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Pygmalion Effect As An Academic Tool


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Pygmalion effect as an academic tool


The pigmalion effect applied to the educational context refers to the expectations that the teacher has on the student, which can condition his behavior towards him either positively or negatively and affect or enlarge his academic evolution. This concept has its roots from the Greek literature which indicates that Pygmalion sculpted a statue of a woman, fell in love with her and I want so much that it was a real woman that the gods granted that desire. Since then, the dreams that are made have been a repeated literary theme over the centuries.

Merton cited in Ríos defined how: “The process by which the beliefs and expectations that others have about someone affects the behavior that comes to act confirming those expectations. (p.76). For example, if a teacher expects good results from their students, the performance of these tends to approach their intellectual capacity.


Therefore, it can be said that they will be able to develop their full potential, if on the contrary, the teacher expects minimal achievements, the student’s performance will also be low, regardless of the abilities they have. Burón, points out that: "While it is true that school performance is the result of various variables, we must also consider, as important, the attitude of the teacher and his expectations towards his students". They will see in him imagine negative or positive according to how the teacher.

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By explaining the process that gives rise to the Pygmalion effect, a description of the three fundamental steps and the sequence of the same is usually made, rivers stands out:

  • Training of expectations or prophecy;For example, from a group of students like this little can be expected.
  • The means are put so that these expectations are made;As this group is not expected, not all available resources are used.
  • Confirmation of expectations is described: not putting the available means, the possible results are not achieved from the group, the prophecy is fulfilled and the teacher is further strengthened in their beliefs.

In that sense, what is known in psychology is given as self-fulfilling prophecy, that is, the teacher’s beliefs about the abilities of his students originated behaviors that the same teacher expected. Not only the positive or negative expectations of the teacher can affect the student’s behavior, but they can also affect the intellectual level of the same. The Pygmalion effect shows that the affectionate social interaction between teachers and students and strengthen deep trust in the possibility of developing their potentialities, that the teacher understands that his image is as important as learning himself.

It should be noted that the pigmalion effect is one of the approaches with which teachers should initiate all educational experience, because it can allow us to get input, surprising results with our students. Therefore, a teacher who transmits to the student a reasonable confidence that he will do it well will improve, it is more often getting to improve and if he builds paths of peace the effect is even better.

In accordance with the specificities exposed around the references or conceptual constructs externalized throughout this study, the contribution of this theory allows to set a theoretical, philosophical and scientific position from the complex and transdisciplinary perspective of the image that the teacher must have inThe educational context, since according to the different interpretations of them, is of vital importance, for the construction of the theoretical approach of the phenomenon of study, since it is from the educational context starting with the initial education where the foundations of the future personal personaland future professional.


Definitely, addressing this theory in the educational context is an interesting contribution to this study, it requires an image of the teacher with a positive axiological and transdisciplinary vision;Which means that the teacher can incorporate wonderful, motivating ideas into his professional life, whose competences of: entrepreneurship, innovation, integration and assessment to his profession, provide possible solutions to the challenges facing the educational process in the day to day,which takes transverse skills to achieve better education.  

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