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Personal Q & P Plan
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Phase I of Personal Q & P plan
I have been an addict of alcohol drinking for a long period; this has caused me a lot of problems both socially and economically. I pick it as my Q & P plan. For the past few months, I have experienced continuous headaches, insomnia, dizziness and general body tiredness. Due to curiosity and worries arising from this, I took a look into the internet and what I found was a list of dangers associated with heavy drinking. Apart from the poor performance in school, limited family time and wastage of money, the following were vividly listed; increased blood pressure, liver inflammation, Heart muscles damage, the establishment of cancers, increased in weight and osteoporosis. With all these, it is unlikely that one would live the desired years as expected in life (Hyslop. 2000). This, therefore, is a reason why I am taking a turn in my life, and Personal Q and P plan will help me correct.
I intend to track the progress by the successes that I would gain with time. This would be done on a paper, and I would like to see all the positive things that would come into my life as a result of this planned abortion of alcohol drinking. One of the critical factors that I would like to consider is my general health. The anticipation is that the symptoms that are currently within me will be eradicated in due time. An increase in productivity both in class and at home or rather a change is my anticipation.

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Moreover, I wish to see whether there would be a direct relation between the quantities of food that I would be taking with the reduction of alcohol consumption. The number of days that would take to resume normalcy is what I would like to find out so that it would be used in advising other alcohol consumers accordingly.
Phase II of Personal Q & P plan
As a TQM tool, I would use a histogram to make a correlation between the selected personal Q & P plan. It is a frequency distribution table which shows a group of data in a given dataset. Here, I would be taking the frequency of food consumed beginning the date the alcohol consumption is reduced and recorded for ten days. Alcohol consumption has always limited food usage, and I believe there would be an observable change in frequency of food consumption as time goes. If no change in the rate of consumed food is observed, then it would mean there is no a correlation between alcohol consumption and food intake. This will further elaborate on the implications of food on the experienced diseases. Some of the questions that the histogram would try to answer would be knowing whether there is a link between alcohol and food consumption (Davies et al., 1983).
Sample of a Histogram that is likely to be obtained from Personal Q &P plan
Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7 Day 8 Day 9
Alcohol 3 2 2 2 0 4 1 0 0
Food 1 2 3 4 6 2 5 6 6
Frequencies of food intake,
Number of days 9
Class intervals
1.00-1.99 1
2.00-2.99 2
3.00-3.99 3
4.00-4.99 4
5.00-5.99 6
6.00-6.99 2
7.00-7.99 5
8.00-8.99 6
Frequency of food intake 4        
1.0-1.99 2.0-2.99 3.0-3.99 4.0-4.99 5.0-5.99 6.0-6.99 7.0-7.99 8.0-8.99
From the above, is true that the frequency of food intake increased with time (When alcohol consumption was reduced)
Phase III of Personal Q & P plan
Trying to be a bit frank, Personal Q & P plan has not been a walk in the park. It demands a lot of sacrifice and determination. Changing from that daily routine and opting for something different made me realize that nothing commendable ever comes easy. With determination and set objectives, I was in a position to successfully alter my habits despite the competitive challenges experienced. One of the key lessons that I learned is that even though something could be too complicated, it is possible if we set all our energies on it. It will never happen with a humble heart. Some of the main factors that led to the success of the task were being faithful and obedient to the resolutions that I had set. It wouldn’t have been a success if I kept breaking the agreements that were already signed with my mind. Perseverance and patience came second; it was not easy keeping away all the friends that I had since I was young. Some did not even believe what I was doing, (Gibb et al., and 1985). They kept discouraging me that I was acting a fool of myself that I didn’t need to punish myself in the name of improving myself. The most challenging moments were the weekends, in particular, we were used to clubbing with my all-time friend’s something I liked much.
Majority of the people who noticed my change were members of the family and close friends. My family was highly encouraged that something good had befallen me. I made new friends and lost some who never trusted me anymore, they considered me as an outsider who did not respect the bond of unity. From this project, I learned that sacrifices have to be made if positive changes are to be made in life. The pros don’t equal the cons at all the time. If a single successful person were to be chosen as having benefited the most from this project, I would choose myself; it has been a great undertaking that I would sincerely encourage everyone to try it. The only suggestion that I would wish to tell Dr. Meloun is to incorporate more people into the system. It is rewarding.
Hyslop-Margison, E. J. (2000). The employability skills discourse: A conceptual analysis of the career and personal planning curriculum. The Journal of Educational Thought (JET)/Revue de la Pensée Educative, 59-72.
Davies, P., & Walsh, D. (1983). Alcohol problems and alcohol control in Europe. Beckenham, UK; Croom Helm Ltd.
Gibb, A., & Scott, M. (1985). Strategic awareness, personal commitment and the process of planning in the small business. Journal of Management Studies, 22(6), 597-631.

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