Quality Management In Public Health Organizations
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Over the years, various technologies have emerged that help the human being improve their lifestyle, many of these technologies are used to preserve human well -being, however, some health center does not fully comply with the rules ofQuality that must be put as a priority for citizens in general to receive good attention, it is for this reason that this work aims to make a rapid description of the possible and main quality management models that can be applied to organismsof public health, to later propose one of them on the platform of its characteristics.
When we talk about quality we refer to the degree in which a set of inherent characteristics meets requirements. The implementation of quality standards within public health services is of vital importance, because they are used to significantly improve these spaces, with the collaboration of the various administration regulations based on quality models such as ISO andEFQM.
On the other hand, NHS Task Force defines public health such as: «Science and art of preventing disease, prolonging life, improving, protecting and promoting health and well -being through organized efforts of society. These efforts must address both health policies and the latest causes of health and disease and the provision of effective health services ». Another essential part in this aspect is the approach of public health organizations, related to the administration.
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Model for the valorization of efficacy (quality) in public health agencies.
Based on the above, a comparison will be revealed to measure the criteria that must be met so that the health service is considered quality, in addition to standard indicators and values (already existing, taken as a reference). On the other hand, it is believed that if the diagnosis is focusing on a strategic plan it must be clear and precise. Reason why they will be referred to in models focused on the health area. Regarding ISO 9000 standard, the confidence must be given that the necessary requirements for technical and certified operation be met.
Aimed at giving solutions to repetitive and systematic situations. The ISO model is focused on the guarantee of quality and takes as a starting point, for the design and elaboration of the service, consumer demands. That is why in public health the simple conformity of the patient is not enough, but that it must be certified that scientific knowledge is applied correctly. As for the processes carried out in laboratories and inspections, they are normalization products, so ISO is of great help to guarantee its quality. Catala Center of the Qualitat, ISO 9001-2000 is based on a process organization model and is based on the documentation of all the actions carried out within the organization directed towards the elaboration of a specific product or service.
Development and its phases
To introduce quality management, the ASPB laboratory was taken as an axis. The implementation of a model or accreditation tools ISO 17025 by the food and hygiene service as a consequence transformations were presented both in the organization and also in operation. In 2008, a self-assessment was carried out, formulating another quality program focusing on external materials in order to take into account the opinions of patients when the quality of service they receive.
The development of a management model inspired by the European Foundation For Quality Management (EFQM) allowed to propose an integrated perspective and perform a global and systematic periodic evaluation of the organization, identifying priority aspects to work. To integrate a quality management program in all the elements of the organization, it is not an easy task, since a health organization has the individual with a high degree of technical qualification, in the context that the professionals who are forged are the ones who are the ones whoThey lend themselves to be considered enough, so that users are not judged, together with the terminological differences, the demands of the work and contingencies of the day.
Current, Internet is used by MIR voters as a resource to meet the need for information on MPSP health training. The lack of accessibility and the low quality of this hinders the making of an informed decision between one or the other or, even, by a different specialty. Of the 24 you accredited MSP only half have their own website and the information contained does not meet the needs of the voters. The Ares website has been able to give visibility to the same UD without its own website. (González, 2017)
In research work, within the evaluation carried out externally according to a predefined model enriches us with a series of very important foundations:
- The decision of the evaluation evaluation itself, the conduction of external experts that are perceived as neutral.
- Grants the maximum in an interlocution in each team is responsible, which can be integrated in its management systematics.
- It forces to define what was previously implicit only (objectives, processes, procedures and protocols, circuits, relationships with users, response to contingencies, complaints, etc.).
- Provide an indispensably and systematic perspective. This ultimately through very drastic change in public health. If we talk about costs of the process that leads to change is 50.000 euros used for accreditation and external service (up to 0.16% of the organization’s budget), in addition to the dedication of the individual involved. There is the probability that this has made the prolongation of this strategy easier to other dependencies.
The organizational culture of the company is one of the intangible elements that allow it differences of competition and provide a competitive advantage. The strategies initially proposed to implement the quality optimization actions made some new plans within the organization be discovered, since work was being done in the field of quality. However, these changes have been reinforced with an evaluation carried out externally from each of the services, since the decays that existed in each of the specific areas were known. Finally, a study should be carried out in different public entities to make the results more accurate, since in each
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