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Quality Time
List the technological devices your family members use to access media. Roughly how much time do they spend engaged with digital media? If Williams visited your home, would he find your family in a “cyber-cocoon”?
In the modern world of technology, many electronic gadgets are always present at home. These devices are often utilized by the various members, and their utility has led to the isolation of family members. Everyone is engrossed in a device checking an email, video among others. This has dramatically deprived the family of the quality time of hanging with each other. Some gadgets are frequently used that have made our home a center of cyber utilization. (Colombo et al., 93) The devices that are used at home to be able to access media comprise Television, personal computers, tablets, smartphones as well as tablets also. The author will be astonished by the number of gadgets that have made my home to be a focus of technological utility.
In your experience, does the presence of four screens in a room suggest that people are living in four separate realities? Do you see any evidence that “technology has become an alien, and alienating, force in the contemporary home” (paragraph 22)? Do you find the families profiled in the article extreme in their media consumption, or relatively typical?
The availability of several screens in a single room is a significant sign of a family that is not integrated. This is because the whole family needs a time where they can watch programs on Television together and be able to share the jokes as a family.

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Thus, having more than a single screen like phones, tablets, etc. in a room makes people to be indulged on their realities because everyone wants to watch their interests instead of sitting together to watch a standard program. Technology has for sure brought about separation in the average home. This is through the acts of people enclosing themselves from the rest of the family to watch their media of interest. (Colombo et al. 94). This is significantly reducing the bonding time between the family members. However, the family portrayed in the article has a relatively typical consumption of media. This is because everyone in the room is in possession of a device that is useful to their interest, the parent’s focus is their work while the children are immersed in games that are fun to their selves.
Set specific time aside with friends or family to play an old board or card game like Monopoly, Clue, Risk, gin rummy, poker, etc. IN A GADGET FREE ZONE—no phones, iPods, TV, internet, radio, and so on. Describe and reflect on the experience. Was the time boring or fun? Did you feel freed from the gadgets or itching to get back to them? Did you suffer cell phone withdrawal? Did you see any evidence that taking a break from technology might enhance interactions with friends and family?
I had set aside a session to which I decided to have fun with some games which I played with my family members. I realized that during this session, I experienced a lot of fun in engaging in the games with them. I was dragged away from the feeling whereby I was craving to check my phone. My focus was on the company and the game that I forgot that I even possessed a phone at that moment. Through this activity, I realized that the game had increased the interactions between the family members as everyone was participating in the Monopoly game. The session had improved the time that the family spent together as one. The break from these devices had helped some of the family members to appreciate the company if the others.
Work Cited
Colombo, Gary, Robert Cullen, and Bonnie Lisle, eds. Rereading America: Cultural contexts for critical thinking and writing. Bedford Books, 1998.

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