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Quality Of Life And Well -Being In Humans


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Quality of life and well -being in humans

The pandemic caused by COVID-19 has generated sudden changes in society, especially in the health sector and mainly in the dental area, since it must be worked very closely to the patient, approximately 30 centimeters and with aerosols thatThe fluids of the stomatognathic cavity of 3 to 4 meters trigger, directly exposing the dentist, their airways, eye tissues and the patient to a viral load in the dental care cubicles, even more with asymptomatic people. According to Dental Tribune, by March 2020 the dental industry worldwide is affected where dozens of dental congresses in Europe, China and the United States have had to postpone due to COVID-19. Also the care in the area of dentistry have declined abruptly leaving a great gap of attention to patients who require this service. (1)

Due to the high level of contagion and the lack of knowledge in biosafety measures for dental clinics or clinics, a fear of attending the consultation was generated, not only for the arrival at the scene, where he would meet several people and theDoubt for the traceability of dental instruments and supplies, but also for everything that implies mobilization. On the other, the WHO described it as the highest risk profession in Covid times for being high in reception and transmission of the virus (1). For all the restrictions of mobility and lack of attention of most businesses, due to the assurances arranged by the National COE, many treatments were unfinished and other abandoned, thus creating a change of plans in the different treatments.

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On the other hand, the global socioeconomic impact that is lived by the juncture forces implantologists to seek solutions of less cost and minimize the times of the appointments, as well as being selective and prioritize the emergency of each case. (two)

Dental implants are tools and/or devices whose purpose is to be in the upper or lower jaw, stable, resistant, effective, non -atrogenic, durable supports, over which adapts a removable or fixed prosthesis in order to return the patient to the patientpartial or completely deared or edentulus, an adequate function, satisfactory comfort and a aesthetic compatible with all its social function. (2) The evolution of dental implants has passed from generation to generation from one culture to another from Chinese culture, Egyptian culture, Roman culture and another than in their first works used stone and ivory and as time progressedThey used other elements such as gold and silver and some alloys. (3. 4). According to Villafuerte J. In his pre-graduate thesis he says that implants at the beginning of the titanium without treating previously and as their physical and conductive characteristics gradually progress. Nowadays the non -smooth surface of the implants increases the contact surface several times causing the fibrinolization to promote the blood clotting. (3. 4)

Dentists are considered a high-risk group group by COVID-19 infection, due to the specificity of related procedures, which include close to 1 m between the dentist and the patient (narrow contact), the frequent exposure tosaliva, blood and other body fluids, as well as the manipulation of sharp and rotary instruments that can generate aerosols. (4). The infection can be inoculation of viral particles through the conjunctive, nasal or oral mucosa, by contact with secretions or by contaminated instruments and/or surfaces such as metal, glass or plastic (where it can remain viable between 2 hours and 9 daysat room temperature depending on moisture). (5) (6) Dental practice constitutes a great factor in this study, since this professional group has been very affected and limited in its function that has had to bet on a much more strict care protocol and that is whythat this medical discipline should be investigated how this medical condition influences this medical condition.

The coronavirus (COV) are viruses that arise periodically in different areas of the world and that cause acute respiratory infection (anger), that is, flour syndromes, which can evolve to a mild, moderate or severe clinical presentation. The new coronavirus (Sars-COV-2, causing the disease called COVID-19) was listed at the end of January 2020 by the World Health Organization as an emergency in public health of international importance (ESPII). Cases have been identified on all continents, where the transmission of SARS-COV-2 occurs mainly by direct contact with an infected person, who emits drops of saliva or secretions that can reach the mucous membranes of a second individual who is less than1 m away. The second form of transmission is self-oculation, when the hands of a person have had contact with contaminated surfaces and touches the mouth, nose or eyes, carrying the microorganisms to their own mucous membranes.

In the professional environment of dentistry, it is suggested that the transmission of the new COV occurs similar to how it has been reported for other respiratory viruses, due to the proximity less than 1 m between the professional and the patient, and by the inhalation of aerosolsproduced during work with air -driven elements (handpiece, micromotores or sonic or ultrasonic equipment. There is evidence that about 15% of infected people do not develop respiratory signs or symptoms and can transmit infection. Anyone can infect, regardless of their age, but so far there have been relatively few cases of COVID-19 in children.

The mortality rate is 0.4% to 4%, being the eternary group of greatest risk that of older adults (> 60 years) with a mortality rate of 3-11% (65-84 years). People with the greatest risk of serious anger by SARS-COV-2, are those with a history of hypertension, diabetes or lung disease or people with organ transplant, -with cystic fibrosis or severe asthma or with other serious health conditions.

Some symptoms of acute respiratory infection caused by the new coronavirus are: i) Fever of difficult control, greater than 37.5 ° C and for more than 3 days, ii) cough, iii) difficulty breathing, iv) fatigue, v) nasal secretions and vi) general discomfort. The incubation period has been reported between 1 and 14 days and those individuals who do not develop symptoms (asymptomatic) or present very mild symptomatology, can also disperse the virus, this last point being relevant in children from 1.5 years and up to 17 years.

There is currently no specific treatment or proven vaccine for any coronavirus. The treatment is symptomatic and in the case of requiring it, the management is done according to the patient’s severity. Dentists are considered a high occupational risk group due to the infection of COVID-19, due to the specificity of related procedures, which include the proximity less than 1 m between the dentist and the patient (narrow contact).

Frequent exposure to saliva, blood and other body fluids, as well as the manipulation of sharp and rotary instruments that can generate aerosols. The infection can be inoculation of viral particles through the conjunctive, nasal or oral mucosa, by contact with secretions or by contaminated instruments and/or surfaces such as metal, glass or plastic (where it can remain viable between 2 hours and 9 daysat room temperature depending on moisture). Additionally, in some cases, the size of the micro-greets (less than 5 μm), which contain viral particles, and can remain suspended in the air for several minutes before settling, which allows its inhalation.

There is no evidence of studies in Ecuador that correlates both the quality of life and well-being in dental post-implants during the time of the pandemic since this situation is currently unprecedented.

Ecuador’s situation is critical because he has had to fight and learn to live with the coronavirus creating strategies to survive and work in the area of dentistry and thus defeat the adversities that arise. Because of this the theoretical and practical justification of the study indicates necessary to carry it out. It is considered as a general hypothesis that there is an excellent quality of patients with dental implants in a dental office in Guayaquil.

Consequently, the following research problem is formulated. What is the relationship between quality of life and satisfaction in dental post-implants users of a dental office in Guayaquil, 2020

The general objective is to determine the relationship between quality of life and satisfaction in dental post-implants users of a dental office in Guayaquil, 2020;While the specific objectives are the following: Describe the level of quality of life perceived in in dental post-implants of a dental office of Guayaquil, 2020;Identify the level of welfare perceived in dental post-implants users of a dental office of Guayaquil, 2020.

Therefore the following research question is asked: What is the relationship between quality of life and satisfaction in dental post-implant users in a dental office in Guayaquil?

The present research has theoretical relevance since it allows to know the relationship between the study variables that contributes to the theoretical development of the object of study, even more than in context of critical situations such as health emergency by COVID-19. The methodological relevance is based that the study will allow validating the instruments so that they have evidence of validity and reliability to measure the variables and can be used in subsequent investigations.

The study is convenient since it allows to obtain empirical evidence of the quality of life and satisfaction in dental post-implants users of a dental office of Guayaquil, 2020 since as human beings it is important to know howguayaquil 2020, describe the level of satisfaction in post users in users-Dental implants in a dental office in Guayaquil 2020, identify the relationship between the expectations of quality of life and dimensions of satisfaction in dental post-implants in a dental office in Guayaquil 2020, identify the relationship between perceptions of quality of life andSafe dimensions in dental post-implants users in a dental office in Guayaquil 2020.

For this reason the following hypotheses are assumed.

  • There is a statistically significant relationship between the quality of life and satisfaction in dental post-implants patients in a dental office in Guayaquil 2020.
  • HO1: There is no statistically significant relationship between the quality of life and satisfaction in dental post-implants patients in a dental office in Guayaquil 2020.


The specific hypotheses:

  • HA1: There is a statistically significant relationship between the expectations of quality of life and satisfaction in dental post-implants patients in a dental office in Guayaquil 2020.
  • HO1: There is no statistically significant relationship between the expectations of quality of life and satisfaction in dental post-implants patients in a dental office in Guayaquil 2020.
  • HA2: There is a statistically significant relationship between perceptions of quality of life and satisfaction in dental post-implants patients in a dental office in Guayaquil 2020.
  • HO2: There is no statistically significant relationship between perceptions of quality of life and satisfaction in dental post-implants patients in a dental office in Guayaquil 2020.


On an international level:

Meg l. et al., (China, 2020), in your research recommends that dentists must take strict personal protection measures and avoid or minimize operations that can produce drops or aerosols. The 4 -hands technique is beneficial to control the infection. The use of saliva ejectors with a low or high volume can reduce the production of drops and aerosols. Likewise, in the evaluation of patients during the outbreak or presence of COVID-19 cases, dental clinics are recommended to establish previous triajes to measure and record the temperature of each personnel and patient as a routine procedure. The technical staff must be in charge of asking patients about the state of health and the contact or trip history. (5)

In the oral exam, the pre-operative antimicrobial oral rinsoof a 3 -way syringe, it must be minimized as much as possible. Intraoral X -ray test can stimulate saliva and cough secretion. Therefore, extraoral dental radiographs, such as panoramic radiography and conical beam TC, are appropriate alternatives during the Covid-19 outbreak. (5)

Aquino Canchari, Ch. et al., (Peru, 2020), summarizes the following precautions to take into account: 1) Reinforce protection measures during dental care, due to working distance;2) medical procedures that generate aerosols (the case of dentists), is recommended to use FFP2 masks valve, due to the high risk of aerosols aspiration;3) For the use of surgical masks (N95), it is recommended to change them every 2 hours, with the purpose of avoiding their deterioration and efficiency;4) Hand washing must be done before and after dental practice and 5) the use of biosafety measures (gown, gloves, mask, hat and protective lenses). (6)                   

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