criminals (Surette, 120). In the courts of justice, the jury is chosen which represents the society, and the jury members contribute a lot to the punishing of criminals. Following the laws and policies of the criminal justice system regarding punishment, the society has the right to issue any punitive measure as long as it is acceptable by law. The involvement of the society in punishment of criminals to ensure that the proper punitive measures are given to them helping in change the culprit.
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Criminal justice organizations have the responsibility to ensure that there is equal treatment to the suspect and defendant from the community (Marie, 300). The punishment is given to a criminal because of the offence committed need to be fair and just. Punitive measures like jail time are meant to achieve the objective of behavioral change and giving a sense of responsibility to the criminals. According to the criminal justice records, most of the offenders who have been punished for their crimes have shown change and the society goals achieved.
Works cited
Maier, Katharina. “Gail A Caputo, a Halfway House for Women: Oppression and Resistance.” (2016): 253-256. Print
Marie Webster, “US punitiveness ‘Canadian style’? Cultural values and Canadian punishment policy.” Punishment & Society 17.3 (2015): 299-321. Print
Surette, Ray. Media, crime, and criminal justice. Nelson Education, (2014). 113-145. Print
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