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The “European Union” has 28 member states that are mainly in Europe. The international monetary fund had 189 member states and was established in 1945 with the aim of ensuring stability in the international monetary system. The summary of money flow in and out of a country is represented by the International Capital Flow which refers to the financial part of international trade. The monetary policy controls the printing and circulation of money. To stimulate economic growth, the government may engage in deficit spending during a recession. A supranational actor is a union or group in which the influence and power of member states exceed the national boundaries. A transnational actor, on the other hand, is an organization that acts independently from state authorities and whose operations are beyond state boundaries. The Euro is the single currency of the European Union. Justice and Home Affairs were important in the Treaty of Maastricht.
What was established after World War II to coordinate currency exchange and the balance of international payments?
The “International Monetary Fund (IMF)”. This organization was established in 1945 with the aim of ensuring stability in the international monetary system. It has 189 member states. The IMF works with the “World Trade Organization (WTO)” in a complementary manner to ensure smooth international trade and resolves trade disputes. The WTO was established in 1947 and it has 164 member countries (Peet, 2009).

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Printing and circulating money is part of what policy?
The monetary policy.What is the summary of all the flows of money in and out of a country?
The summary of money flow in and out of a country is represented by the International Capital Flow which refers to the financial part of international trade. It comprises of the total imports and exports in monetary terms (Ott, 2003).
Under what kind of principles do governments engage in deficit spending to stimulate economic growth?
The government may engage in deficit spending during a recession. In this case, the governments’ expenditure is more than its revenue. The government must borrow money to spend it.
Compare and contrast a supranational actor vs. a transnational actor.
A supranational actor is a union or group in which the influence and power of member states exceed the national boundaries. An example of a supranational actor is the World Trade Organization or the European Union (Iosifidis, 2011). A transnational actor, on the other hand, is an organization that acts independently from state authorities and whose operations are beyond state boundaries. A transnational actor is also defined as a social, political, economic and cultural agent with trans-societal relations in different nations but independent from governmental considerations (Risse-Kappen, 1995)
What was the first European organization established after WWII?
The European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC)
Rank, in order of progression of economic integration, the following: customs union, common market, economic union, free trade area.
Free Trade Area
Customs Union
Common Market
Economic Union
The EU institution which has 25 individual members who represent the interests of Europe as a whole is the what?
The European Parliament
What are the two types of media with the strongest political impact?
The internet
Digital Media (TV)
What is the single currency of the European Union called?
The Euro
Justice and Home Affairs were an important part of what European Union treaty?
Treaty of Maastricht
Peet, R. (2009). Unholy trinity: the IMF, World Bank, and WTO. Zed Books Ltd.
Iosifidis P. (2011) Supranational Bodies, Non-State Actors, and Global Media Policy. In: Global Media and Communication Policy. Palgrave Global Media Policy and Business. Palgrave Macmillan, London
Risse-Kappen, T. (Ed.). (1995). Bringing transnational relations 
Ott, M. (2003). International Capital Flows. Retrieved May 27, 2018, from http://www.econlib.org/library/Enc/InternationalCapitalFlows.html

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