Quality Study In Customer Service And Satisfaction
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The Abraham Lincoln Technical Institute was founded on February 10, 1957, by Prof. Luis Macías Cornejo, with the purpose of training young people at the average and upper technical level;With human values, professional abilities and above all that provide good service to society. Currently this educational institution is legally recognized as an educational institute according to the R.M. 0488/2019 certified by the Plurinational State of Bolivia through the Ministry of Education.
This educational institution currently has 240 students in the morning, afternoon and night from where 120 are the general accounting career, 80 to the career of Executive Secretariat, 30 to the Tourism and Hospitality race and 10 to the raceof public relations. The teaching and administrative staff that has around 29 people where 22 are teachers and 7 are administrative.
With the passing of time this institute has become one of the most prestigious educational centers in the city of La Paz, taking into account that there is currently a great and arduous competition between educational institutes that offer their services and degrees in national provision in shortweather. So in order to continue providing an efficient and satisfactory education to students, they must become competent in the care, infrastructure, academic service and client learning, which can take a long process since these points were a bitForgotten with the passing of time, which gradually affects its institutional prestige.
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Satisfaction is the evaluation that the customer performs with respect to a product or service, in terms of, if this product or service responds to your needs and expectations. If the perceived performance is lower than expectations, the client feels disappointed. If it is equal to expectations the client will be satisfied. If the client exceeds them, he will be delighted.
Then we see that the objective of meeting the needs and satisfactions of the client should not be lost at any time, and jealously caring for them, trying to maintain a reasonable trial always showing a good institutional image.
It is also important to mention that for Jiménez González:
Student’s satisfaction is a key element in the valuation of the quality of education, since it reflects the efficiency of academic and administrative services: their satisfaction with the learning units, with the interactions with their teacher and classmates, as well asWith facilities and equipment.
In this way it is seen that the student’s vision, product of their perceptions, expectations and needs, will always serve as an indicator for the improvement of the management and development of the institutes. Thus, it is believed that every institution must be given to the task of knowing strategic issues about customer service quality, so that this can be developed correctly within it, managing to expand its percentage of customers, thanks to theCreation of a good and correct image, followed by the increase in recommendations, developing a more comfortable environment for both their employees, current and future customers.
It is then necessary to point out that this document aims. So that in this way the efficient and effective development of this Institute of Technical Education can be contributed.
Materials and methods
For the present study, a quantitative investigation of a descriptive and cross -sectional type was carried out, carried out according to the objectives of this research, so the survey was used as a technique and as an instrument a questionnaire was carried out. This questionnaire was applied to 58% of the total students with which the Abraham Lincoln Technical Institute has to date.
The questionnaire that was applied for this study was asked based on closed questions according to the Likert scale, which is divided into 4 parts. In the first part, general customer service questions were asked, from the moment information is collected, registration so far that I became a student of this institute. In the second part, questions were asked in accordance with the infrastructure that this institute, environments, furniture and other. The third part is composed of academic satisfaction questions, that is, teacher evaluation, methodology and others;and the last part is composed of questions in relation to the learning that is provided to the student, materials, update among others. Appendix 1
This questionnaire was applied in the first week of December from 8:00 a.m. to 22:15. Schedule in which the students of the different careers pass classes.
When carrying out the study analysis, it was possible to observe and verify that of the 100% of students that this institution has both in the morning and night shift 50% are of the general accounting career, 33% of the Secretariat CarreaExecutive, 13% of the tourism and hotel career and 4% are from the Public Relations career, a career that was just implemented in this management. Appendix 2
Degree of customer satisfaction
Of the total population surveyed, 21% is made up of the male sex and the remaining 79% is constituted by the female sex, (Annex 3) It is also worth mentioning that in 42% they made this questionnaire students of the general accounting career,33% Executive Secretariat career, 14% Tourism and Hospitality career and 11% Public Relations career. Annex 4
1st students. and 2nd. Year were the ones who made the customer satisfaction questionnaire because in these there is the largest amount of student population without neglecting 3rd students. Year of the Abraham Lincoln Technical Institute.
The first part of the questionnaire presents results with the attention given to the client (student) from the moment he entered his facilities, the attention provided, the waiting time, the institutional image that he demonstrated andthe information that was given. The first 6 questions of this first part are at a 4 -option choice scale that is excellent, well, regular and bad. On the other hand, in the remaining 4 the scale is 3 response options if sometimes and not.
In this first part of the questionnaire it was possible to show that 58% of the student population had good attention on their first visit to this training institution. Meanwhile 29% had regular attention, 9% had excellent attention, 4% a bad experience and 1% do not respond how it can be evidenced in the graphic.
In the second part of the questionnaire, we wanted to study the level of satisfaction that the client has in terms of the infrastructure offered by this institution. The environments in general, classrooms, reception, computer rooms, dactylography, bathrooms and also the furniture that this has been taken into account.
According to the graph, it was observed that 54% describes how to regulate the infrastructure while 23% qualify it as good, 15% do not respond, 8% qualify it as bad and 0% as excellent.
In the third part of the questionnaire, academic satisfaction was studied specifically what is academic plan, teachers, methodology and academic information. In this part it was evidenced that 66% describes as good academic satisfaction, 19% regular, 10% excellent, 5% do not respond and 0% sees how bad.
In the last part of this questionnaire, the level of satisfaction that existing in students regarding the learning that is given is studied since the level is very dependent on the level in education that students currently have. In this block the learning materials, teaching explanation, update, student monitoring, teaching were taken into account, where it was possible to show that 61% see how the learning provided, 21% see it as regular, 10% asExcellent, 5% do not respond and 3% look bad.
This house of studies from the moment that it began to provide its services to education always had great reception by the population since its acceptance was seen in society mentioned the youngest son of the owner of the ABRAHAM Lincoln Technical Institute current General Manager Prof. Juan Luis Macías Kovacev.
The present study was conducted in order to identify the shortcomings that are existing in terms of customer service since for some couple of years there was a great decrease in students.
It is worth mentioning that the study of customer service in an educational institution is not only measured from the secretary’s perspective and the information provided, this study goes beyond what is information since once the person (client (client) decides to be part of an educational institution, the stay of this must also be taken into account, its infrastructure compliance and learning and academically.
These points that were taken into account in the questionnaire are so important because they will tell us if the student is feeling comfortable and satisfied during their stay in this institution. It will also make us understand whether or not to be recommended to the institution. Annex 5
According to Graray and Edgington, satisfaction is an emotional response of the individual to the experience and the relationship with the service provider;It should also be mentioned that in this regard Naik and Jiewanto conclude that of the background such as the quality of service and customer satisfaction are mediators of behavioral intentions, and since 1980 there is evidence that the highest levels of satisfaction themselvesthat affect a greater intention to recommend.
Once this study was completed, it was possible to show what are the shortcomings that exist for attention, infrastructure, academic and learning. Although these answers are not so accurate, information could be obtained from what are the points where this institution is having flaws.
In this way, this institution should worry about managing the quality for improvement if you want to succeed as in its first years of life, or simply maintain or increase its profits or simply survive in the midst of constant changes and in a market eachEven more competitive, therefore we see that this institution chooses to satisfy its customers through quality strategies since the service that is provided is not only framed in what is secretary but there are other services such as infrastructure, learning and academic that areof great importance and must take them into account.
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