Quantitative Research
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DownloadQuantitative Research Design Appraisal
Read Jun, E., Roh, Y., & Kim M. (2012). The effect of music-movement therapy on physical and psychological states of stroke patients. Journal of Clinical Nursing. Doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2702.04243.x This article is posted in the “Readings” tab in the Week 7 Forum.
Conduct a rapid critical appraisal by answering the following question on this form. You do not need to include a Title page, but be sure that grammar, clarity and APA standards such as font size, spacing, etc. are adhered to.
Keep explanations brief
1 Study Design
A Identify the dependent and independent variables used in the study. Explain here:
The dependent variables included various physical and psychological variables of stroke patients. The physical variables were a range of shoulder motion, muscle strength and activities of daily living). The psychological variables included mood states and depression. The independent variables were the music-movement therapy regimes.
B Identify the type of design used in this study – descriptive, comparative or correlational. Explain here: The study was a comparative study since the endpoints like joint movements, mood states, elbow flexions were studied in both experimental (comprised of those individuals who were not exposed to music-movement therapies) and control group
(comprised of those individuals who were not exposed to music-movement therapies)
C Did this study use an experimental, non-experimental or quasi-experimental design? Explain here: The study was a quasi-experimental study since it involved both experimental group ( who received music-movement therapies ) and control group
( who did not receive music-movement therapies), which again became the experimental group once the need for Music and Movement Therapy was established.
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D Describe intervention groups used in this study. Explain here: The intervention groups was the experimental and control group. The experimental group comprised of stroke patients who received music and movement therapy for eight weeks along with the routine standard of care. The control group received routine care and music, and movement therapy was introduced after the post MMT measurements were completed for the study. The total sample selected for the study were 40 stroke patients admitted within two weeks of stroke. The experimental and control group comprised of 20 individuals each.
2 What are the Results?
A What is the level of significance? What does this imply? Explain here: The level of significance chosen was 0.05. This indicates the probability of a null hypothesis, which means 5 out of 100 cases shows improvement by the chance to MMT therapy. Therefore, the rest 95% cases shows improvement due to the significant effects of MMT therapy. Hence if the p-value is less than 0.05, the interpretation would be less than 5 out of 100 cases shows improvement by chance to MMT therapy and the null hypothesis or hypothesis of happening by chance can be considered too low and is rejected. On the other hand, it means that the experimental hypothesis that stated that MMT therapy significantly improves physical and psychological outcomes, would be accepted.
B What conclusions can you reach regarding the results Explain in terms of statistical results: shoulder flexion and joint elbow flexion was significantly more ( as p values were less than 0.05) in the experimental group compared to the controlled group. However the hip joint flexion upper arm muscle strength, lower arm muscle strength and ADL were comparable in experimental and control groups (p values were >0.05), thus MMT does not significantly improves muscle strength and ADL in stroke patients.
C Were the instruments used to measure the outcomes valid and reliable? Explain here: The instruments were reliable concerning the power of the test, the values of chosen level of significance, the homogeneity of samples( representing similar populations and eliminating bias) and statistical tests performed were robust.
3 Application of results
A Discuss the study’s limitations Explain here: The limitation involved non-homogeneity of the sample selected concerning depression variable since the control group already had higher depression score even before the experiment started. Further the study was conducted on a small sample, and chances of experimental bias were high.
B Identify a risk and benefit of the treatment? Explain here:
The risk involved fall or impact injuries at hip, shoulder or elbows while the benefit involved was the improvement in neurological deficit that occurred due to stroke
C What are the EBP implications of this study? Explain here and provide an example:
EBP implications indicate that MMT should be intervened in stroke patients at least in acute conditions to retrieve their neurological functioning.
Grading Criteria Points Possible Your Points
On time submission 10 Study Design 10 Study Results 10 Study Application 10 APA, grammar, and organization 10 Total 50
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